The world lost again in which I spent most of my years. He took it away and broke it. Why did he do that? Wait that the hell is this? I was so busy in crying that I didn’t notice where i’m standing. This is not my house. No, it’s mine but why does it look so different? The kitchen... who makes it and when? The food and other things who were placed here? The couch mattress, and everything changes. Wait, how did he know I lived here?
I told him to shut his mouth but... well why not? Ronald is the one who’s paying him. I don’t want his pity. My phone.. shit he already threw it away. Was it planned? Who told him about my dad’s home? How? At least sell it to someone but why do you break it.
“’s ..” The first cry came out in screaming and kept going. This is my life that I want to give up.
Fine, this is what you want now my turn. You gave me pain but I’m not like you. Wait and watch what I’m going to do. The next day came with so much sadness. I remember when my birthday started and the whole house chirped with wishes. But now look at me I’m alone sitting and talking with myself. It’s not the first time I’m alone here. From the past years no one wished me.
“Dad, look what he gave me on my birthday? Pain. Can I give him back? Huh..” Nothing. Just the sound of birds.
“He deserves it. Why not I told him everything on his birthday. Tit for tat. But the thing is I love him and for me he never deserves pain. We both suffered then why I’m the one who feels the pain.” Nothing again.
“Don’t worry I’m like him. He only deserves love, dad and I gave him until my last breath.” Suddenly there’s a knock on my door. Who’s that? When I open the door Theo is standing there with flowers and it’s Rose.
“For you.”
“Thank you.” It’s surely from Ronald but the hope was gone when I saw the name on the Card. Bitch.
“You can say loudly. I’m here.” Laura came inside with Jenna. Rolling my eyes I throw flowers in the trash.
“What? Don’t you like it? Oh come on... last night what he gave you is the best in front of my cheap flowers but still don’t like it.” So she is here to tease me.
“So you’re the one behind this.” Well it’s not his son’s birthday?
“Sit Jenna.” Laura sat and told Jenna to sit also.
“No way, look at that, it’s cheap.” I choked a laugh.
“Well, your boyfriend brought it for me. So his taste is good... you know what I’m trying to say.” Gotcha she understands. Now in anger, she turns and walks outside.
“Oh, she doesn’t like what I said.” My eyes asked from Laura.
“Who are you? Still stone. I thought we were going to see the face with tears begging me but no. Still underestimate.” Again her aggression came out. She’s here.
“He’s just a puppet for you. I know this is you who told him what to do. It’s precious for him also.”
“This is the world of give and take. He gave you something, now your turn. We’re throwing a party...”
“Not interested. You said what you want now, I’m getting late for work.” Ahh.. the witch came out. She doesn’t like it. Her anger is her biggest weakness.
“How dare you?”
“You’re going to pay for it.” She was gone but in a different mood. I know why she came here to destroy my day. After that, without eating, I left for work. The whole day was just a sad and itchy feeling. Sad because no one remembers my birthday, not even Jessie. Itching to assume they’re coming to wish me but nothing happened.
“Happy birthday beautiful.” Brooks? He’s sitting with a cake with my name written on it.
“You have a history.” He gestured to me to sit but it’s my working time so I shake my head.
“Where’s your phone?”
“He threw it in the water.” He laughed.
“I hope he can’t cross his line today.”
“It’s Laura.” He signed.
“What happened?” Everything happened last night, I told him.
“Wait! For business. There’s nothing for business if I know. Let me check.” He was on call when I left him. After that, he called me.
“He’s playing with you. Nothing happened there. He wants you to suffer...” A sound came from his phone.
“This is your house.” My eyes filled with water after watching the home in a good situation. Then?
“Do you belong to a rich family? Then why?”
“Don’t ask.” He shut it immediately.
“I know it’s a hard time for you especially but I thought one small step may have given you a little happiness. Let’s cut the cake.” He lit the candle. After so many years later I thought Ronald is everything but today someone is also special to me as a friend.
“Make a wish.” My only wish is happiness. After the cake cutting, we sat for five minutes.
“Be aware for two days. Her target is you and Ronald.” Ronald is very calm today after what he did but how? Did he plan something else?
“Don’t know what’s coming next?”
“Call me whenever you want. Tomorrow is his birthday so I’m sure he’s expecting a gift from you.” Really? I know he acts cold. He wants me.
“Don’t worry I already planned something for him.” After Brooks left my mind ran to Ronald. He just threw me aside. Not even Jessie wants to talk to me.
Walking on the street in the snow I just found white snow covering every color. My life is very similar to snow in which not even a single warm happiness I’m feeling. Always I sit alone in the darkness just waiting for someone to open the gate of light for me but never and today when everyone is with me still I’m alone.
In the club I want him but he never shows up. Right now I understand his plan. He wants me to live alone like he lived in those years but is he okay with his own decision? My eyes always landed on the door while serving drinks but he never came.
After my work was done I came outside and immediately a laugh broke from inside. He stopped Theo today. God, he is really out of his mind. Well, he’s wrong here. I know how to walk alone. Two blocks after walking I feel someone coming from behind. As soon as they stop footsteps also stop. Wait, it’s my imagination or someone following me.
Again I start walking slowly and again footsteps start. God who’s following me? This is not good. Now my walking Turing is running. Yes, someone is following me.
Before I turn, someone pushes me from behind. My body landed on the road hard. Shit, it hurts.
“Hello Rose, remember me?” The voice. No... no, it’s not.. he can’t... be here. Why is he here? How did he found me? The sound of pain in my body burst inside. I can feel him.
“Y..” Words fade away from my mouth. Someone locked my mouth. Looking around I just saw dark.
“What? Aren’t you happy after watching me here?” Still that ugly look on his face. I hate him. Every time he looked at me my mind went black and every moment came to mind.
“Ho.. h..”
“Ahh... still cute. Aren’t you? Look, I found you again.” My body went numb and it looked like he stopped me with his power again. He takes a step towards me grabbing me but I slide backward until there’s some distance between us.
“Why? I love you...”
“I hate you... why are you here? Go away.. please...” Scary tears floated down from my eyes. Where’s Ronald? He’s not around. Who’s going to save me? The whole body was paralyzed.
“Waiting for someone? No one is going to save me from me. Again I’m going to take you...” My hands found a rock so without thinking I hit him so I got up. A yelp rang in silence when the rock hit on his forehead. Getting up I run as fast as I can.
“Don’t look back. Please. Don’t.” Where I’m going don’t know so I run on an empty street. With a heavy breath, my foot stopped working.
“Don’t stop, just run.” Why does my past stop chasing me? How did he find me? The thoughts came running in my mind with my body. At least I saw my building. Entering my home I locked myself.
He found me. He came for me. He’s going to take me. He just wants my body. What do I think about him? My heartbeat is going fast and my breath can’t be controlled. What am I going to do?
“Calm down.. please for once.” With the help of my hand, I rubbed my chest. But it’s getting faster and the body is getting colder.
“This is not the first time I saw him so it’s okay. It’s okay..” The words keep coming from my mouth and at least a hundred times repeating my breath in control but still, I want Ronald for my comfort. Around him, I feel safe. But if I went outside he found me again so I should stay here. But the main thing.
How did he find me?
Who told him?