~~~Sarah’s POV~~~
I woke up in my father’s office next to Toby. I immediately started blushing once I realized how close Toby and I were. I wanted to snuggle closer to him, but my father was in the room and that would’ve been awkward as fuck.
“Oh you’re alright, thank hell!” Father said as he walked over to Toby and I. “What was going on in your head, Sarah? You scared us all to death!”
“I meant to jump up and surprise you all, but I was paralyzed. It felt like sleep paralysis…” I looked down, suddenly feeling very guilty. “I’m so stupid. I should’ve known that something would happen if I tried to pull that…” I felt Toby stir beside me and I shook my head as I got up from the floor, “I should go. He’s probably pissed at me or will be once he knows I’m awake… Bye, dad.” I said and left the room before he could say anything.
I made it to my room and locked the door behind me. I lied down on my bed and I must’ve accidentally dozed off, because I was in a strange dream-like place and Izzy was there.
“Hey,” Izzy greeted. “How ya feeling?”
“Horrible,” I admitted, “I put Toby through a horrible thing… I’m such a--”
“Let me stop you right there, fren,” Izzy said as she sat beside me. “He doesn’t hate you. He forgives you. He loves you!”
“But he’s probably fed up with my bullshit!” I snapped, before muttering a quick “sorry”, and stared at the “floor”. “I would be, too, if I were Toby.”
“Dude, we both know that if Toby was sick of you, you’d be well aware,” Izzy said while crossing her arms.
“I guess you’re right about that…” I mumbled. “Anyway, what time is it?”
“About ten, so you need to wake up! The girls and I are heading to your room now,” Izzy said as everything began to blur before returning to my room. I blinked and rubbed my eyes to get the crusties out.
I got up and unlocked my door right before Izzy, Amelia, Clockwork, Jane, Kaitlyn, Alex, and Jade showed up.
“Hey girly,” Clockwork greeted, flashing me a grin.
“Hey sis,” Amelia said as she strode into my room.
“Ready to get so stunningly gorgeous that Toby won’t know what hit his twitching little head?” Izzy asked with a grin.
I sighed with a small smile, “I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be…”
Rogue and Jane locked eyes before nodding at each other. Jane took me by the hands and sat me on my bed. Rogue brought over my desk chair so Jane could sit.
Izzy had come over with a small table and placed it next to Jane before putting what little makeup I owned it (which was two eyeliners pencils, liquid liner, mascara, and two tubes of black lipstick.
Jane sighed, “Girl, this has to be the saddest makeup collection I’ve ever seen.”
“What? I like my eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick… I don’t have patience for that other shit.” I said bluntly, “And is Toby really going to give a fuck what my makeup looks like?”
“Dude,” Jade said, “your look will set the tone and will let him know that you took your time with getting ready and that you care.” Jade then began to smile, “Now what look do you wanna go for? The ‘I’m beautiful and chic’, ‘I’m stunning in black’, ‘This lipstick won’t only be on my lips tonight’, or--”
“What?” Jade asked, “I’m just being real.”
“Jade, you’re making my virgin little sister uncomfortable,” Rogue said, glaring at Jade.
“Why are you talking like you’re not a virgin, too, Amelia?!?!” I asked, completely shocked. When my sister didn’t reply, I shouted, “AMELIA MACY LANCASTER LEE!!”
“What? Hoodie and I may have.. Done some things…” She giggled.
I got up from my bed and made a break for my door, “BRIAN THOMAS, YOU ARE SO DEAD WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!!” I screamed as I ran towards the kitchen, which is probably were he was.
“SARAH NO!!!” I heard Amelia scream as she chased after me.
~~~Toby’s POV~~~
I was in the kitchen with Tim, Brian, John, BEN, and Jeff getting their input on how I should act tonight.
“What if she *twitch* wants to, you know…?” I asked as I ran my fingers through my brown locks.
“Go for it and show her a good--” BEN was interrupted by John and Brian smacking the top of his head.
“Shut up, BEN!” Brian hissed at the elven male.
BEN groaned before shutting up.
“Anyway,” John said as he looked at me, “be a gentleman! Unless she wants a beast, then be a beast. But if she doesn’t, be a gentleman! Rule number one of getting your dream girl; be a gentleman!”
Tim nodded, “Nice guys finish last because they don’t cut corners, Toby. John has a point.”
“Yeah,” Jeff said, “listen to John, Ticci, he has incubus blood in ‘im. He’s a lady’s man.”
John smacked Jeff’s shoulder, “I don’t have incubus blood in me. Austin does because, you know, he’s an incubus!” John scoffed. “I’m just an ordinary demon.. I don’t force myself upon women or men in their sleep!”
“Well you’re related to one, that counts right?” Jeff asked.
“No, Jeff..” John sighed heavily, “Anyway Toby, so you were worried about tonight?”
