It was any other day, some Pastas were out on missions and some were at the Mansion. All was good today, I was certain about that. Anyways, I was sitting in the kitchen eating pancakes next to my best friend, Toby, who was eating waffles. Tim and Brian were eating cheesecake. Tim was also going through paperwork as he ate, careful not to get any on the papers.
Toby had finished his waffles before I finished my pancakes, so he just sat there, staring at me Yuno Gasai style. I looked up at him.
“Okay, Toby Gasai, what do you want?” I asked playfully. Toby shrugged.
“I don’t know, Sarah Amano, what do I want?” He replied, propping his feet up on the table. Tim glared at him.
“Boss just cleaned that, you know.” He said, rolling his blue eyes at Toby. Toby just shrugged.
“I’m waiting for my bestie to finish up.” Toby twitched, popping his neck, before grinning, “Sarah!! You said that the anime Yuno Gasai is from is pretty freaking good, right?”
I nodded, continuing to eat my pancakes. “It’s the best, but also very inappropriate. Why do you ask?”
“Wellllllllll, we have a free day… So maybe we could watch it together?” He asked, hopeful.
I shrugged, “Sure. You know Hero doesn’t like it when I’m alone with another guy, right?”
Toby shrugged, “But I’m yo bestie. Besties before… Wait what was the thing again? Oh yeah. Bros before hoes.”
I laughed. “He ain’t no hoe.”
Toby stuck his tongue out at me, “You don’t know that for sure!”
I smiled, “Yeah… Hey, so what do you think of the newbies? Candy Cane and Candy Pop, I mean.”
Toby shrugged, “I don’t trust them. I heard that they were “rescued” from Zalgo.”
I nodded, “Yeah. It’s possible they could be spies. I just hope that Zalgo forgot all about….” I trailed off, having a flashback from when I was five.
“Jump through the portal, child. You shall be free from this hell, I guarantee.” Zalgo instructed a younger version of myself. I began walking towards the portal, before Zalgo gets stabbed in the arm, causing him to stumble back. Tendrils wrap around my waist, lifting me up.
“My child shall not suffer your chosen fate, Zalgo. Leave.” Slendy had said, tendrils prepared to skew Zalgo. Zalgo laughed, before retreating.
“Perhaps not today, but someday, Richard…”
“Sarah…? Sarah! You okay? You zoned out there for a second.” Toby said, concern in his chocolate eyes.
I shook my head, “No, no. I’m fine. I just had a flashback from when I was five...”
Toby looked at me, intrigue and understanding glinted in his eyes. “Well, I hope it was interesting enough to keep you zoned out for ten minutes.”
I nodded nervously, “Yeah… Totally worth zoning out for ten minutes…. Wait, I was really zoned out for ten minutes!?!”
Toby nodded slowly, before frowning. I was about to ask what has got him like that, when I felt arms snake around my waist.
“Hey babe. Wanna go on a killing spree with me? I have nothing else to do~.” It was Hero. I shook my head, peeling his arms off of me.
“Sorry, but I was going to show Toby this amazing anime I just finished watching. Maybe some other time?” I asked apologetically.
He shrugged, “Yeah.. No big deal… Heh… I’ll see you later then… I guess…” Herobrine then walked out of the room.
“He’s such a hoe.” I looked up at Toby to see him smirking.
“Er mer Gerd, shut up! He’s not a fucking hoe!!” I said, trying so hard not to laugh.
“Oooh gurl, you didn’t notice that he didn’t insist that you go with him like a normal guy does?” Toby then began doing a Miranda Sings impression, “Shit, if that were me and my nonexistent girlfriend, I would be all like “But BAE. I donut want you hangin out wit dat low life! Go on a killing spree wit me for a change!” Like SERIOUSLY. Dat boy be hidin somethin.” I slowly slammed my head onto the table.
“Boy. Stop. Seriously. I’m dying.” Toby then stabbed my pancakes (which for some damn reason I didn’t finish), before grabbing me by my scarf as gently as possible.
“Bitch you ain’t dying on me. Not today. Not ever. I SHALL SAVE YO ASS!!!” My eyes widened.
“MY ASS DON’T NEED SAVING!!!” I heard BEN shout “That’s what she said!” from the living room.
