Summary: Set in S2E_ "S*** Happens." What if it had been an actual hole, instead of an old basement Miles had fallen in? What if he was in worse condition than he was in the show? What if that board or whatever hadn't fallen on top of the hole? What if Rachel had found Miles on her own when the three of them split up to go find him? Will she be able to get to him in time, or will she get hurt trying to get to him to help him out? Read to find out what happens.
It was a beautiful day, as Miles walked through the cemetery in search of anything to help stop his bleeding wound after that fight with that Texan. Bass had been right all along. They should have just killed them all, instead of trying to talk to them. He wouldn't be in this situation if he had listened to Bass.
Suddenly, just as he stepped onto some wooden boards, they gave way with his weight and he fell through with debris and wood going with him down into the hole. Then everything went black for him.
Bass, Rachel, and Charlie stopped walking, Charlie on Bass' right and Rachel on his left.
"So, genius, which way did they go?" he questioned Charlie.
"I don't know," she replied.
He looked at her.
"You're a tracker."
"Yeah, but I can't track on pavement."
"Okay. So, you're good, but not that good." He looked in both directions of the road. "Let's split up. Everyone take a road," he said.
After what felt like half an hour, Rachel found a cemetery with what looked like a hole in the ground, so she went to investigate, only to see that that was where Miles was.
"Miles!" she yelled down into the hole, hoping it would wake him up. She didn't have much choice though, when it didn't wake him up. She had to get down there; preferably without getting herself hurt. She couldn't help him if they were both hurt. She needed a plan and fast. She didn't know how long he had been down there or what condition he was in.
After a while, Bass found a dead end, so he went back and found some higher ground. He figured that's where he would've gone after finding that Miles had killed six out of the seven Texans before emptying his clip. And when he found a cemetery and saw a hole in the ground, he cautiously approached.
When he got there, he found that Miles was there and Rachel had somehow managed to get down there with him and was trying to get some pieces of woods off him to find out what condition he was in.
"You couldn't have come found one of us first before getting into an unsteady hole in the ground?" he commented to her, before saying, "How bad is it?"
She looked up at him.
"I don't know yet. I don't the whole thing to collapse on us, but I have to find out."
"Be careful, Rachel."
She looked at him, before going back to work. And after a little more effort, she got a final long piece of wood off him and was able to see the damage.
She looked up at him.
"He's losing a lot of blood. We have to get him out of here."
"If you can get him close enough, I can pull him out," he told her.
He didn't dare try climbing down there with them, because of how unsteady all of that debris was looking. One wrong move and someone could get hurt.
Once she had done what he had advised, he grabbed his best friend under the arms and easily dragged him out of that hole and layed him down on the ground a ways away from it. Rachel then told him what he needed to do to take care of his wound and how to do it.
While he took care of Miles, Rachel tried to figure out how the hell she was going to get out without causing anything to cave-in. She had to get out of there and try to get out alive. She knew she probably wouldn't be getting out of the hole unscathed, though. Bass was right. She should've just gone to go get Bass or Charlie once she had found him, but they weren't seeing eye to eye, so she hadn't done that.
Once he was finished taking care of Miles' wound which had pretty much finished bleeding, he went back over to the hole, which was when he saw that she was half way there. She was using the sturdy built pieces of wood to climb out of the hole, using them as foot holes, as if she was rock climbing almost.
Suddenly, pieces of wood and debris started to collapse, which made Rachel start to lose her grip. So, not wanting anything to happen to her, he tried to reach down to grab her to stop her.
"Rachel!" he yelled, as he did so.
She tried to reach him, but everything was happening so fast that she couldn't. And then she fell down into the hole along with the fallen pieces of wood, cement, and debris.
"Rachel!" he yelled, on edge now. If only she hadn't been so stupid as to not go find help, this wouldn't be happening.
Without hesitation, he carefully slid down the dirty bank into the hole towards where she lay.
He knelt at her left right side.
"Hey, Rach?" he said gently.
He rested a gentle hand on the left side of her face.
She groaned, obviously just barely conscious.
"Stay with me. I'm gonna get you out of here. I promise. You're going to be okay," he assured her, though he didn't know what the damage was, if any.
He took his hand away and carefully started to remove the pieces of wood from on top of her. Then after that was done, he gently and carefully pulled her into his arms and carefully made his way, with some difficulty, back to the top, where Charlie, whom had found them, helped him. He then told her what had happened, before he gently layed her down on the ground.
"Charlie, go find a horse and wagon," he told her, which she obeyed.
He looked down at Rachel and then looked over at Miles. They were all having pretty bad days.
A few minutes later, after she found a horse and wagon, Bass helped her get Miles in one, before Bass got in the back with an unconscious Rachel.
Stay with me, Rache. You're a fighter. Keep fighting, he thought, unsure of what condition she was actually in.
A few days later, Miles was himself and Rachel was awake and slowly healing. So, everyone was as okay as they were bound to be.