A week later
Authors pov
everything was going well , they went back to thailand and taehyung was back home. but kao has been stressed a bit about his feelings for earth , he doesnt talk with anyone, even earth. he tried to figure out but failed. he felt so pissed , he didnt know what to do.
end pov
Kao's pov
damn.. i dont really know what i am doing these days.. i feel so weird.. do i like him? my hearts beating so fast whenever he is clinging into me.. i feel so pissed now.. ugh.. i want to be alone and think for a bit.. i came down for breakfast and saw earth talking and laughing with the others as usual.. ''good morning p'kao'' he said cheerfully , but i just nodded. He patted the seat next to him , gesturing me to sit next to him but i ignored and sat next to kai. he looked a bit disappointed but i shrugged it off and started eating with a poker face. we decided to go for a walk , i walked with them , but i was lost with my thoughts. ''phi?'' earth called me , i turned with a poker face. ''what??'' i said , i was irritated. ''um.. nothing'' earth said while looking down. i started to walk fast , i was lost. i couldnt see anyone. ''phi? i think we are lost'' a voice came out of nowhere , i turned back and saw earth panting hard. shit! did he follow me all the way? ''let me call someone , wait'' i said as i dialled. ''o-ok'' he said. i started walking again. ''phi!'' he shouted , i didnt care , i just walked.
Earth : phi! wait! i cant! i am tired! phi! p'kao!
i didnt stop , he held my hand , i got so mad that i pushed him. shit! what did i just do?
end pov
Authors pov
kao pushed earth , earth didnt expect that , he stumbled back.. thank god he had a hold of himself. earth's eyes became teary , he looked down and fidgeted his fingers , tears dripping. he heels were hurt and it was bleeding.
Kao : i-
Beep Beep Beep
three cars come , earth ran to the car as soon as he saw them. they went in different cars , they reached home , taehyung ran to them.
Taehyung : where were you guys??
Kao : sorry , we got lost..
Taehyung : earth? what happened?
Earth : h-ha? nothing.. i will ta-ke a shower..
Taehyung : um.. okay.. come for dinner..
Earth : i am not hungry.. (walks)
earth walked to boun's room and knocked , boun opened the door.
Boun : earth? you okay?
Earth : yeah , can we talk?
Prem : hia what happened- Phi? what happened? are you okay?!
Earth : can we talk?
Boun : c-come in!!
Earth : (sits next to them) p'kao.. he...
Prem : what did he do??
Earth : (explains) he pushed me.. (crying)
Prem : (hugs him) sshh.. its okay.. dont cry..
Boun : what the.. how can he? is he stupid?!
Earth : does he hate me?? (crying hard)
Prem : phi.. dont cry.. it will be okay.. hm?
Earth : hm.. i will go and take a shower now..
Prem : hm.. call me if you need anything..
Boun : call me if he does anything..
Earth : (hugs prem and boun)
Earth went to room and took a warm shower to ease the pain. he was really scared when kao reacted to him.. but he wouldnt forgive him.. he got dressed and prem and boun came inside.
Boun : that stupid didnt come yet?
Earth : i-i dont know..
Prem : phi! your heels.. come here!
Earth : ha? (checks his heels)
prem took a first aid box which was laying around and cleaned earth's wound. he got the clean cotton and antiseptic. he gently applied the cream.
Earth : you guys can go.. i am okay.. and dont tell this to anyone.. please..
Boun : hmm.. fine.. take care.. if you need anything.. call me..
Earth : okay..
after a few minutes
Kao entered the room and saw earth chilling and playing games on the phone. he was laughing , the moment he saw kao , he stopped laughing , his face became serious. no one threw word. kao didnt know what to say. he wanted to say sorry but how? he was ashamed. the guilt was eating his soul. he went to the bathroom to take a washroom. while the water was running in his body , thought were running too. he wanted to go and hug him tightly saying sorry but he couldnt. after showering , he decided to apologize , he couldnt stand that they were avoiding each other.
Kao : earth , i-
kao started softly but before he could finish his sentence , earth got up and threw his phone on the bed and walked away while shutting the door harshly. kao felt his knees weakening. he sat on the bed weakly.
knock knock
Taehyung : yah , its dinner time! come!
Kao : oh ok..
Taehyung : hm (leaves)
kao headed down for dinner and saw earth talking with everyone , he thought he wasnt mad anymore. he slowly sat next to earth. they were chatting the whole dinner expect kao who was staring at earth. boun and prem were still angry about the matter but the others didnt know about it. kao knew earth felt uncomfortable because of his stare.
Earth : i finished , goodnight!
earth said as he got up from seat and headed upstairs. kao suddenly stood up and followed earth.
Kao : earth! please! earth! wait!
kao ran after him but earth didnt even look back. ''i said wait'' kao said as he grabbed his wrist and hugged him from behind. earth tried to remove his hands from his waist but he couldnt. kao rested his hands on earth's bump.
Kao : i wont let you go unless you let me talk.
Earth : aurghhh.. remove your hands!!
Kao : not unti-
Earth : let me go or i will break your bones!
he threatened kao , kao had no choice but to let him go. ''leave me alone.'' earth said in a serious tone before going inside his room. kao felt like a big bucket of ice was poured over his body. he felt tensed and shocked because of earth's behaviour towards him.
