Kat watched Mark's car rumble passed Dave's car and park on the street in front of his dad's house. Mark strutted by the group as Dave and Sean focused on the engine, with Kat huddled over the edge, under the hood. The boys were discussing something about cylinders, which Kat had no interest in, but was out there listening just to pass the time waiting for Billy.
Mark strolled by the group and Steve finishing an oil change on his car, in their driveway.
"Hey Steve, what's up?" Mark greeted.
"Hey Mark. Not much. How have you been?" Steve shifted the tool from his right hand to his left, and clasped hands with Mark, giving a shake.
"Good." Mark replied.
"I haven't seen you for a while. What have you been up to?" Steve asked as he laid the wrench on the grass beside a lineup of tools.
"Working." Mark answered.
"I got in Plumbers and Pipefitters union in Philly." Mark replied.
"Like it?"
"I like the money." Mark chuckled.
"Are you visiting your dad?" Steve asked curious what brought him around. Mark nodded his head in the direction of his house, not looking happy to be there.
"Yeah, he needs some help. He's always screwing crap up." Mark was the walking town newspaper; he knew everything that was going on in their neighborhood and had no problem sharing it. He caught Steve up on the latest gossip and stories of the neighborhood.
Mark glanced over to the chatty group at Dave's car. He tilted his head noticeably trying to recognize the female figure leaning over the side into the engine. He lifted his chin in the direction of the car.
"Who's that with Sean? Did he get a new girlfriend or something?" Steve chuckled.
"No. It's Kat." She did change a bit since last year. She had grown a few inches and her hair was down and well passed her shoulders. The last time he saw her was last summer, before she was taken away.
"Jesus man, what are you feeding these kids?" Mark joked.
"Yeah, they're growing up. She'll be a Sophomore in September." Feeling more like a father than a big brother, especially to her. He didn't mind the responsibility. Looking after everyone almost felt natural to him.
"So how's everybody doing?"
Steve propped his foot up on the bumper to rest his back. He took a deep breath, thinking of everything they had gone through and how much information to give Mark. Mark would keep it between them if Steve wanted, but mostly Steve just didn't know what the purpose of sharing their life would serve, but he was a friend.
"Everybody's been good, except for Kat. She had a rough time when she went away, but she's pulling herself back together." He turned his head and spat on the ground.
"Yeah? I still can't believe your mom left just like that. I never thought she'd do something like that. She always loved you guys a lot." Mark shook his head.
Steve looked down and scratched his forehead in disbelief himself. He took a deep breath and let it out.
"Yeah, me either"
"She looks good though. You better keep her away from them damn rich kids." Mark advised with serious concern.
Steve chuckled walking to the toolbox that laid in the grass. He picked a ratchet and waved it as he replied. "Too late. Wait until you see her boyfriend. Stick around. He'll be over soon."
"No thanks. I'll probably deck the little shit just for looking at her. Hey, Kevin's having a party tonight. You guys should come." Mark suggested.
"Yeah. Ok, I'll tell them." Steve said giving a nod to the group. Going out and having a good time with old neighborhood friends sounded good.
"Man, you gotta get out, everybody's always askin about you."
"Alright man, I gotta get over there.
Mark strolled to Dave's car. He stopped next to Kat to see how much she had changed since he had last seen her at the party over the summer.
"Hey Princess." Mark greeted warmly. He nicknamed her princess when they were young. The name came from how Mr. Stafford doted on his only daughter, treating her like a 'princess'. Mark only used it in an casual setting.
"Hi Mark." Kat smiled and threw open her arms, embracing him.
"Jesus, last time I saw you had barrettes in your hair." He ran his hand through his long hair removing it from his eyes for a better look.
"I wasn't that young." Kat chuckled, proud that she had grown up so much over the last few months.
"Seems like it." He replied and gave a short greeting the rest of the group. Mark took off to his dad's.