Chapter Thirty Four: Solution or Separation?
Kristen's POV:
I don't know what woke me up that morning, my fear of losing Richard? or wanting to see Richard so much?
Or maybe it was Richard himself who woke me up.
Because when I woke up, the first sight I saw was Richard's face, Richard's hazel eyes staring at mine intently. He smiled as my cheeks heated up from embarrassment, and leaned forward to kiss my forehead.
"Good morning, beautiful girl!" He said huskily, making my heart beat even faster and cheeks even redder.
"Good morning, hot-stuff!" I answered, sounding still sleepy, and feeling still sleepy, I covered my mouth with my hands as I yawned from tiredness, and that's when I noticed, Richard arm under my head, so that's why despite my tiredness I still had a good night's sleep.
Richard chuckled and grabbed me back to his arms as I tried to get up, I rolled my eyes to hide my smile, but couldn't so I just let a stupid smile be on my face. And I let him put his arms around me again, so that we were facing each other, our faces dangerously close, I could feel his body's warmness, but I zipped my mouth afraid he would smell my morning breath.
Even tho I know I may not have a very strong morning breath, because we couldn't sleep much last night, we just stared at each, talked and kissed each other.
But still it would be awkward, I mean better safe and sorry.
"Hot-stuff?" Richard asked with a raised eyebrow, as another chuckle escaped his mouth, I bit my lip from nervousness it's strange, we've been together romantically for a while but I still feel butterflies in my stomach, I still feel like I'm not good enough for him.
"Yeah.. hot-stuff" I mumbled shyly, He just smiled warmly at me, this was not like his late fake smiles, this one reached his eyes, and his eyes twinkled. I could feel his love in his eyes.
"I had a comfortable pillow last night" I teased and pointed at his arm " aren't you sore or tired tho?"
"No baby.. I feel perfectly fine" he said and sighed, looking sad again making me furrow my eyebrows, he reached out his fingers gently to touch my right cheek, since I was laying on my left side.
I sighed. From his touch, from the way he said 'baby' and from sadness too.
"What's wrong Richard?" I asked, my voice barely audible, I knew perfectly well what was wrong, but I needed to ask, I didn't like the sadness in his eyes.
"I-I.. I know I should feel happy that you're in my arms, and don't get me wrong I do feel really really happy" Richard stuttered, making me feel shocked to see him like this, but then the condition we're in is too hard for both of us to bear, our real relationship is new and this felt like a nightmare.
"But I'm afraid of losing you.. I'm afraid of even touching you, because I'm scared this be just a dream"
"It's not a dream Richard, Look ( I touched his stubble) see? you feel my touch?(he nodded) this is all real"
"I'm afraid of losing you Kristen" he whispered, and leaned forward to kiss me, I welcomed his warm lips on mine, this time not caring about morning breath or whatsoever.
I helped Jess with preparing breakfast, I told Richard to go take a shower and maybe shave his beard. Jess said Henry was on the phone, she said he had said that it was important, their little boy Sam was asleep and still not awake.
So now me and Jess are baking some pancakes.
"You guys are so cute together!" Jess said in a dreamy voice, making me smile to myself.
"Thank you Jess, you guys are so cute too, Henry seems like a good man, and Sam is just so cute I bet he's the joy of the house" I said, and smiled warmly at Jess, she smiled back as she handed me two glasses of orange juices to put on the table.
"Thank you Kris!" Jess said, me and Jess talked about lots of things and even we made fun of the brothers, we were laughing so hard at a funny thing Jess told me about Richard, and that's when He came and smiled at us.
"What are you girls laughing at?" he asked, he looked so fresh and smelled so good as he passed by me.
"N-nothing, just something girly" I stuttered and bit my lip not to laugh at what Jess just told me about him, Richard frowned and stared at us suspiciously but he smiled at his eyes kept staring at me and I was smiling like an idiot.
"Let's sit down and have our breakfast until Henry comes back" Jess changed the subject and we all sat down to have our breakfast and that's when Henry came too and sat down beside Jess.
I was sitting beside Richard, we were sitting opposite to Jess and Henry.
We were all enjoying the breakfast, and each other's company, and we all looked really happy made small talks and laughed about small stupid things, and I felt like this is what I really need right now.
We were in the middle of talking about me and Richard going to college and school, and how we were missing out on so many subjects already, when I felt Richard's hand grabbing mine and putting our intertwined fingers on his own thigh.
Right now at this moment, I wouldn't want a better life than this.
Despite all our problems, me and Richard are having a very good understanding with each other, I liked how we understood each other and how we supported each other.
Last night we talked about lots of things, except Sarah's baby. I knew he needs time to talk about it, I honestly don't know if the news is true or not, all I know is that know Richard, I have known him since we were children, and despite our hate-relationship in high school I always knew he's a player but never a cheater.