Ohm was passing by his room when he heard someone playing a piano , which was not so far from his room. he followed the sound and sneaked his head on the door to see playing the piano. he was suprised to see fluke playing the piano, gracefully. the way fluke's hands dance on the keyboard ,his eyes were closed and he was totally into it and his head was swaying according to the music. Ohm's mind was lost , he was just staring at fluke. it was jennie's piano , she used to play it. Fluke missed playing it , it was a long time since he touched it. Fluke plays a lot of instruments but piano was his favourite since his mom taught it. he closed his eyes thinking how his mom laughs whenever he does a mistake. Fluke didnt notice a tear was flowing down his cheek. he still played it. Ohm noticed it , but kept quiet and watched fluke. Fluke ended it gracefully and his eyes wandered the empty room.
Ohm : did i disturb you?
Fluke : (turns) p'ohm? no no , you didnt... when did you come?
Ohm : i was here all the time.. you played it so beautifully..
Fluke : (blushing) oh.. heh..
Ohm : i saw you crying while playing.. what happened?
Fluke : oh.. really? (touches his cheek) oh my.. (wipes the tears) my mom was the one who tought me to play it so it remembered her..
Ohm : oh.. hm.. you okay now?
Fluke : yeah , i am totally okay now..
Ohm : lets go now..
Fluke : hm.. (nods)
Ohm : (smiles)
Fluke : p'ohm?
Ohm : hm?
Fluke : i am hungry
Ohm : you ate dinner right? (looks at his phone)
Fluke : oyyy , its been an hour! i am hungry now!
Ohm : (puts his phone down) then what do we do??
Fluke : i am hungry (pout)
Ohm : okay fine , lets go to a restaurant??
Fluke : nah
Ohm : then?
Fluke : i dont know.. cook me something!
Ohm : what??? no.. i am not good at it..
Fluke : p'ohm..
Ohm : oyy..
Fluke : come , lets go!
Ohm : wait , let me call boun!
Fluke : why?
Ohm : he can help!
Fluke : let me call prem too!
Ohm : oh.. okay..
at boun's room
Prem : hia..
Boun : hm?
Prem : im hungry..
Boun : why?
Prem : hia.. i said im hungry..
Boun : why? didnt you eat dinner?
Prem : i didnt like dinner!
Boun : oh goshh..
Prem : oyyy.. i said i am hungry.. (gets notifications)
Boun : ao.. ohm is calling me to the kitchen..?
Prem : um.. fluke is calling me too..?
Boun : the heck..
Prem : did something happen??
Boun : lets check..
Ohm : you guys are here..
Fluke : im hungry
Prem : me too
Ohm : so we are going to cook!
Boun : count me out!
Prem : hia!
Boun : fine!
Ohm : what do you guys want??
Prem : hmm
Fluke : um.. ice cream!!
Prem : yes!!
Ohm and Boun : NO!
Fluke : what? why?
Ohm : you guys ate a lot already! you shouldnt eat a lot! if something happens?! huh?!
Boun : you might catch a cold! we already said this!
Prem : (looks down)
Fluke : (looks down)
Prem : i want it.. we just wanted ice cream.. why are you guys shouting?.. (tears)
Fluke : please.. why are you guys shouting? (tears)
Boun : (shocked) baby... sshh... dont cry..
Ohm : (shocked) jeab..
Taehyung : whats going- the fuck!! why are they crying??!!
Prem and Fluke : (hugs taehyung) we want ice cream..
Taehyung : (slowly pats their heads) aww.. guys.. listen.. they are pregnant.. so they are so sensitive.. more than a pregnant woman ok? chen has said this already..
Boun : we are sorry..
Ohm : we didnt know they will cry tae..
Taehyung : (sigh) its okay.. now get some ice cream from the fridge..
Boun and Ohm : (nods)
Prem : yay
Fluke : heh..
Taehyung : now dont cry ok?
Fluke : (nods cutely)
Ohm : here (gives the ice cream box)
Boun : here baby.. (gives the ice cream box)
Prem : thank you hia (smiles)
Fluke : thank you p'ohm (smiles)
Boun : lets go to our room now
Ohm : yeah
Taehyung : take care of them!
Ohm : we will
Taehyung : hm.. bye bye
Prem and Fluke : bye bye!
Mix : earth ,help me do the dishes!!
Earth : oyyy , you do the dishes this time!
Mix : earth!
Earth : mix!
Mix : last time , i did the dishes!
Earth : no , i did!
Mix : plan and alex will do it then!
Plan and Alex : huh??... no..
Alex : i just came home.. my head still hurts..
Plan : its been a week..
Alex : so what?
Mix : i dont know.. you guys are doing it.. right earth?
Earth : my babe is always right..
Alex : Ew! get a room!
Plan : get used to it , thats how they are..
Earth : what? your jealous!
Alex : why should i be? i have my cupcake.. right?
Plan : heh.. dream on!
Alex : ouhhh (hold his heart as if its paining) my heart~
Plan : die. (leaves to the kitchen)
Mix and Earth : (laughing their heart out)
Alex : (throws a pillow at them) shut up!
Mix : i cant.. (laughing)
Alex : hmph! (throws his imaginary hair behind)
Earth : hey.. by the way , i wanted to ask , where is yatch? i dont see him these days..
Alex : he is in his brothers house.. (looks down)
Earth : alex.. he didnt forgive you right??
Alex : hm.. yes , he didnt.. i deserve it.. i dont even know what happened to my dad..
Plan : (comes and hugs alex) its okay.. you didnt mean to right? it will fine.. i am here..
Earth : (hugs alex) we all are..
Alex : (chuckles) i know.. i love you guys..
Mix : (hugs as well) i love you guys too!
Earth : (chuckles) me too
Plan : i love you guys too
end pov