The weekend had come quickly. Kat found that time was really starting to fly. It was only a few weeks and she felt like everyone wanted a piece of her. The weekend brought another invitation. She walked through double doors of a grand house.
"Kat! Over here!" A high pitched voice called.
Kat was waved over by a small group of girls in the living room. She was finally starting to settle into the school year. She made a group of friends, easily fitting into the circle that her brothers hung out with. For the girls popularity was all about how to dress the part and Kat did that well and took pleasure in buying a new outfit or matching shoes or jewelry.
She glanced around at all of the kids talking and drinking. She still felt a bit out of place, but she wasn't nearly as uneasy as she'd been at the first party of the school year.
Kat took the last sip of water in her cup. Welcoming the excuse to take a break from listening to the idol gossip about kids she didn't even know.
"I'll be right back." She said with a smile. Kat slinked through the crowd of teens, squeezing between several kids hovering in the doorway of the kitchen, and then walked over to the kitchen faucet.
With her fingers wrapped around red a solo cup, she lifted the silver handle on the sink faucet. The water sprayed into the plastic cup. Filling it halfway, Kat shut off the water. She felt a presence beside her.
She turned her head and gave a small jump, momentarily startled by the male voice beside her. "Hi."
"Oh my god!" Kat gave a nervous laugh and slapped her hand to her chest, "You scared me!"
She glanced over to see a handsome blonde boy standing beside her. He leaned forward resting his arms on the counter.
"Sorry about that." He said apologetically.
"It's ok, I wasn't paying attention...just off in my own world." Kat reassured him. He had white blonde hair that was perfectly moussed and the sweetest smile. Now he was definitely a welcoming change from the group of gossiping girls in the living room.
"Oh." Billy replied. He smiled, then nodded in the direction of Kat's cup. "You better be careful," he said. "I heard they spiked the water."
"Well," Kat chuckled. "Then I guess it's going to be an interesting night." Kat grinned. How cute, the joke was a little corny, but his effort to keep up a conversation was too adorable. She had to play along.
"I'm Billy" He said. Billy smiled again Kat couldn't help but notice two rows of perfectly aligned and gleaming teeth. Kat felt her breath catch in her throat as she looked into a pair of ocean blue eyes. They were light in color, but also seemed so deep. She almost felt like she could fall into them.
"Hi, Billy." Kat felt her cheeks turn warm. She turned to walk away. There had to be something wrong with him if he is here alone, talking to her. He was just too hot.
"We're in the same grade," Billy continued as he followed her. "I've seen you around. You're Kat Stafford, right?"
"Yes. Why?" Kat said. The singular syllable hung there. Kat felt her spine stiffen, hoping he wasn't looking for trouble, although he didn't seem like the type and he was friendly.
Billy's smile flickered. He looked uncomfortable, but this only lasted for a moment.
"I, uh, I know your brother, Scott. We played football and baseball together for the township."
"Oh, that's nice." She felt a bit disheartened. "So you play baseball?" She repeated. Although she felt less skeptical of him, she wanted him to like her for her, not because they knew who her brothers were. But she was surprised he would need her to make popular. There had to be something wrong. He was too good looking.
"Yeah." Billy replied.
"Nice." Kat said.
"Hey Billy!" A male voice called out from across the kitchen.
Kat turned her head towards the kitchen doorway where Jim was leaning into the room with one hand on the entryway.
"Hey, Jim." Billy answered. Kat noticed Billy straighten up and take a step back from her. Her heart sank. Too good to be true, he was hiding something. Not surprised a gorgeous guy like him had a story.
"Brittany is upstairs waiting for you," Jim said. Kat watched Jim shoot Billy a pointed look, before glancing over at her. Kat felt her cheeks flush. So, Billy had a date here, but he was standing in the kitchen talking to her and it looked like Jim was upset about it. She would be too.
"I'll, uh...I'll be right there." Billy stammered. Jim looked over at Kat once more, this time with a forced smile. He was caught.
"Hey, Kat." Jim called.
