Chapter Thirty Two: Facts!
Kristen's POV:
I ran and ran, without a destination to go, as tears ran down my face, leaving me looking tired and very sad, yet crying was the only thing I was able to do now.
At this point, my tears were my friend, they were comforting me.
When there was no other place to run to, I realized I can't just run without knowing what I'm doing, after all Richard won't be walking the streets, especially when his parents are as angry- or maybe even angrier than my parents.
So I sat down on the streets, I didn't care if people were looking at me, thinking I'm some crazy psycho, I needed to think, i sat down and started thinking.
Then I did the only thing I was able to think of, I knew I have to, I searched for Richard.
So the first place I searched was his favorite bar, I don't know how much it took me to get there, because I was walking like a zombie, with dried tears on my cheeks, and at this moment I don't even wanna look in the mirror to know how I look.
I sighed when I was finally in front of the bar, I stared at the bar's signs for a while, then walked inside of the bar, some girls were sitting by a table laughing at god knows what, there were also a couple sitting by a bench, I could hear a relaxing music playing, and another couple were kinda in the middle of the dance floor dancing.
My heartbeat increased as I saw a guy, who's back was to me, he was drinking by a bench by himself, his hair was the same color of Richard, but I couldn't be sure if it's him.
I walked slowly towards that guy, my legs felt heavy, as if they were afraid it'd not him, my brain quickly thought of some questions to ask him, the questions were so much that I wanted to ask, but thinking of some of them were making me feel anxious.
I gulped as the distance between me and the stranger lessened.
My heart's beating was a mess, by the time I reached him, I shakily extended my arm to touch his shoulder, my hand was soon on the guy's shoulder.
The stranger turned around slowly, and I immediately let out a disappointing sigh as I saw his face.
He was wearing glasses, he had a glass of drink, which looked like beer in his hands, now that I see him closer, he was wearing a suit, and I felt stupid for not realizing that sooner.
Richard doesn't like wearing a suit.
"Can I help you?" The guy's deep, strong voice snapped me back to reality, and I sighed.
I kept staring at the stranger like a freak, blaming him for not being Richard, but then the poor guy was just here to enjoy himself, so why the hell do I blame him?
"It's nothing, I'm sorry" I couldn't even recognize my voice, as I spoke. So I cleared my voice and tried to give the guy a small smile, the guy smiled back at me kindly, and that's when I noticed he looked pretty handsome.
"You look troubled, let me buy you a drink" The guy suggested, I sighed and closed my eyes for a while, well a drink won't hurt, after all I really need it right now.
I slowly opened my eyes, and stared at the amused looking guy, I nodded my head and sat by him, before I know it, the bartender put a glass of beer in front of me.
I stared at the beer for a while, then started to sip on it, the taste and the environment of the bar was really nice, that it almost made me forget why I have come here, but at the same time it reminded me why Richard liked to come here.
The bartender who was a cute girl, poured some drinks for some other guys, and then stared at the guy beside me, she blushed a little and asked him if he likes another drink.
I don't blame the girl, he looks pretty hot!
My subconscious declared, I glared at her in my mind and stole glances at the guy. He looked like he was pretty oblivious to the fact that the bartender likes him, or maybe he just pretended he doesn't notice it.
I cleared my throat and decided to let that rude guy know, that a cute girl likes him.
I can't stop curious Kristen to not be curious you know.
"You know she likes you" I said quietly , just so only he hears it, the guy raised his right brow at me and kept on sipping on his drink.
I titled my head to the side of the bartender and raised my eyebrow at him.
The guy chuckled and gave me his kind smile again.
"I know" He said quietly, making my jaw drop unattractively, I quickly recovered and glared at him for being rude to a kind girl like her.
"I have another girl, who's stole my heart" The guy continued, which made furrow my eyebrows.
"Then why are you here alone? And not to mention flirting with another girl" I couldn't stop but criticize him, after all he does act all kind and mighty.
But seriously, is it just me or lately all the guys I meet look like Richard to me?
"I'm waiting for someone" The guy mumbled and stared at the door of the bar, as he sighed and shook his head.
"Your girl?" I asked curiously, the guy just chuckled and stared at me for a while, then he smiled and shook his head.
"Nope, just someone I need to find" He mumbled, and sighed.
"Ah, okay." I said and turned away feeling guilty, for interfering in that guy's life, I mean why the hell should I care if he meets with Satan?
"I'm Henry by the way" The guy said, and extended his hand for me to take, his kind smile showing again. I gulped and looked away from his face, god this guy really looks like Richard.
"Kristen" I mumbled, as I took his hand. Henry raised his eyebrow and his smile got warmer.
"Kristen Anderson, perhaps?" Henry asked, which made me quiet surprised, I narrowed my eyes at him and nodded slightly.
"Great c'mon let's go" Henry said, as he stood up and put some money right on his glass's place.
"Umm... what?" I asked, confused as to what the hell he means, Henry just smiled and grabbed my hand, taking me out of the bar.
