Miranda's POV
I woke up some time later and was in my bed and smelled food. I rolled out of bed and headed for my kitchen and seen everyone sitting around talking.
"Hey lovely. You feeling better?" Jack asks
I nod and walk over to Jake and slide into his lap and lean back on him. He wraps his arms around me and kisses the side of my head and I smile slightly and sigh.
"Are you going to tell me?" I ask looking at Sammy
"When we went on that mission I knew I had to fake my death. Jack had got me some pulsers and the rest went from there. I listened to everything you said and I listened to you scream for me to open my eyes but I knew I couldn't. After Jack pulled you away from me the guys loaded me up and took me to a safe house. I went undercover and went after the man who was after you. We finally got him and he's being dealt with. Rogers finally gave me the ok to step back into your life. He explained to me that you weren't ok with your life and you had ran away several times. I never wanted to hurt you and I never thought those dummies would abandon you. I'm so sorry I put you through so much hurt but I did it to protect you. Jack use to sneak me in to watch you sleep sometimes. I would just sit there silently watching you sleep and five minutes before you would start waking up I would be out the door again. I was always there love, you just couldn't see me." Sammy says reaching over grabbing my hand
"Well I feel violated now" I say
"Oh hush. It wasn't like that. Even when Jack would be busy I would sit outside your window readying a book just so I could be a little close to you." She tells me
"I get it. I really do but so much has changed and I don't know if I can fully forgive anyone right now" I tell her
"That's ok it will take time. But for now we have a wedding to plan" She says smiling at me
"Actually we talk and decided we want to wait a least a year to get married. We don't want to rush and with our jobs we both work weird hours so if we can cope with our hours and this one going back to school then we will start planning a wedding." Jake says
"Randa" Sammy starts
"Don't Randa me. This is our decision" I tell her
She sighs but nods and Jack wraps a arm around her. I lean back into Jake and close my eyes and Gage walks in.
"Dinner is ready" He says
I go to stand and Jake tightens his arms around me.
"You stay put and I'll go fix you a plate" He says
I nod and he stands sliding me into his seat and walks away. About five minutes later he comes back holding my plate and a glass of coke in another. He hands me the plate and sits my drink on the table and walks off again. He comes back and sits down in front of me in the floor and I smile. we all eat and chat and I stand up and go in the kitchen to load the dishwasher washer. Jack walks in and helps me but doesn't say anything and I sigh.
"You ok babygirl?" He asks
"It just took a lot of of me like always." I tell him
He nods and scoops me up and carries me back to the living room. He sits down and places me on his lap and starts running his fingers through my hair. I can feel myself grow more sleepy and I peek up at him.
"Sleep baby" he whispers
"Love you" I mumble before I completely fall asleep
Jack's POV
I watch her as she sleeps in my arms and I smile down at her. I hear a click and look over to see Sammy taking a picture.
"She loves you" Sammy whispers
"I was all she had for years. I just can't believe she had to go through that. Sam I watched her try to kill herself. I hated seeing her so broken. My poor babies body is covered in scars."I say choking on my words
I lean down and bury my face in her hair and let the tears fall.
"Don't cry" I hear Miranda say sleepily
"I didn't mean to wake you baby" I say to her
She sits up and pulls her shirt off and then pulls off her yoga pants. She grabs my hand and starts running my fingers over her scars.
"It doesn't hurt anymore" she says
"How?" I ask
"Because I know I have you. Jacky you are my rock, my best friend, you are the person that keeps me grounded." I tell him
Sammy reaches out and touches a scar on her and Miranda tenses badly and jumps away. Sammy snatches her hand back quickly.
"I'm sorry Randa" she whispers
"Just don't touch. I'm not ready for you to touch me yet" Miranda says sternly
Sammy nods quickly but sadly and Miranda pulls her clothes back on. She sits in my lap again and snuggles into me. Jake comes over laying a blanket over her and kisses her head and sits back in the chair.
"You know she loves you. I'm only her best friend" I tell him
"I know. She talked about you a lot when you were gone. It took me forever to get her to agree to go out with me. Hell I even made her take off work just so she wouldn't have a excuse to say no" he says laughing
I chuckle and look down at her.
"She is stubborn that is for sure." I say to him
"Am not" she mumbles
I chuckle and kiss her forehead.
Miranda's POV
When I woke up I was still in Jack's lap and I smiled. I slid off of him and covered him up and walked to my room. I got a shower and got ready for the day. I walked in the kitchen and started the coffee and breakfast. I turned on my music and one of my favorites was playing. I started singing softly and when I spun around everyone was standing there staring at me.
"What?" i ask
"Nothing. We called your name but you were off in another world" Jack says
I shrug and place all the food on the bar and everyone fixed their plate.
"alright lock the door when you leave I got to go" I tell everyone
"And where are you off to?" jake asks
"Um work" I tell him
"Nope. I gave everyone the day off" He says
"Jake don't mess with my routine. I have it for a reason. And since you gave everyone the day off i'm changing clothes and going to see Tommy" I say and walk to my room
When I came back I was wearing skin tight skinny jeans, black stilettos, and low cut ripped shirt and I curled my hair.
