A couple months later, Toby and I were going on a mission to kill this family. It was going to be awesome. Currently, Toby and I were walking through the forest, he had his arm wrapped around my waist and I had my arm wrapped around his. I always liked it when we did that. It showed people that I was his and that he was mine.
We continued onward until we reached the house. It was a decent house with faded blue paneling and two cars in the driveway. Looked like everyone was home.
We entered the house quietly. I took the bedrooms on the left side of the second floor and Toby took the bedrooms on the right. I killed the parents before moving on to one of the kids’ rooms. It was the son’s room.
I hid in the closet as the son got up. He looked around his room. He walked over to the window and opened it, breathing in the night air. I snuck up behind him and pushed him out the window. He hit the ground with a sickening crack. His neck was bent at an odd angle. I’m just going to assume he was dead.
I went out to the hallway and waited for Toby. He was still in the same room. I literally just killed three people and he was still dealing with one??
My yandere instincts were beginning to kick in. Bad sign. I kicked down the door. I found nothing in the room but a dead body. The window was open. I clenched my fists. That fucking no good boyfriend of mine! He left me here!!
“TWO CAN PLAY AT THIS GAME, FUCK BOY!!” I yelled at the top of my lungs.
“Fuck boy?” A familiar voice asked. It was just Tim. “Who are you calling a “fuck boy” now?”
I growled, “Toby… HE FUCKING LEFT ME HERE!!”
“Um… No I didn’t… I’m right here…” Toby said, coming from back up the stairs. “I’m not an asshole.”
I looked back at the window, “Then who…?” Then it hit me. Who follows CreepyPastas and climbs through windows to meet them? Fangirls and fanboys, that’s who! “Fangirls....”
All of our eyes widened, “SWEET HONEY ICED TEA!!”
We rushed downstairs, ran out of the house, and into the woods. We didn’t even hear sirens coming until we reached the barrier that kept humans away from the Mansion.
Once the three of us were safely at the Mansion, we headed to the kitchen for some food. Tim sat at his usual spot next to Brian and ate some cheesecake. Toby sat down at his usual spot and began eating waffles. I grabbed some pancakes and sat beside him, like usual. Toby looked at me, rolled his eyes, and moved a couple seats down.
He was glaring at me, slightly, “I Thought I was a “fuck boy”, huh?”
I glared back at him before frowning. I shook my head and moved to the bay window seats. I stared at the woods as I spoke, “You know, right now you are acting like one.” I quickly ate my pancakes before putting my dishes in the sink and leaving the room.
As soon as I got to my room, I locked the door and slid onto the floor. Hot tears were spilling from my eyes. Why do I always get so fucking emotional??
I took a deep breath and got up before plopping down on my bed. Pretty soon, I drifted off to sleep. Surprisingly.
~~~Toby’s POV~~~
I watched Sarah leave the room without even speaking to me. Fine. Be that way. I was glaring at the table. I’m pretty sure almost burned a hole in it with my sexy ass glare.
“Okay, I side with Sarah,” Tim said, getting my attention. “That is the look of a fuck boy.” I glared at Tim. “And you know that she thought you left right? It was a misunderstanding. Go make up, now.”
My glare softened. I shook my head. “She hates me right now…”
Tim just gave me his famous “you fucking idiot” look.
“What?” I asked. “I’m just stating--”
Tim then did something that surprised me. He slapped me across the face. I hit the floor and lay there sprawled out. My breath came in ragged bursts. Tim hit me. He fucking hit me!
I stared up at Tim. His eyes were boring into me with disappointment. I didn’t move. Hell, I was too scared to! For the first time in a long time, I felt fear. Then I realized that Brian was missing. Where’d he go?
Footsteps rushed downstairs. Sarah tackled Tim and smacked him repeatedly. “YOU FUCKING BAKA!!!” Tim cringed at this. It almost seemed like this wasn’t going according to plan… Oh. Brian must’ve told Sarah that Tim started a fight with me or something. Sarah growled at Tim and pulled him up by his collar. “You touch my darling Toby ever again and I will kill you.”
Sarah got off of Tim and pulled me off of the ground. I wasn’t wearing my converse (that added two and a half inches to my height), so she stood a couple inches taller than me. Even without her boots (that added about half an inch to her height), she was still taller. Not that I ever minded, I mean, she’s Slender’s daughter after all.
(Hold the phone. Pause da story. Just to make things clear, Sarah the Stalker is 5 foot 9 inches and Toby is 5 foot 7 inches. Yes, he is Shorteh McShortness.. Well at least compared to me irl.. Lol I’m rocking it at six foot! X’D)
Her hazel eyes stared into my chocolate brown ones for a few moments before she hugged me tightly. Tim was still lying on the floor, like “paint-me-like-one-of-your-french-girls” style, as he gave me the thumbs up. What a fruit loop.
Sarah’s lips brushed against my ear, sending some shivers down my spine, “Don’t. Ever. Make. Me. Worry. Ever. Again.” She leaned back and grinned wickedly, “Oh who I am kidding? You’ll always make me worried. Seriously. You are going to be worse than our kid--” She slapped a hand over her mouth.
I wiggled my eyebrows at her, “So much for being mad at me?”
Sarah blushed, “Who said I was mad at you?”
“He did!” Tim bursted out, only to cover it up with a fake cough.
Sarah rolled her eyes, “If I was mad at you, would I do this?” She asked before giving me a quick peck.
I pretended to question it, “Hmm, you might be trying to psych me out.... I may need a little more evidence, miss.”
Sarah turned a bright red and backed away from me. Tim was rolling on the floor, dying of laughter. “Oh my God! I think you broke her!!”
I stared at Sarah as she slowly left the room. I can just picture the little emotions in her head, you know the ones from Inside Out, freaking out in her head.