Symbol: 🐁
Beyør resident. Its home is a den obscured with sticks and vines underneath a tree. There are bones of small animals, feathers, and furs strewn about inside. A small firepit is near the back wall, with a twisting hole dug into the ceiling above it that is obscured by a bush.
Typically appears as a feral mouse girl with messy short brown hair, huge mouse ears, and a mouse tail. It has copper colored skin and extra body hair in human patterns and splotches of a much lighter skin color. Has entirely black eyes. Wears tattered animal skins and leaves.
Fobi’s role is to keep the body alive. It raises the alarms for when a situation is dangerous and gets us out. Fobi doesn’t pay much attention to her emotions other than fear. She typically doesn’t feel much other than fear and safety. Fobi is jumpy, watchful, and fearful. They generally would rather run away and escape than ask questions. Fobi has no interest in sex or relationships. Fobi has no interest in relationships inside the system. It has no interest in relationships outside the system, either. All she wants is to stay alive. It also only wants to keep us alive. Its only goal is to keep the system alive for as long as possible.
Animals: mouse