It's my mom. She slaps Ronald on his swallow cheek and he cries out with pain. She's so angry. Oh god, she listens to everything. Maybe.
"How dare you?"
"Mom it's nothing. I.."
"Don't you dare Rose? Stop defending him." I ignored her and help Ronald. He's looking more hurt.
"Mam please.." Before he completes his words mom slap him again. Oh no. I'm scared now from mom. It's not my mom never slap someone.
"Mom doesn't please. Listen to me." I need to cover everything before the worst happened. Mom coming again and before she reached I stand in front of him like a shield.
"Rose I can handle it. Let me.."
"Oh, now you're going to handle. First, handle yourself. See your class. You're just a servant. You touched my daughter with your dirty hands."
"Mom! Stop." I cried out. How dare she insult him. But mom continuously yelling at him and my Ron just standing there silently listen to her words. But then his house door burst open and his parents came outside.
This is the end I know. My heart telling me something going to be wrong. My eyes land on Ron. He's also scared. He circles his right arm around my waist and pulls me against him like a protector.
"Rose please don't leave me." He also feels.
"Not until my last breath."
"What's going on here?" Ron's mom's eyes searching for answers.
"Your dirty boy touched my daughter with his dirty hands. I'm already giving you enough warning but now I think we need some action against him." No. My mom grabs me but Ron never lets me go.
"Can we talk calmly? We need to think.." Mom cut Mr. Parker.
"Don't tell me what to do or not. Your blood just like his family." What's that mean?
"Mom stop insulting people." I'm so angry with her. Why did she say this?
"Mam I love your daughter and I never put my hands on her. She also loves me." But mom ignored him and pull me harder from him. In this, my bracelet broke, and something in my skin.
"Stop you're hurting her. If you did something then.."
"Then what?" She hurting me already. Her grip was so hard and I feel sticky because now blood coming from the wound.
"You're hurting her Lilly stop now." Everyone stopped with dad sound. Thank god.
"Ronald goes home and Laura, Carlo comes inside. Rose go into your room and not came outside until I told you. Get that." Ronald's eyes found mine and he gave me a nod.
"Ok, dad." But Mom drags me inside. While mom taking me my eyes on him and my hand slipping like life.
Why I feel it's the last time I'm seeing him. He's everything for me. I can't live without him. But mom and dad going to talk. What talk? I know dad but mom, she's going for the worst.
It's one hour passed but they're still talking. Correction fighting. So much talking happening in dad office and I'm just sitting crying like a baby. I'm worried about Ronald more. What if mom forced them.
My thought always proved right that why I hate my thoughts. I can't sit here like a dumb. Slowly with light footsteps, I came near dad office. When they're talking but muffling voices still coming outside.
"Careful what are you saying, Laura. If you said again.."
"Or what? No one knows about the truth. If it's come outside then your life in hell." It's Mrs. Laura. What truth? What they're talking about? With a finger, I push the door a little.
The words coming from them and ringing in my ears. Every word is a bitter truth. The truth is dark and hard to believe and accepted. What if anyone who what they're digging in their hearts? Everyone knows and now it's me also.
Me, Ronald, and Jessie how? Why? My foot unable to carry my weight. Suddenly my legs so weak and I fell on the ground so hard.
"No! This is not true. How much truth they're hiding?" My body shocking with a shiver. I can't breathe.
"I need to tell him. He needs to know. But if he's strong for handling the truth." My crying going loud with hearing every word. I covered my mouth with my hand for stopping the sound of sobbing.
"I need to tell him the truth."
"Oh no, you can't." Then she pulled me with her.
The next morning I sit in bed listening to their voices because they're going. He's leaving because of me. He's leaving me alone and empty. Everyone plays their part now it's my turn. Whole night my phone vibrating with his name flashing. Today the wall between us growing more because of me.
I'm going to give him the pain he never forgets. He's going to hate me. The corner where I crying all night was still wet with my tears. I know he's shouting my name. He wants me but I can't. Be brave Rosee Posee for him. Shaking badly I remember our all dream we plan together.
Today they're going to break forever for family or for us. I stand with courage and came outside from my room.
"I need her. I'm not going anywhere without listening to her. You're telling me wrong." Mom and dad standing watching and fighting with him. While his parents pulling him with them.
"Leave me I said. Fuck you." Then our eyes met and a relief that I never deserve landing in his eyes.
"Rose tell they're laying. Your mom said it's a plan. You just play with my heart."
Nothing comes from my mouth
"Rose you love me right? It's true love. Tell them and prove me right."
"Rose!" Nothing.
"Rose! Speak up." He yelled.
"Ronald my boy I told you she never deserves you. She's playing with your feelings." He's watching me still waiting for an answer but I keep my mouth shut. You never understand what Strom running in my heart.
"She said right. I just play with your heart. Look at you you're nothing in front of me. No place, no job, and nothing. How can you even think about me? You're nothing for me."
"Look at me and said. Look. In. My. Eyes." I looked like a hard stone. His eyes black with green. This is the warning for me that he's building hate in his heart for me.
"You're nothing for me and I think you need to leave." He nods continuously and laughs. He seriously laughs and stops.
"Mom you're right. She's just a cold-hearted bitch." Laura smiling like a witch but Mr. Parker looking hurt.
"See I warn you before.."
"Get out from my house." But Ron grab me hard from my throat. His grip tight.
"Just pray for that in future our path never exchanged if it's happened then just wish for your death because I'm going to ruin you in every second passed. I'm going to show you hell in real life and you're begging for death." He turns so fast and in the second I'm flying in the air then land hard. Everything falling from my hands.