Toby let go, blushing, “Not that way!!!!!”
I grinned, “What other way is there?”
Toby shrugged, “I dunno and I donut care. Hey, let’s go watch that anime already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You were talking about it like an hour ago!!!!!!!” Toby grabbed me by the hood of my hoodie and began dragging me out of the kitchen.
“My pancakes!!” I reached for them as Toby dragged me away, “NO!!!! NOT MY BABIES!!!!!!!!!”
“That’s what you get for not wolfing them down!” Toby said, continuing on his little march.
“BUT I DONUT WANT TO CHOKE!!!” Once again, I heard BEN shout “That’s what she said!” from the living room. That boy needs a life. Like seriously.
“Well, that’s not my problem, now is it?” Toby asked, blush on his face.
“Why are you blushing?” I ask, grinning.
“No reason. I blush because I feel like blushing. Duh.” Toby grinned at me, “Besides, you said the anime gets pretty intense right?”
“Yes… It’s freaking amazeballs.” Toby snorted.
“Amazeballs. A maze balls. A maze made of balls? Amazing balls? What does it mean?” I starting laughing my ass off.
“Phil, watch your words.” I said, snorting myself.
“My name ain’t Phil. It’s Toby. Tooooooooooby. Toby. Toby or not Toby, that is the question.” I was practically dying at this point.
“Dude, stop. You’re gonna make me die of laughter.” Toby smirked.
“Are you ticklish?” I stopped laughing.
“Hell nah. Boy what are you think--BWAH!!! DUDE!! STOP!!!” Toby tackled me before tickling me. “S-Shit!! Dude… STAHP!!!!” Toby smirked.
“Nope. Never. But, maybe today I shall be merciful.” Toby stopped tickling me, but was still on top of me.
“Are you going to get off of me?” I asked him.
“Nope. You’re comfy. Like a beanbag chair. So soft and fluffy….” I glared at him.
“I am not like a beanbag chair!! That is kinda insulting!!” Toby frowned.
“I mean it like a compliment. I like it. It’s soft and warm and comforting.. Gots a problem with that?” I shook my head.
“Not really now that I think about it….” Toby smiled. I liked his smile.
“Then fabulous. Now I’m going to take a nap…” He crawled over to the side, laying his head down on my stomach.
“You’re taking a nap, using my stomach as a pillow, and you’re doing it all in the hallway?” I question him. He fake snores.
“Yes and quiet, I’m sleeping.” I rolled my eyes at him.
“I’m not a ted--” Toby interrupted me.
“You are now. You’re my teddy bear!!” I blushed. Wow. Just wow, Toby.
Little did I know, Herobrine and Candy Cane were watching.
~~~Herobrine’s POV~~~
I watched, a bit heartbroken, as Sarah and Toby “hung out”. Yeah, that was definitely major bull. Just friends my ass.
“See?” Candy Cane asked, smirking slightly, “She doesn’t give a fuck whatsoever. She’s definitely not what you thought she was, is she?”
I sighed, fighting the tears. “You’re fucking right… I’m sorry I didn’t believe you…”
Candy Cane smiled, “It’s tragic to know I am. But, after all, two can play a game, can’t they?”
I looked at her, “What the fuck do you mean?”
“Well, I mean, you already told me that you liked me. Why not give her a little taste of her own medicine?” Candy Cane put a hand on my arm. “At the end of it all, she’ll realize her horrid ways, and come back to you begging for forgiveness.”
I bit my lip, just thinking about stoic, cold, sometimes heartless and goofy Sarah begging for my forgiveness. No one really has done that before. I shook my head. “There’s no way I could--” I was interrupted by Candy Cane pressing her lips to mine. Shock rang throughout my body.
Push her away, arms!! Why won’t you fucking move!?! My mind felt hazy. Candy Cane pulled away, a smirk playing onto her lips.
“I’ll give you some time to think about it.” I heard a loud slam! I saw Sarah standing a couple feet away, retrieving her, slightly bloody, fist from the wall.
