Scott's best friend, Mile's car sputtered and clanked as it grinded to a halt in an empty spot in the bustling school parking lot. It had to be the most embarrassing car in the entire high school. Luckily, her first day jitters were overtaking the humiliating ride. Although, any car, was still cooler than taking the bus.
Kat exhaled deeply then shouldered her purse and backpack as she exited Mile's beatup Black Cavalier. Miles and Scott chatted something about where they would meet up later. Hopefully someone here would be happy to see her, even if it was only Dee.
Kat's stomach tightened seeing all the unfamiliar faces. She instinctively grabbed hold of her arm, and unconsciously began rubbing the fresh scar, a reminder of being alone and afraid again in an unfamiliar place.
She glanced around the lot at students huddled in groups. Rich kids next to BMW's, Jocks in sneakers and letterman jackets, Nerds with button down shirts, and the Burnouts dressed in black with leather jackets and jeans, where she caught a glimpse of Sean hanging out. It was actually good to see him. Her shoulders dropped at the familiar face.
She walked silently behind Scott and Miles with her eyes locked on Sean. He and Dave's heads were bobbing up and down above the crowd coming closer toward her. Sean looked so comfortable in the student filled parking lot. He was a senior and last year him and Steve had been probably the most popular kids in the school. But for her these kids were so big and older. They seemed so intimidating, yet he didn't seem phased.
"Hey, you good?" Sean asked. Sean sidled up beside her and nudged her gently in the shoulder.
Kat glanced at him. She could actually feel a frown tugging at the corners of her mouth. If feeling like she was about to vomit in the middle of the parking lot in front of the entire student body good, then yes, otherwise No. But she wasn't going to tell him that.
"You'll like it," Sean reassured her. "Remember how you could hardly wait to come? Heck you know probably half of the kids anyway."
It might be true, between her classmates from middle school and the parties and friends of Sean, Scott and Steve she was beginning to recognize faces.
But that didn't mean she feel frightened and overwhelmed. Three months ago, she had her a best friend to conquer high school with. Now alone, trembling, and scarred, no mom, angry at Steve and him, this was not the way she pictured her first day at High School.
"Come on," Sean directed, "I'll take you to the office, so you can get your schedule and locker number."
Kat followed behind Sean, as he led her through the crowds of students and into the building she was feeling thankful for the security of her older brother, whether he realized it or not, it eased her mind knowing he would be at school all day with her and accessible. Even having Scott there, although he would not be help much, was comforting.
Kat glanced around the interior of the building. The building was huge. It was so much bigger than her middle school had been. There were no art paintings or projects hanging outside teachers rooms. It had a much more serious tone. Her stomach rolled.
Sean continued on through the foyer, passing a large glass case displaying trophies, pictures, and plaques of All American's and title winners. Sean stopped to explain where Kat would spend her days in the school.
Kat glanced through the pane of glass, eyeing the football memorabilia. She caught both Sean and Steve's names engraved on plaques and trophies. It was actually pretty cool to see her last name engraved in gold letters for everyone to see.
She was pretty sure Scott would have gotten his name in the case among the athletic accolades too. But without our dad encouraging him, he seemed to lose direction. Steve focused his time keeping Sean out of trouble, pushing Scott aside.
"Sean, look, your name is on the baseball plaque." Kat said proudly. She placed her finger on the glass and pointed.
"Yeah. Come on." He said hurriedly. Sean nodded down the hall. One of the two large hallways that projected off of the main one. Completely blowing off his accomplishments.
Her eyes widened. "That's so cool." She said proudly as he stepped by her. Sean and Steve didn't brag much around her, but in front of his friends, Sean had no shame in toting his baseball prowess.
"Listen. Me, Dave, and Scott are in this wing of the building," Sean explained. He stretched out his arm and pointed his long fingers. "You're in the other wing, but so is Miles. Miles!" Sean said, turning in Miles direction.
"Yeah?" Miles whipped his head back, his long brown hair flew across his face as he turned. He brushed it behind his ears with his fingers.
"Look for Kat in the halls alright, make sure she knows where she's going." Sean ordered. Gees, Sean actually sounded like he cared about her. Although there had still been no apology.
"Sure. No problem." Miles happily complied.
"Alright, cool. Now let's get your schedule." He patted Kat on the back and led her down the hall to the office with Scott.
Kat, Sean and Scott stepped out of the office. She held her schedule and locker combination in her hand.
"Your Homeroom and locker are down that hall. Are you gonna be ok?" He again branched out his arm and pointed to the left, down a now empty corridor, lined with sky blue lockers and closed wooden doors.
"Yes, thanks." Kat answered. Sean put his fingers on her elbow. Sean was really making an effort, whether out of guilt or just being her older brother, it was comforting.
"Remember, if you need anything find Miles. You'll probably pass him in the hallway." Sean said.
"Ok." She answered.
Sitting in homeroom, Kat noticed only about a quarter of the students in her classroom were from her middle school. The majority of students were from the outlying neighborhoods in town. She gave a wave to a few old classmates and slipped into an empty desk.
Kat's first class was Biology, then American History, Health, and now Algebra. She wasn't impressed. The bell rang and again a mass of students flooded the halls. Half the day was already over and this High school seemed exactly the same as the one where she at the foster home, except there were familiar faces in the crowds.
"Kat! Kat, over here!"
Kat whipped her head over her shoulder to see Dee barreling towards her. A gigantic grin split her beaming face. Kat's shoulders tensed, bracing for the interaction. Kat had deliberately been avoiding Dee.
"Kat! Ahhh! You're back!" Dee squealed. Dee had no filter. Dee was still like a megaphone, she hadn't changed a bit in that respect. Kat couldn't help but curve her lips upward. Kat felt a happiness bubble in her. It felt good to be missed and Kat missed her.
"Why didn't you tell me you were back!" Dee scolded.
"I just got back." Kat explained. Although not entirely true. She had been home and completley, miserable, angry and frustrated at the boys.
And even though she yearned for the comfort of Dee's familiar voice, Kat just didn't feel like the same person after everything that had happened. She needed to sort out her home life before reconnecting with Dee.
Dee rushed over with arms stretched out wide and threw them around Kat's neck, pulling her in for an unbridled hug nearly knocked Kat into the lockers. Dee let go and stepped back. They took each other in. Sizing up each other's looks.
"Let me see you."
Dee's eyes were lined heavily with black liner, resembling a racoon, wearing a black shirt and bright blue eyeshadow. Her painted on jeans and white hightop sneakers, prominently displayed the group she chose to hang out with, the Burnouts.
It was to be predicted, but it wasn't Kat's choice of groups. Kat favored a preppier look. A pink blouse collar popping out of a white and pink stripped sweater with matching pink stirrup pants. Perfectly covering her arm, yet adorable.
"You look great! I'm so happy you're back!" Dee cried, bouncing up and down as she spoke. "Oh my gosh! I have so much to tell you!"
"Thanks. Glad to be back. Can't wait to hear everything." Kat said calmly. It was such a great feeling having someone show they missed her so much. But high school gossip wasn't high on her list of priorities. Especially since she didn't know half the students and there was so much to take care of at home first.