"Woah" Jake says
I smirked and walked over to the wall and clicked a button and my wall opened and my weapons were there. I reached out and picked up my gun and placed it in the waist of my jeans. I pick up my throwing knives and twirled them around and slipped them between my boobs. I click another button and the wall slid closed. I turned around and walked over grabbing my keys and leather jacket. I walked out the door and jumped in my car. i noticed everyone following me and I smirked. I drove to the warehouse and when I arrived I stepped out of my car and walked in the building. When the door slammed opened everyone gasped and gulped.
"Where is he?" I snapped
"Randa" George says
"Tell me" I hiss
"Over there" He says pointing
I smile sweetly and I walked over to Tommy and everyone backs away. His back to me and I pulled out my throwing knives and I chucked one and it landed in his arm. He hissed and spun around and gulped when he seen me.
"You are going to regret doing this to me" I tell him smiling
"Randa listen to me. we had to do it." Tommy says
"Really? Cause I was the top of this whole fucking place. I was here longer than she was. If you needed someone you should have came to me. Do you know what the fuck i've been through these past few years? Of you don't cause your never spoke to me again." I scream at him
"Randa i'm sorry" he says
"Sorry doesn't fix my mental health. Sorry doesn't made my scars go away. Sorry doesn't give me my sleep back that I lost. Sorry doesn't help my best friends understand why I did what I did." I snap at him
His jaw dropped and I smirked. I walked over to him and swung hard punching him in the jaw. It knocked him out and I dusted off my hands and turned to face everyone.
"Take him to the infirmary" I snap
Two guys come over and carry him off. I roll my shoulders and sigh.
"And who the hell do you think you are?" Some bitch spits at me
I smirk and walk over to Ronnie the guy she is by and I wrap my arms around his neck.
"Ronnie my love. I have missed you. What's new?" I ask
"Not much just same bullshit just a different day. How's my girl been?" he asks wrapping his arms around my waist
"I see. Wanna spar with me?" I ask sweetly
"Of course." he says
I smile and walk over taking off my heels and climbing in the ring.
"Now gonna change clothes?" Jack asks
"nah. Two seconds flat" I tell him
He nods and steps back smirking.
"Ronnie don't let your guard down" jack says
Ronnie jumps in and everyone circles around to watch. he circles me and then he swings and I duck. I swing and catch him in the jaw and then jab him in the stomach and he bends over. I jump up wrapping my legs around his neck and I bring him down and he taps out.I jump up and give my hair a shake and I jump out of the ring.
"I'm the Queen. That's who the fuck I am. Stay in your place or I will end you" I say sweetly to the bitch
"You don't scare me. I can make Tommy kick you out" She says smirking
I hear gasps and I smile evilly.
"Sweetheart Tommy will always choose me. I am the best and his second in command. Let's go see what Tommy says shall we?" I say
I reach up and grab a hand full of her hair and I drag her to where Tommy is. When we enter the room Tommy groans.
"Tommy my love. Tell her now or I will kill her" I tell him sweetly
"Tisha what did you do?" He says calmly
"Nothing baby" She says smiling
"Baby? Really? Bitch you are fucking stupid. My love here is gay. He would never touch you. Boys!" I shout
"Yes Queen?" They says walking in
"Teach this bitch a lesson about lying and going against the Queen" I tell them
They smile and drag her out crying. I turn to Tommy who gives me a sad smile and squeezes my hand. he looks down at my hand and smiles.
"I see you found the one" He says softly
"yeah I did." I tell him
He smiles and I stand up and walk out.
I look up at Jake as I said i do and the preacher pronounced us Husband and Wife and we smiled at each other. He leaned down and kissed me with everything in him and I hear the cheers all around us. we pulled back and he took my hand and we walked out and to the reception. When we entered we took our seats and everyone joined us. Our food was placed in front of us and we ate til we were full. the dancing started and we danced half the night away.
"it's time to throw the bouquet" Jake tells me
I nod and he gathers all the girls. I turn and act like i'm gonna toss it and I turn around and hand it to Sammy. She looks at me funny and I spin her around and we see Jack down on one knee. Sammy gasps and starts crying.
"Will you marry me?" Jack asks her
She nods and he slips the ring on her finger and i smile and she kisses him. I step back and turn around and someone catches my hand and when I turn around Jack is down on one knee again smiling at me. I look at him funny slightly confused and he smirks.
"Miranda you are my best friend, my rock, and the light of my world. Will you please be my best man?" He asks
I die laughing and nod and a tear slips down my face and he stands up and kisses my forehead. I feel something slip around my neck and I look down and a stunning diamond necklace hangs there. My head snaps up and he grins.
"You got everything for tradition but your something new. It had to wait til now." he says
I smile and lean up and kiss his cheek. I step back and Jake tells me it's time for the honeymoon. We tell everyone bye and we head off to the airport. Finally I can say my life is complete and I was truly happy. As for Jack and Sammy well that's a story for a another time.