Summary: Set in S2E "The Patriot Act," when they were all at the high school. What if Bass saved Rachel? Read to find out what happens.
It was a dark night in the abandoned high school, as everyone fought against the Patriots. Miles was in a classroom behind a table that was on its side, as a shield from the Patriots' gun fire, while Charlie was fighting against some Patriots in one of the hallways and Rachel was in a different hallway fighting against a Patriot.
Sebastian Monroe used a hand gun to shoot Patriots, as he went down the hallways in search of Charlie and the others. Then he saw Rachel in trouble with a Patriot, so he shot him and went to her aid.
He knelt in front of her and put his gun away, before looking at her where she sat with her back against the wall, hand to her right side wound.
"Rachel," he said with clear concern, realizing that she was hurt and he was the only there right now that could actually help her.
"Monroe," she was all she could think to say back.
A moment later, everything went blurry and dim for her.
"Rachel, stay with me," he said, a gentle hand on the right side of her face.
As she looked at him, she didn't understand why he would even care about her after everything that he'd done to her family.
Bass saw a few Patriots coming around the corner and knew he had to get them both out of sight.
Gently, he pulled her into his arms and picked her up, before walking off and looking for a room he could hide them in. Luckily, the first room that was unlocked was what used to be the Nurse's office. So, he closed the door behind them and gently layed her down on an old bed that had been long abandoned. He then went to the door and used a wooden chair to put under the doorknob so nobody would get in.
When she woke up, she was on a bed in a room where Bass was standing by the door, looking out the glass window for any danger. And feeling like herself, she realized that he had taken care of her. He hadn't just left her there to die.
She slowly sat up and looked at him.
He looked at her.
"You're awake."
"Thanks," was all she could think to say to him after what he had done for her tonight.
"You're welcome. If you're feeling better, we need to go find Miles and Charlie."
She got to her feet, knowing he was right. She wanted to find them too, anyways. They were her family, though Charlie didn't exactly like her very much. Their relationship wasn't exactly rekindled just yet. Not after she realized that her mom was alive after all those years and what her mom had done. Charlie still hated her and Rachel didn't blame her. If their places were in reverse, Rachel would hate her too for everything she had done.
Bass took the chair away from the door and opened the door, before handing Rachel a rifle, which she took. He then took out his own gun and they headed out to go find the others.
When they found Miles and Charlie, they were in a classroom with burnt up Patriots by the door.
They walked in.
Everyone looked at the burnt Patriots and then at each other.
"What the hell just happened?" Miles questioned.
"Aaron," Rachel said.
Bass and the others knew that she was right. He had burnt them to a crisp.
"We have to find him," Charlie said.
So, they headed out of the school in search of him.