There was a knock at the door. Kat shot to the door, opening it for Billy. After a few quick greetings Billy got comfortable on the sofa beside Kat.
Steve barreled down the stairs and turned into the living room. Tucking his shirt into his jeans, he looked over at Billy.
"Do you play football?"
"Yes. I play for school." Billy answered.
"Do you want to play a game?" Steve looked at Billy as he tied the laces on his sneakers.
"Sure." Billy answered bewildered.
Kat looked at Billy. She was bubbling inside. Steve was bringing him into the group. This was definitely a good sign. It meant that Steve might be starting to like Billy.
Steve looked Billy up and down with skepticism. Billy was wearing a pair of pressed khakis and a blue Izod shirt with the collar popped. Steve raised an eyebrow.
"Do you have a t-shirt on under that?" Steve asked then nodded in the direction of Billy's shirt.
Kat listened with a smile. This was perfect! Steve was always looking for someone else to play football with, to toss a ball in the street, or play in the park and Billy was perfect for this.
"Uh...yeah?" He seemed confused as to why Steve was asking him.
"Good" Steve answered, "Lose the polo. You have to have respect for the kids that live in this neighborhood. They don't know you, and you don't want to give them a reason to think you're a stuck-up rich kid. If they get the impression you think you're better than them, they're going to want to kick your ass."
"Okay. Sorry, I didn't know."
Billy's eyes widened. He was obviously taken aback. She cringed, and hoped Billy would be okay with it, Steve was right.
Billy stripped off his polo shirt, revealing a plain new bright white t-shirt beneath it. He handed the polo over to Kat. She smiled. Kat melted as she took in a deep breath of his manly cologne from his shirt.
Steve glanced at Billy's wrist, noticing a shiny gold Rolex on Billy's wrist.
"Take that watch off too," Steve instructed. "I don't want anything to happen to it. Kat, put it away somewhere, while we're playing." Steve straightened up, finishing tying his sneakers.
"Okay," Kat obeyed.
Billy slipped the watch from his wrist and glanced over at Kat. She held out her hand.
"I'll put it in my room." She told him. Billy nodded and placed the watch in her palm. She looked down at it, Steve was right. It was exquisite, shiny gold with a gold crown on the face, dainty gold hands and the day of the week boldly stood out across the top.
She felt tensing in her gut. His family was so wealthy compared to hers. She wondered how Billy could be interested in someone like her, someone who came from a family without money.
I'll be right back," she said, before scurrying up the stairs to secure Billy's items. Once in her bedroom, she grabbed a hanger from the closet and hung up his shirt, then she laid his watch on top of her bureau.
She smiled softly, looking down at the site of Billy's watch, resting alongside a pile of hair scrunchies and lip gloss. Something about having a piece of Billy in her room caused her heart to radiate with warmth. There was a personal item of his sitting right alongside her own personal items. It seemed so intimate, like they were a serious couple already.
The boys stood around the entryway, prepared to leave, by the time Kat reached the bottom of the stairs. Sean was flipping the football in his hand.
"Ready?" Steve asked.
Steve took the lead. Scott, Sean, and Miles took up the center of the group. Kat and Billy trailed behind a bit. Billy's shoulder brushed against Kat's, and she felt a blush coming across her cheeks. She gazed over at Billy.
He was smiling, and his eyes were piercing, yet kind.
Being around Billy created a cascade of emotions within her. Billy gently took her hand in his. Kat bit down on her bottom lip, as Billy to wrap his hand around hers. His hand was warm around hers. There was nothing else on her mind but him.
It sent a flurry of butterflies twirling about inside of her, causing a giddiness to rise within her.
At the field, Billy gave her a kiss on the cheek, then jogged over to join them.
She watched the boys wistfully, settling herself down on the grass. She let out a slow sigh, as she stretched out her legs, crossing one ankle over the other.
Steve directed Billy and the others, pointing to various parts of the field. Kat felt a sense of easiness. She relaxed resting the palms of her hands in the grass, feeling the soft blades crinkling against her skin.
The afternoon sun warmed her arms through her sleeves, a pleasant breeze blew passed. It was perfect weather. Her stomach clenched as mind drifted for a moment, knowing warm weather was coming and she would have to reveal her scar. Steve was going to either be mad at her or mad at the foster family, either way, he was going to probably yell. It was a hurdle wanted to delay as long as possible.
Kat leaned back comfortable and content, watching the boys. For the first time in a very long time her life felt pretty perfect.
Billy took a position between Sean and Miles. Steve called hike and the play started. Sean held the ball. Billy and Miles took off, running towards the area that Steve had marked out as the endzone.
Kat was filled with pride, watching Billy run, arms swing at his sides as he sprinted across the field. He fit in perfectly with them. Everyone getting along. It was bliss.
"Billy!" Sean shouted.
Sean pulled his arm back, and then shot it forward, launching the ball through the sky. It spiraled in the air, coming up into an arch, and then coming back down to the earth again.
Billy jumped into the air, snatched the football, and tucked it into his chest, as his feet thudded down into the grass. He'd hardly touched the ground, when he was knocked down.
"Oomph!" he groaned, as the great wall of Steve's body collided with him.
Kat gasped and clapped a hand over her mouth. Billy hit the ground back first with a distinct thump.
Kat sat up, holding her breath.
Steve looked down at Billy, smirking, and then jogged back over to the center of the field, where Scott, Sean, and Miles were all cracking up with laughter. Sean gave Steve a high five as he passed.
Billy rose to his feet, brushed the dirt off his khakis, and took in a deep breath. His face was flushed, and it looked like he had the wind knocked out of him.
"Steve!" Kat yelled, horrified at Steve's behavior.
Steve turned his head to the side and raising his shoulder he wiped his brow on his sleeve. Steve looked at Kat, with a mask of confused innocence on his face.
"What?" he called back.
Kat glared at him.
"Steve! You could have hurt him!" she yelled angrily. The boys snickered at her comment, making her more frustrated.
Steve shrugged and quirked an eyebrow at her. "He's fine," Steve said. "Look, he's up."
Billy was jogging slowly back over to the other guys. He waved at Kat. She got to her feet and clasped her hands.
"Billy are you ok?" She called out.
"I'm fine, Kat."
Kat returned a worried and humiliated smile to Billy. She settled back down onto the prickly grass and watched the boys fall back into their game.
She was disappointed in Steve for giving Billy a hard time, yet so proud of Billy for handling it with such tact. He was tough, and he seemed to be able to hold his own against her brothers.
The boys played football for the next hour, and then the group started their way home.