"Hi, Jim." She said, returning the greeting. Kat raised a hand and gave a slow deliberate wave. And wanted to say 'and thanks for the information that he is cheating on his girlfriend, by talking to me'. But then again, they were just talking. He was just introducing himself to her. Maybe it wasn't such a bad thing. But he was one to watch.
Jim looked to Billy, then lightly smacked the wall twice and pointed upstairs before leaving. Ugh, she thought. A disgusting make out session upstairs, or fooling around, whatever he's going to do, Kat didn't want to think about.
Although he said he knew Scott, she took comfort in knowing someone in Billy's immediate circle of friends, someone other than her brother. Knowing Jim gave her an idea of him. Then again, did she really want to know him? He was talking to her while he was on a date after all. That wasn't exactly a good first impression.
Kat turned back to Billy, with one eyebrow raised. He smiled sheepishly and then looked down at his feet, raising a hand to rub the back of his neck.
"So, you're here with Brittany?" Kat asked. She slit one eye as she studied him. Honestly, it was pretty hard to look at his perfect face giving an innocent smile back and be mad at him.
"Um...Yeah," Billy said. "But it's just a date," His face was reddening, as he struggled to collect himself.
Kat stared at him, as if this explained everything. Why would a girl go on a date with a boy and end up in a bedroom, especially if they weren't going steady. It didn't make sense.
"So, do all of your dates end upstairs?" She asked pointedly.
"Well, It isn't the first time we've gone out." Billy spluttered. "Brittany and I used to go out before." The smile had melted away from his face and he was now staring at Kat with wide eyes, as if he'd been caught doing something awful.
"Oh, So, you're going back out with your ex-girlfriend?"
The corner of her mouth twitched, and she squinted her eyes playfully. It was sort of fun torturing him.
"No, it isn't like that. We aren't going steady or anything, it's just a date." Billy insisted throwing his hands out. Retreating every statement. Trying to act as if he was available.
He squirmed in discomfort. Kat couldn't help but notice how adorable he looked in that moment. His cheeks were flushed with embarrassment. It only made his bright blue eyes stand out all the more.
"Kat!" Kat's head snapped in the direction of the kitchen doorway, which Sean had just barreled through. He shot Billy a hard look as he charged her way. Sean put his hand on Billy's chest. Billy took a step back and Sean stepped directly between the two, acting as if Billy wasn't even there.
"Give me your cup!" Sean demanded. "What's in that?"
"Water," she said, flatly. Kat rolled her eyes, as she handed the cup over to him. Sean was the biggest drinker out of all of them, yet he is checking on her cup. Seriously? He put up a big front for someone who underneath it all was petrified of them being taken away again.
Sean glanced down at the clear liquid, and then set the cup down on the counter.
"Come on," he said shortly, nodding in the direction of the doorway. "Let's go."
He didn't even give her a chance to respond. He placed a hand on her back and ushered her out of the kitchen. Kat looked back over her shoulder, sending a helpless smile Billy's way. He looked taken aback, but he raised his hand and gave her a wave goodbye.
She still wasn't sure about him, but she was sorry to be saying goodbye. She wanted to figure him out. And she wouldn't mind spending more time looking into those pale blue eyes.
When they arrived home, Kat and Scott made their way to their rooms, Sean and Dave headed into the living room where Steve was waiting up for them.
"How was it?" Steve questioned, getting the scoop as Sean and Dave plopped down onto the couch.
"Same as always," Sean replied. "Bunch of kids standing around drinking."
"That'll probably never change," Steve muttered comfortably.
Steve stood up, groaning and giving a long stretch. He started making his way to the stairs, about to head to bed. Sean's next words caused him to halt in place.
"There was a boy talking to her."
Steve turned quickly to face Sean.
"Who?" he asked.
"I don't know," Sean shrugged. "I've never seen him before. I pushed him out of the way though."
Sean grinned. Dave burst out laughing.
"Dude, you cock-blocked him?"
Sean nodded resolutely. "Damn straight." Dave raised his hand and Sean happily high-fived it.
Steve nodded in agreement.
"Good," he said. "Keep those boys away from her."