~~~Toby’s POV~~~
Ever since I found out what Sarah had been through, she’s been avoiding me like the plague. I don’t blame her. I mean, if I’d been treated like that by my nonexistent ex and Sarah found out, I’d probably avoid her, too.
I was currently on the way to my room when I saw Sarah sitting by herself at one of the bay windows in the library. I slipped into the library, grabbed a clean piece of paper and a pencil. I scribbled down a few words before folding the paper into a paper airplane. I aimed the paper airplane at Sarah, threw it, and slipped out of the library undetected.
~~~Sarah’s POV~~~
I was just sketching and minding my own business when suddenly a paper airplane hit the side of my head. I set my sketch aside, I had been drawing a creepy ballerina doll, and picked up the paper airplane. I unfolded it and read the oh-so familiar handwriting:
Dear Sarah,
I couldn’t care less about your past; what happened then doesn’t affect how I see you, how I love you.
Meet me in the middle of the garden, the black & white swan gazebo, at quarter to midnight. Wear something fancy-ish. A dress would be okay.
I’ve got a plan, don’t worry. I’ll tell you all about it when you arrive.
Sincerely (is that how you spell it? Eh, don’t care, you know what I mean ;p),
Your partner in crime, Tobias Erin Rogers
I laughed softly at the end of his note. That was so Toby. I folded the letter and put it in my hoodie pocket. Maybe I will meet him; I’ve ignored him long enough. I grabbed my sketchbook, pencils, and erasers before heading to my room.
I put my sketchbook, pencils, and erasers away before plopping down on my bed. Suddenly, my door opened. I looked up to see my sister standing at my door.
“Hey, sis!” She greeted with a grin.
“Amy, what’s up with that--” Rogue interrupted me.
“I know that Toby wants to meet up with you at midnight…” She said, still grinning, “I wish Brian would do something romantic like that~!” She noticed me giving her a weird look. She coughed awkwardly, “Ahem… Anyways, I just wanted to help you out and make you look nice!”
I blinked at her, “Amelia, it’s not even one o’clock yet!”
She just smiled at me, “That’s why I’ve gathered some of the CreepyPasta ladies to help us out!” As if on cue, Jane, Natalie, Izzy, Jade, Nikki, and Kaitlyn appeared.
Kaitlyn grinned at me and said, “I’m horrible with things such as dresses. But, since I’ve known you since second grade, and this is the first time in a really long time you’ve been happy in your life with someone, I’m going to help you.”
Jade grinned wickedly, “Besides, Proxies gotta stick together!”
Natalie smiled at me, “I know that I used to have feelings for Toby, but I know how happy he’s made you and I have John now, however…. SCREW MY PAST FEELINGS!!”
I laughed a bit, before shaking my head, “But why are you guys trying to do this way before the actual time?”
They all just laughed before Izzy looked me dead in the eye and said, “Because of time reasons.”
I sighed, “Whatever you say, gals.”
We all sat on my bed and talked.
“Okay,” Rogue said, getting my attention, “You need to ignore Toby for the rest of today.”
“What? Why?” I asked, “I’ve already been ignoring him for so long, I shouldn’t ignore him any long--!”
“You need to ignore him to make him want you more,” Natalie explained. Jade nodded.
“Yeah, that’s what I do to BEN whenever we have a fight,” Jade said. She then winked at me and whispered, “It always works like a fucking charm.”
I blushed before burying my face in my hands, “But I don’t wanna… you know… send the wrong signals…”
Nikki and Jane giggled, “What? Are you afraid you guys might end up having sex or something?”
I blushed before pulling my knees to my chest.
“Oh my God,” Jane said, wide-eyed, “You’re a virgin, aren’t you?”
I whimpered, “In my head and heart I am. Down yonder, not so much.”
Natalie stared at me, “I-I’m so sorry… That goes for me, as well…”
The atmosphere turned highly awkward until Rogue grinned at me, “But if Toby tries to get a little lucky, just tell me via our freaky twin-telepathy powers.”
That caused a few snickers to rise from the group.
“Well,” Rogue spoke again before grinning again, “Let’s get started with the plan!”
