Symbol: 🌊
Isle of Amaziña. Zer island is covered in rainforests and ravines and tall grasslands, surrounded by a ring of a coral reef.
Typically appears as a giant mermaid with a furry chest. Zer face is humanoid with three eyes an impossibly dark blue, Stygian blue, and pointed ears. Zer face skin is pale purple but the rest of zer body is mostly covered in dark blue scales. Ze has no nose, rather two slits in the middle of zer face. Zer mouth is filled with sharp thin teeth. There are whiskers like a cat. Zer ears are pointed and resemble fish fins beyond the human parts. Ze has very long hair made of octopus tentacles, snake heads, squid tentacles, and eel heads, all lacking eyes, in various shades of blue, purple, and green. The bottom of zer jaw has three purplish pink frilly axolotl gills on either side. The rest of zer neck has regular fish gills, which continue on the sides of zer chest, under zer arms. Ze has breasts on her chest, though they are covered by a grayish purple fur. Zer arms are humanoid but very fish-like with webbed fingers. On zer back is a large dolphin-like fin. Zer tail is a huge and elegant mermaid tail with many fins, spines, and flairs in various blues and purples.
Zenith’s role is to nurture, protect, and support, as well as entertain. Ze is extremely emotional and very expressive with it to flamboyant degrees. Zenith is typically warm, friendly, and loving in front. Ze is affectionate towards children especially. Ze views sex as purely recreational, entirely for fun and pleasure. Zer sexual desires are always about having fun and being entertained. Ze experiences romance and also views love as something fun and joyful to share with someone else. Zenith thinks it’s necessary for relationships within the system to be fun and positive in order for us to be happy. Zer perspective on relationships outside the system is much the same, ze wants us to experience the fun and joys that friendships and romances can provide. For zerself, Zenith wants to be the best version of zer that ze can be. Ze wants to be loving, affectionate, and entertaining. Ze wants the system to be happy and entertained, whatever that means in practice. Zenith’s goal is to make as many people happy as possible.