“Oh no, you won’t have to “think” about it. I’ll go ahead and give you the gift of an easy decision.” Sarah said, frighteningly keeping her voice calm and collected as she advanced towards us. No, more like me. “Herobrine, we are over. Done. Finished. I’ll give it to you in the form of a poem: Roses are red, violets are blue, you were my boyfriend and I loved you. But the roses are wilting, the violets are dead, I see you’ve been cheating, so I’ll lob off your head!”
I noticed her eyes had gone from their normal hazel appearance to a dangerous purple color. She wasn’t in control anymore; Death was. And she was letting Death be in control. That wasn’t a good sign. Sarah started picking up the pace and swung one of her pickaxes at me. She was in complete and total psycho mode! No, complete and total yandere mode!
Toby scrambled to his feet. “SARAH NO!!” He tried to pull her away from me. “TIM!! BRIAN!!! KAITLYN!! ASH!! HELP!!!” Within moments, Masky, Hoodie, Kaitlyn, and Ash had shown up and begun trying to snap Sarah out of it.
~~~Sarah’s POV~~~
He’s a fucking liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. LIAR. LIAR. LIAR!!!!!! I felt my eye twitch. I let a psychotic laugh escape my lips.
“Let me take over. I will make him pay. I promise the last blow shall go to you, however.” Death whispered. I didn’t resist as she took over. She grinned, “Excellent choice.”
~~~Toby’s POV~~~
SHE’S ATTACKING HERO!!! I GOTTA DO SOMETHING EVEN THOUGH I DON’T REALLY LIKE HERO THAT MUCH!!!! WHY AM I SHOUTING MY THOUGHTS IN MY HEAD? I don’t know. But I can’t just stand here while Sarah tries to kill him, even though it probably deserves it. I’m a fucking PROXY after all, Richard wouldn’t be happy if I let her kill him. Just because she’s his daughter doesn’t mean she can’t follow the household rules.
I run as fast as I can and grab her from behind. “SARAH NO!!!” I try to drag her backwards. I feel her fighting against me. I grit my teeth. Death must be in control. Sarah normally isn’t that strong. I should know, she and I play fight all the time. I felt a bead of sweat roll down my forehead. “TIM!! BRIAN!!! KAITLYN!! ASH!! HELP!!!” I shouted, hoping that they are still here and not on missions or whatever.
Sure enough, the four of them make it up here. Tim and Brian hold onto me, Ash wraps a rope around all of us, before tossing the end to Kaitlyn to hold onto in her wolf form. Herobrine was looking at Sarah with pure fear in his eyes. Candy Cane was out of sight. Damn bitch. I’ll have to ask Slendy if I can kill her. Sarah struggled against the bonds.
“What the hell has gotten into her?!?” Tim demanded, struggling with holding the rope in place. “It’s almost like she’s not in control anymore! Remember when Liu and Sully used to be one person and this happened all the damn time??”
I nodded, “Death has to be in control. It’s the only explanation. She normally isn’t this strong, I should know because she and I play fight and train together all the time.”
“LET GO OF ME DAMN IT!!!!” Hissed a calm and yet, completely and totally, psychotic voice that sounded like Sarah’s, but, at the same time, not like Sarah’s. “If you don’t let me go…. I’ll start torturing her in her mind again. The biggest mind fuck ever! DO NOT THINK THAT I WON’T!!”
I held onto Sarah tighter. “Don’t give into her, Sarah. You’re stronger than her. You should have known better than to let Death be in control.” Sarah eyes faded from purple to hazel again. She soon went limp in my arms.
“I’m sorry…” She muttered, “Death manipulated me… again….” She hung her head in shame. Kaitlyn stopped pulling on the ropes, allowing them to fall.
“It’s fine,” I whispered, “I’m taking you on a killing spree. You need one really bad, since Death just tried to make you kill Herobrine.”
Sarah nodded. She passed out. Having an alter-ego to fight with all the time must be extremely exhausting.
“I’ll take her to her room,” I said, picking her up bridal style. I walked past an extremely nervous-looking Herobrine. Herobrine opened his mouth to speak, but I shot him a deadly glare. Nobody fucks with me or the ones I care about. Maybe I can severely hurt him “accidentally” during training.
I opened Sarah’s door, before placing her in her bed. I tucked her in before leaving her room.