~~~Toby’s POV~~~
I stared at Tim, Brian, John, Ash, Liu, BEN, and EJ.
“Why do you want me to act like she and I didn’t even happen?” I asked.
Brian smiled, “You see, Toby, Amelia told me that she and the girls were going to help Sarah and have her avoid you.”
I blinked at him, “Why are you telling me this?”
“Because in order for both of our plans to work,” Tim began, “You both need to do what we say. We literally just need your cooperat--”
“No. I’m not going to do it,” I interrupted, “I just can’t do it..”
“You know what else, Toby?” EJ asked, “It would be a damn shame if Victory got a hold of your phone and had easy access to your Wattpad.” EJ said as he waved my phone in the air.
“HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET MY PHONE, EYELESS?!?!” I demanded as I launched myself towards him. EJ, being, like, 6 foot, easily kept me away from him by pressing the palm of his hand against my forehead while I blindly swung at him.
EJ tauntingly opened my Wattpad app and went to my library, “Tsk, tsk, looks like Toby’s been reading some… interesting stories… Wow, I’m sure Victory would just love to see how many Sarah the Stalker x Reader, Sarah the Stalker x Ticci Toby, and Sarah the Stalker stories in general, you have here… Oooh, what’s this? You even have some stories up, too? Ooh la la, you wrote a--”
“EJ, that’s enough,” John said.
“--TOBY WROTE A FUCKING LEMON OF HIM AND SAR--” EJ was knocked down by John, whose eyes changed from human-looking eyes to 100% dark amber and gained blood red demon horns.
“That’s enough, Jack,” John spoke, his tone dark and scary as fuck.
EJ gulped. “O-Okay, J-John…” EJ stuttered. John smiled as he went back to normal, as if he was still the same John I do target practice with.
“That’s good~!” John said as he got off of EJ. “Anywho, well Toby, how about you and I, and I mean just you and I,” John said, his voice going dark once before quickly returning back to his normal chipper and happy tone, “Go do some target practice while these idiots keep trying to make a decent plan!”
I nodded, “Sure, sounds good, John.” John grinned his famous vampire-like grin before grabbing my hoodie sleeve and pulling me down to the target practice range.
That’s when I heard two--scratch that--four familiar voices. John and I hid behind some crates and saw Jeff, Izzy, Clocky, and Sarah.
“So the guys are making a half-ass attempt of a plan to help your man,” Jeff said to Sarah. “Kind of like what Izzy and your other gal pals did, except not as well thought out.”
“Excuse me,” Izzy said with a grin, “Mine and Natalie’s plan for success is definitely not a “half-ass attempt” of a plan! We even planned out some possible dialogue and--”
“To be honest, it is a little…” Sarah mumbled, “I-I can’t avoid the Toaster 5ever.”
“Oh yes you can!” Clocky said, “It won’t be easy, but I think you can manage to avoid his powerful “Toaster waves” or whatever. Anything is possible with de--”
“DE-TEM-INATION!” Sarah interrupted, grinning. (What can I say? I’m Undertale Trash.)
“Yeah, sure, whatever,” Izzy said with her grin.
John then suddenly popped up, “I, THE GREAT JOHN THE HACKER, SHALL GIVE AWAY TOBY’S LOCATION!” John then picked me up by the hood. Damn his demon strength!
“WHAT THE HELL, JOHN?!?” I hissed, “You told me we were going to be doing target practice, not sacrifice me to the Insomniac!!” I kept kicking the air frantically, trying to gain purchase. “FUCK YOUR DEMON STRENGTH!!” I hissed at John.
“What?” John asked teasingly as he winked at a blushing Clockwork, “It comes in handy~!”
I blushed at that statement, “Oh really? I have no interest in knowing what you two do in your spare time!”
Izzy then grabbed Sarah’s arm and bolted out of the room, “THE PLAN HAS OFFICIALLY BEGUN!!”
John set me down and gave Clockwork a fistbump, “Nice. Looks like the plan is all set~!”
“Agreed,” Clockwork grinned, stretching as if this was a lot of effort, “Now let’s go; the time for this plan will be up soon, so there is no time to waste!”
I just stayed in the same position as I watched John and Clockwork leave. What teh fuck just happened?