“Yeah, you know this may be a shocker, but I’m *twitch* not experienced with this kinda thing…” I said while looking down in embarrassment.
Brian was about to open up his mouth to speak when suddenly we heard Sarah scream, “BRIAN THOMAS, YOU ARE SO DEAD WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!!” with hard footsteps coming closer.
Amelia teleported in the kitchen and grabbed Brian before teleporting off again just before Sarah kicked open the kitchen door with her pickaxes in her hands.
“Where is that sister-fucking piece of shit?!?!” She hissed as she scanned the room for Brian. Once she found that he wasn’t here, she growled before turning around and sung in a sing-song voice very loudly, “Oh Brian~! I’m coming for you~!” She skipped out of the room.
“Forget your plans for tonight,” Jeff said before pushing me out of the kitchen. “Go get your girl before she kills Hoodie.”
I walked out into the hallway and thought for a moment or two. If I were my fair Lady Stalker, where would I go? I pondered for a moment before my eyes widened, Of course! I took off in the direction of the secret passageway to the hidden attic. Only proxies and highly trusted pastas (basically only the Slender Family members, including Dollhouse and Mannequin) knew about. I walked along the hallway until I reached a painting of Slender’s mother and father, Sarah Lee and Der Grossman, and, once I made sure that no pastas were around and that I was alone, I swung the painting open like it was a door before going into the passage, closing the painting/door behind me.
It was pitch black in the passage, but I could hear Sarah’s voice up ahead. I crept up up the stairs to the secret attic, where I found Sarah pacing around with her hands behind her back all formal-like. I paused in the doorway and listened in to what she was saying.
“I honestly agree with you for once, Death,” She spoke softly. “I must be patient with my revenge on Brian!” She paused for a moment before rolling her eyes, “Death, you’re being inconsistent with your answers… usually, you’re all up for chaos! Now you’re just…” Sarah scowled, “Death, Amelia would totally do that same thing if she found out Toby and I had sex, which hasn’t happened.” I held back a chuckle as I continued to listen, “D-Death! Oh my God, you literally can’t leave my body, you would know if we did that!! Ugh!!”
I grinned before walking out from my hiding place, “You’re cute when you plan devious shit and get flustered~!” I teased while leaning against the wall.
Sarah jumped in surprise, “H-How’d you..?!? Wait..!! Were you eavesdropping..??” I just nodded with a smirk, “You ass! That’s my thing!!” She pouted as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“Hmm, okay, my fair Lady Stalker,” I chuckled. “How about we just head downstairs and, I dunno, hang out and not kill Brian?”
Sarah tilted her head and pondered a moment before speaking, “Hmm, nah, I’d rather just give Brian a piece of my mind for---Toby what are you doin---GAH!!!” I cut her off by flinging her over my shoulder.
“Hmm, no you’re not,” I chuckled, “I’d rather keep a member of my unit alive, thank you very much!” I smirked, “Plus, your sister would probably kill you for killing or hurting her precious Hoodie.”
“And Victor would kill you for holding my like this…” Sarah mumbled into my back. I shifted her on my shoulder so she wasn’t resting on her ribs. “GAH!!! Watch where you’re touching, Toaster!!” I blushed, realizing I must’ve accidentally touched the booty.
“Sorry,” I mumbled before smiling. “Where to, my fair Lady Stalker?”
“My room, please,” Sarah sighed before, I assume, smiling. “I wanna play sims.”
“As you wish,” I said, quoting The Princess Bride.
“Okay, Westley,” Sarah said, obviously getting the reference. “Get me outta here before Humperdick--I mean Humperdinck shows up.”
I snorted as I went back down the passage and kept going down until I reached the second floor, which is where all the proxy rooms are located. I exited the secret passageway and headed to her room, which was right next to mine, and opened the door. I set her down on her bed and turned to leave when she grabbed my wrist. I turned around to face her when she pulled me onto her bed. I blushed as I hit the black sheets. My blush grew hotter when she shut her door.
“What?” She asked me, “I just wanna play sims with you!”
“Oh..” I said as my blush lessened.
Sarah noticed and laughed softly, “Oh you fucking pervert.. You thought...” She shook her head as she brought her laptop and charger before plugging in the charger and setting up her laptop next to me.
“You know you could’ve just asked me to play Sims with you instead of pulling me onto your bed and shutting the door silently…” I said while leaning against the wall.
“But that’s no fun~!” Sarah pouted as she got onto her laptop and loaded her Sims game. “Wanna make a new game?”
“Sure,” I said as I took the laptop from her. I choose Moonlight Falls as the town our Sims will live in. Sarah and I then proceeded to make our Sims and ended up playing until four in the morning.
A/N: So there's this chapter! This took forever to upload and I apologize about that... Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll see you guys in the next one! Bye-bye!703Please respect copyright.PENANAeiQko08HXV