Deborah's pov
I could feel a presence behind the tree behind the me. I wanted to check, but then it got very dark and shady there without a lamp post. So, I shoved it off as a bad idea and started off for home. I pulled the sides of my sweater close and hugged myself tightly. My teeth chattered a bit from the cold air. I hugged myself, walking home. I felt as if someone was watching me from the tree behind me. My quick reflexes forced me to look back in an instant. I swear I could feel someone looking me. I felt weird and creeped out. I started to take quick steps and in the next few seconds I started running as fast as I could. The feeling of being threatened and panic returned once again...the memories and flashbacks of that horrid night came rushing through my mind. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my chest and difficulty in breathing. The next moment I saw everything turning dark. I expected my body to hit the cold hard concrete ground of the road, but Instead I felt being caught by a pair of strong arms. I wanted to see who my saviour was, but then my vision blurred and I was forced to let it all go and pass out.
Vlad's pov
I couldn't understand what was happening to me. It felt exactly the same when I was introduced to Danny. A wave of nostalgia hit me. All of a sudden, I felt the strong urge to follow her. I started following her, hiding behind trees and observing everything that she did. Poor her was chattering from the cold wind. I wanted to put on my leather jacket on her and lift her from the ground and carry her to her home in my arms.
Wait...did I just...? I leaned my back on the trunk of the tree...what was happening to me? I clutched my temples hard. This was definitely not me. What was happening to me?? I was about to leave when I saw her staring at the tree behind which I was hiding again. Maybe she felt threatened...I could hear her heart beating incredibly and abnormally fast. She started taking quick steps and then running. The next moment I saw she was having a trauma attack and started to collapse. I couldn't hold back anymore and ran to her in seconds and caught her before she could hit the bare ground. I was scared that she saw me when I didn't want her to know. I felt kinda relieved and sad at the time she closed her eyes and fainted in my arms. I had her address with me as Mrs. Hansen had given to me earlier as she was supposed to be tutoring me. I checked it on my phone and discovered that she lived only a few metres away from where I was. I lifted her in bridal style as I walked down the lonely lane to her home. I opened the door of the house and went to an adjoined room. I laid her on the bed and lifted the covers to her chest. I wanted to stay with her till her she woke up but I didn't want to cause unnecessary troubles. I wanted to explore the house for a bit but that would be invading privacy so I decided to leave. ..........................................................................
"BYNI! BYNI!!!!" , I yelled for my maid. She came scurrying through "Yes master?" I saw her fifty year old self appearing through the door of my room. "Retrieve my attire." I ordered her and went to the shower. After returning back I put on my ruffled shirt, slack pants and my infamous cape on and walked down the stairs of my mansion to my throne. All of my courtiers stood up to greet me and soon, the blood was served. I sat on the elevated throne and motioned for them to sit down. My eyes trailed through the chairs when I noticed one chair being empty and I knew who was missing. Then I heard the door bang open and Marcello came rushing in and quickly taking his seat without being bothered to pay his respects. How dare he disrespect me like that?! I heard gasping and murmuring when I stood up enraged. I could feel my blood raging and my vision changing. My fangs had elongated and so had my nails. I descended down the throne stairs and lifted him up by his neck in the open air with my one hand. I could feel him struggling through my tight grip on his neck. "YOU DARE TO DISRESPECT YOUR KING YOU FOOL?!" I screamed at him. I swear I was enjoying every bit of his squirming and struggling body. Poor fellow wasn't even able to speak. "YOU THOUGHT YOU'D BE LATE AND CLAIM YOUR PLACE HERE WITHOUT PAYING YOUR APOLOGIES AND RESPECT TO YOUR KING??!" My voice boomed across the hall of the mansion, silencing everyone. I brought him close to my face and spoke within my gritted teeth, "I'll make an example out of you. Watch me." "NO ONE DARES TO DISRESPECT ME!!!" I yelled as I tightened my grip around his neck and separated it from his body and flung his body to the ground harshly. I watched it turn Into dust before my eyes. I then turned and walked up to my throne and sat down comfortably, maintaining my calm composure. I mentally grinned wickedly as I saw all of my courtiers quaking in fear looking at the mass of ash lying there on the carpet that was once Marcello.
I changed Into a comfortable pair of boxers and laid down on my bed. I lost the taste in coffins long time ago. Beds were way too spacious and free. And sleeping during the day didn't seem like like a good idea since I used to go to school. I pulled the covers to my chest when the flashes of what had happened earlier rushed through my mind. I glanced at the giant wall portrait of Danny...I kept gazing at her beautiful face and her entire frame captured in the giant picture and didn't realize when sleep overtook me...And soon...I had drifted off to sleep...With that remorse and the aching in my heart....Reminiscing the beautiful memories that we once had...Long ago...