But what bothered me was Henry, he didn't look fine at all. He kept zoning out even when his wife was talking to him, there was a fake smile on his face all the time. And I was actually worried about what his problem might be.
"Kris?" Jess's sweet voice snapped out of my daydreaming and I smiled at her warm smile, these two are the cutest couple I've ever seen.
"Yeah?" I said and grabbed the glass of the orange juice, because I was feeling thirsty.
"When are you gonna have a baby seriously?" I choked on the juice that I was about to drink, and started coughing, Richard kept patting my back and gently and he handed me a glass of water, even tho I know it's not gonna make me better, the patting is better.
"You're okay?" he asked, concern evident in his voice. I just nodded and coughed once more.
"I'm sorry, I think it was my fault" Jess said and laughed awkwardly, Henry glared at her and made her blush.
"It's fine really!" I said, my voice sounding strange and squeaky that even I didn't realize it.
Throughout the whole incident, I couldn't ignore Richard's tense body as Jess said that, and Henry's frown.
Why do I feel like there's something wrong?
After our breakfast, I helped Jess with the dishes and all that, I grabbed Richard by his hands and pulled him to a corridor.
" What's the matter with you and Henry, Richard?" I asked, and sighed from nervousness.
"What do you mean Kris?"
"I mean, you and Henry both sound concerned"
"I.. don't know about Henry but the thing Jess said about babies and all that made me feel..."
"Feel what Richard?"
"Feel.. guilty..."
"Why do you feel guilty?"
"What do you mean why? You're the one who should have been the mother of my child!"
"It's not your fault"
"How can you say it's not my fault? Are you that naive?!"
"Why are you yelling at me?!"
Richard sighed in frustration and squeezed my hand which I had forgotten that was holding his.
"I'm sorry Kris.. I don't know-"
"Guys!" Henry's voice interrupted our little quarrel and I was actually thankful. I don't know how far we would have gotten to since we're both not in our right minds.
Henry walked very slowly in our direction, me and Richard stared at each other briefly one more time, before Richard's eyes landed on his brother and he frowned in confusion, I too followed his gaze and stared at Henry, he looked pale as a ghost, and just when he reached both of us I noticed he was avoiding eye contact with us, both of us.
There was definitely something wrong with this guy.
"Guys.. we.. need to talk.." Henry said sadly, he sighed and stared at his brother with a hurt expression.
Thousands of thoughts were running through my mind, I thought that sentence is used only between couples who wanna break up with each other, so I honestly don't know what could be wrong.
"My dad just called me, your parents wanna talk to you." I actually expected that to come out from his mouth, so I was not shocked or sad, I think our parents took longer to reach us and talk to us actually, so I don't know why Henry could be overreacting over this.
"I expected that actually.." Richard's calm and cold voice freaks me out and I stare at him, he stares at me and gulps.
"Me too.." I mumble and smile sadly at him, he smiled back at me too, A sad, cold, fake smile.
"They're gonna be here in five minutes, just listen to them and try to reason with them, I know you guys love each other so much, and don't want you to lose each other" Henry says and then stares at his brother with a sigh.
"Especially you Richard! Don't lose your control please, I know how moody you are but do this for Kristen, got it?"
"Okay, okay!" Richard said as he rolled his eyes, making me smile for real this time.
No matter what we're gonna get out of this one too. I just know it I know we can do it.
And so it happened here we are, both my parents and Richard's parents sitting with us, me and Richard were sitting by each other holding hands tightly, and staring at each other now and then. Ignoring our parent's gaze at our intertwined fingers.
"Let's just cut to the chase " My mom broke the silence, as usual her voice strong, her expression blank and her presence frightening.
"You guys will live in different houses and without seeing each other until Sarah's baby is born" My mom continues, and now she stares at Richard as she says the next sentence " I don't want my daughter to end up getting pregnant with another mistake"
I don't realize that I am shaking my head and saying 'no' over and over again, until I feel Richard's hand squeezing my hand in comfort.
"Mrs. Kate... I know you're worried about Kristen, but I love her" Richard says making my mom roll her eyes and snort, I don't even feel my presence anymore, I don't hear anything, all I know Henry is talking too, I breath heavily and my mind goes to places that I don't wanna imagine right now, living without Richard after our own real wedding will be a nightmare.
I still feel Richard's fingers drawing circles at the back of my hand, but I can't really pay attention to my surroundings, my vision is all blurry from my tears.
All that I remember is that my father comes and gently grabs my hand which's in Richard's hand, I stare at Richard's panicked face and I realize I feel the same, I'm scared and panicked.
They're separating us.
Nine months.
I won't be seeing Richard for nine months.
That day they don't even let us say goodbye or have a small kiss or even hug each other, my parents just grab me out of the house, and at that moment I realize we don't have any other choice for now, but to wait for nine months.
I stare back and see Richard's face for the last time.
His father is holding his arms tightly because he is about to come after me, and a single droplet of tear runs down his cheek.