"Wait, what the hell's going on? Leave me alone!" I snapped and glared at Henry as he let my hand go, he ran his hands through his hair, and sighed.
"I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself properly, My name's Henry Anderson, I'm your husband's brother, Richard" I gasped at what Henry said, and stared at him for a little too long, I knew he looks like Richard, I even thought he's him at first. It all makes sense now.
"Oh.God!" I exclaimed, and soon my tears were back on my cheeks, rolling on my cheeks.
"Let's go, Richard told me you might come to this bar to look for him" He said, and smiled at me sheepishly, I nodded my head and tried to smile back at Henry.
"Y-yeah.. I thought, he's gonna be here" I stuttered, and whispered to myself.
"Well... he's waiting for you, he's at my house" He said and told me to get in his car, which was nearby, I got in the car without any complains, and Henry soon drove us to his house, which was nearly twenty minutes long.
On the way to his house, there were so many things in my mind, and I needed to calm my nerves, after all I knew that Richard didn't want to lose the life he had before me, and I can't blame him for all of these.
I sighed and let my tears wet my cheeks again, what am I gonna do?
Oh, Richard! How are we gonna get out of this one?
The car came to a halt suddenly, I looked around to see a medium sized house, which looked pretty cozy.
We got out of the car, and walked towards the main door, Henry knocked on the door, and he was constantly putting his hands in his pockets, I think he was looking for a key.
"Umm. I have lost my keys I guess" He said and bit his lip, but the door was soon open to reveal a very beautiful brunette standing on the doorway, her eyes brightened as she saw Henry, and her arms went around his neck in a blink of an eye. He gave her a peck on her lips and smiled warmly at her.
The scene was pretty cute, but it made me feel guilty for judging Henry.
"Honey, this is Kristen. Richard's wife" Henry said, the pretty girl smiled warmly at me, and soon her arms were around me too.
"It's very nice to meet you, Kristen, I'm Henry's wife, Jessica, just call me Jess" She said kindly, and then let go of me, I smiled warmly at her too, feeling pretty surprised and moved by her kind behavior.
"It's nice to meet you too, Jess!" I finally said.
"Uh.. Richard's been pacing back and forth since Henry left to look for you, you better go to him, he doesn't look good at all" Jess said, making my heart break into pieces for him and myself. I nodded my head and bit my lip, but I couldn't let this couple see my tears again, so I didn't let myself to cry again.
"Follow me" Jess said, as she let me in, she walked and I followed, she climbed up some stairs, and then made a a turn to a room. Like I imagined the inside of the house was pretty cozy just like the outside, but my mind couldn't help but think of Richard only.
"He's here, take your time Kristen, he looked like he missed you a lot" Jess said teasingly, and winked at me, making me blush and smile awkwardly, she was soon out of site.
I took a deep breath and opened the door of the room, the room was a bedroom, perhaps it was the guest bedroom. There were some nice furniture in it, and as I looked more, I saw him.
There he was, pacing back and forth, running his hands through his already messy hair, he stopped moving as he noticed me, he slowly turned towards me, and sighed.
His expression was a mixture of sadness, surprise, love, guilt and mnay other things I couldn't quiet tell.
He walked slowly towards me, with each step he took my heart beat increased, he was right in front of me, staring at him with his eyes, dark circles were visible around his eyes, and his lips were quiet dry,and he looked pale, he raised his hand slowly until it was inches away from my right cheek.
A single tear drop rolled down his cheek, making my chest constrict with pain, he opened his mouth but then closed again, he closed his eyes and bit his lower lip with visible force.
"I... I have no excuse " He said finally, his voice deep and didn't seem like his normal voice, it seemed like he was crying, another single drop of tear rolled down his left cheek this time, making me want to hug him tight and tell him everything's gonna be alright.
"I'm sorry, I-"
I interrupted him, and stood on my tiptoes to kiss his lips, Richard sighed against my lips and put his arms around me, I pulled him closer to me and deepened the kiss, just as Richard kissed me back with the same force, we heard someone clearing a throat. We stopped kissing but Richard pulled me to his chest, making me smile a little.
"I'm sorry guys" Henry's voice sounded sad and disappointing too.
"It's okay bro, do you need anything?" Richard said a little bit harshly, making me giggle and elbow his chest.
His brother rolled his eyes but couldn't fight back his smile.
"Dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes, so you guys have plenty of time to make out before dinner" Henry declared making me blush and hide my face in Richard's chest.
"Yeah, well thank you. Now fuck off!" Richard said annoyingly making me giggle again.
"Kristen, you haven't met my son, he really wanted to see you when I told him about you"
"You have a son?" I asked, surprised that there's a kid in the house, but also happy that the house has some job in it, besides our fucked up problems.
"Yep, his name is Sam, he is nearly five years old, anyways... you... both of you can stay here as much as you want, you can have this room for yourselves, I will support you no matter what"
Me and Richard stared at each other and smiled, no matter what's gonna happen we will fix this.