Singto : boun?
Boun : what happened?!
Kao : whats wrong??
Singto : where is prem and earth?
Kao : they are in the house.. they are safe , dont worry..
Singto : okay then , pavel is here.. (explains)
Boun : you know plan? alex? who are they?
Singto : KILLEX , their family is KILLEX.
Boun : wait- WHAT?!! its that bitch!!!
Boun : HOW DARE HE!!! bitch.. (grits his teeth)
Singto : huh?? what are talking about? do you know alex?
Kao : he is the bitch who touched prem!!
Singto : its him??!!!
Boun : HOW DARE HE , BITCH!!!!!!! (takes his gun)
Kao : FUCK HIM!!!! DAMN.. (calms down) boun...
Singto : b-boun.. calm down..
Krist : BOUN!!!! what happened?
Boun : that bitch how dare he?!!!! (goes inside)
Pavel : b-boun?... i.. (scared)
bang bang bang
Boun : (shoots pavel on the spot) bitch!!! is that you? (grabs alex's collar)
Manow : y-yatch...
Yatch : calm down..
Yoongi : what the fuck!!!
Jin : whats going on??
Yatch : wait...
Plan : who are you!?!!
Alex : who are you?!! dad!!!!
Alex : p-prem?...
Perth : you know him?!
Mix : p-pre-m?
Title : do you know earth?!
Kao : who are you?!! how do you know earth?!
Title : i am title..
Kao : (grabs his collar) you touched earth right?!!!! say?!!!
Title : y-yes..
Kao : (takes his gun in anger)
Manow : who are you guys?!! how do you know prem and earth?
Boun : BITCH!!! SHUT UP! YOU GUYS BETRAYED HIM!!! my baby... (crying)
Plan : what do you mean by your baby?!
Boun : prem is mine!! (angry)
Plan : what..?
Yatch : what are you saying?!!
Kao : we are boyfriends?!! earth is mine!!! dont you dare touch them!!!!
Title : earth... (kao punches title) augh...
Krist : (grabs title) where is the other one?!
Title : w-who?
Krist : dean..
Boun : BITCH!!!! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HIM!!! (points his gun at alex)
Alex : it wasnt my fault at first... i dont like him.. my father forced me to.. i am sorry.. i only loved plan.. he is everything.. i love him so much... (crying)
Yoongi : what do you mean?!
Boun : (ignores) just say why you did this.. before i kill you badly..
Singto : (calls his men and takes title to his car and ties him up) where is dean?!
Title : i-i... house..
Krist : (angry) this bitch!!! (drives to dean's house)
meanwhile , in the house
Earth : prem..
Prem : hm?
Earth : when will they come?
Prem : i dont know... i want to see hia now..
Earth : i want to see p'kao now..
Prem : lets call them!
Earth : yes!
in the hospital
Boun : I SAID- (phone rings) hello? prem? we are okay.. take our of my princess.. baby.. okay fine.. love you.. okay... aww.. prem.. dont eat so much of ice cream.. baby.. hm ok (hangs up)
Mix : is it prem??
Boun : dont need to know!!!
Kao : alex... better-
Alex : (crying) i am not lying.. i love plan.. i love him so much.. believe me.. i told you.. father said me to do this... he hates prem.. earth.. and fluke.. because.. they are better than us and they are popular... they beated father in lots of things.. i dont like prem... i dont.. i only love plan.. plan is my everything.. i cried everyday... regretting it... i only like plan.. i loved plan for years.. we just started our relationship but we dont know if it will last... i love plan.. prem is not mine , but losing him broke my heart.. my world stopped breathing that night..
Boun : (grits his teeth in anger)
Kao : boun.. calm down..
Boun : you want me to calm down??! my baby.. he.. (tears) okay fine! (grabs alex's collar with teary eyes) alex.. (sigh) fine.. i wont kill you... but dont do this to anyone.. krist and singto will take you guys.. go with them.. dont be here... (leaves the room)
Alex : (shocked) y-yes.. thank you so much... one more thing..
Kao : what?
Alex : title and dean.. they both..
Kao : we will take care of them (smirks)
Alex : o-ok..
Boun : (looks at mix and the others) if you guys ever come next to us.. or touch my baby... (grabs mix's collar) i will kill you..
Mix : who are you??
Boun : i am boun... the king of mafia...
Mix : prem?
Boun : (leaves the room)
Kao : (leaves behind boun)
in the car
Boun : (Crying) how can he... (crying) my baby.. goshhh.. i..
Kao : (shocked) boun... sshhh.. its okay.. alex is.. leave it..
Boun : lets go home..
Kao : hm..
kao and boun open the door and saw krist sitting in the sofa.. with prem and earth..
Prem : hia~~ (hugs boun) i missed you..
Boun : b-baby.. (hugs prem)
Prem : hia.. what happened?
prem pulled out of the hug and looked into boun's eyes and asked ''why did you cry?''.
Boun : i will tell you..
Prem : lets go to the room then. (goes to the room with a serious face)
Boun : (goes behind prem)
Prem : (sits in the bed)
Boun : baby... i met alex...
Prem : (shocked) hia..
tears filled his eyes thinking about him..
Boun : i was about to kill him..
Prem : what?! dont kill him!
Boun : (looks down) i didnt.. i killed pavel..
Prem : pavel uncle? w-hat?
Prem started biting his lips trying not to cry.. he failed. prem bursted into a loud cry.. boun hugged him.. with teary eyes.
Boun : alex was forced to touch you... pavel is a mafia.. they are called the KILLEX. alex isnt a mafia but title and dean are... i- alex said he didnt mean to.. he loves plan.. more than anything.. i couldnt kill him.. kao said to not too.. should i?
Prem : n-no hia.. dont.. its okay... i am okay.. i have you now.. i love you so much hia.. i love you..
Boun : i love you so much baby... more than anything... love you so much..
Prem : (sigh)
Boun : (sniffles) baby?
Prem : hm?
Boun : i have to teach title and dean a lesson..
Prem : go.
Boun : hmm
Prem : where are they??
Boun : basement..
Prem : let me come.
Boun : (nods)
at kao's room
Kao : earth-
Earth : phi.. what happened?
Kao : i saw title..
earth's breath hitched , he sat there frozen. the person he hates more than anything. the name he didnt want to hear , ever. tears filled his eyes.
Earth : h-ha?
Kao : we met alex and your friends.. alex is not dead.. alex was forced to do that.. pavel is dead.. boun shot him..
Earth : pavel uncle? boun shot him?
Kao : he is a mafia.. alex is not a mafia but title and dean are , they are called the KILLEX.
Earth : wh-at? phi..
Kao : (explains)
Earth : where are they?
Kao : dean and title are in the basement.. i will teach them a lesson..
Earth : i am coming too.. (smirks)