Summary: Set in S2E_ "S*** Happens." What if they didn't end it the way they did? Here's my take on how it could have gone if they hadn't ended that episode right when he got out.
A/N: I renamed the title, since I don't like cuss words and the "s" word they named the actual episode last Wednesday is a cuss word in my book.
It was a beautiful day, as Miles slowly made his way out of the deep hole that had once been a basement of some sort, determined to not just lie down and die like an old dog. He was going to live for Charlie and Rachel. They were all he had left of blood related family. And even though it looked like he probably wouldn't make it, he and Bass both knew that Miles always made it out, no matter what condition he was in. Hell, he'd had a lot worse than this. Though, he had never lost so much blood before. And he had been down in that hole for almost three days. He didn't know how long he would even last on his own out here; especially, with Patriots snooping around where they shouldn't be.
Finally, after what felt like thirty minutes, he made it out and limped towards where he had gone earlier. He needed help, so it was best that he went the same way he had gone, as long as he could make it far enough. His family and friends were bound to be looking for him by now, if they hadn't started two days ago.
Meanwhile, Rachel was looking around at some bodies of what looked to be Texans, when Bass came to join her, knowing more than her by just looking.
"Looks like he took out about six of them, before he emptied his clip."
Rachel looked at him.
"I thought we were splitting up."
"I ran into a dead end," he informed her. He then added, "He would've gone to higher ground. There's more cover. Come on."
Once they arrived at higher ground which looked to be like a cemetery of some sort, they found his coat which Rachel found to have a lot of blood. Then, a moment later, they found Miles on the ground.
Rachel and Bass both rushed to him and knelt down on either side of him.
"He's lost a lot of blood, Bass," she informed him.
"Tell me what we need and I'll go get it for you," he told her, in which she told him and he did so as quickly as he could, while Rachel did what she could to keep him alive.
An hour later, he finally returned with what she needed to help him and he gave the stuff to her.
While she took care of Miles, Bass stayed guard hoping that Miles would be okay. Rachel had said that he had lost a lot of blood. Miles always pulled through, Bass knew, but he didn't know when one day he would stop. He hoped that day would never come. Without Miles, Bass didn't have any family left. Besides, if Miles died, it would be Bass responsibility to look after Rachel and Charlie and he didn't know if he wanted to do that. Sure, he'd save Charlie if need be; he'd done it before and he'd do it a million times; but Rachel? He didn't even know what he felt about her anymore. He knew Rachel hated him and she had tried to kill him more than once, but even Rachel knew that they needed Bass to help them fight the Patriots. But after that, what would happen then? Would Rachel go back to trying to kill Bass? There were so many things on his mind that he didn't know where to go next some days.
After a couple days, Rachel and Bass knew that Miles would survive. So the three of them went to go find Charlie so they could head back to camp.