A month or two had gone by since Sarah and Herobrine had split, and Toby was scared about what Sarah might do. Toby knew that she had had history with self harm, and he was terrified that she might start again. He was currently on his way to Sarah’s room. He knocked on the door, not wanting to accidentally walk in on Sarah changing. Again. He blushed, thinking about the encounter. Oh my God, why am I thinking about that?!!? Toby scolded himself, Clean thoughts, clean thoughts!!
“Come in,” Toby heard Sarah’s voice from the other side of the door. Toby took a deep breath before turning the pickaxe-shaped doorknob. Sarah was sitting on her bed, pocket knife in hand. She flicked open the blade, causing Toby to panic a little. He opened his mouth to tell her to stop when she flicked her wrist and the pocket knife embedded itself in the dart board. “What?” She asked him, “I ran out of darts because that dumbass BEN took them for “experiments” with his drugs. Did you think that I went back to cutting myself?”
Toby looked down at his, slightly faded, black converse with a nod, “Y-Yeah… I’ve been watching out ever since I-I…” Toby trailed off, remembering the time he found Sarah lying in the forest, hands scraped and bloody from punching the shit out of a tree. Toby thought back to the day.
~~~Le Flashback, Toby’s POV~~~
I was walking through the woods, trying to find Sarah. She said she was going for a walk in the woods. Yeah that’s all fine and dandy, but that was five hours ago. I continued on my way until I found a tree that was covered with some drying blood and scratch marks. My eyes widened as I noticed a black handled pocket knife stuck into the base of the tree, the blade was dripping with some dark, almost black, blood. That was Sarah’s pocket knife! Panic filled my body. Was she attacked? I quickly looked around the tree, finding Sarah lying on the ground, her fists were scraped and bloody.
“SARAH!!!!” I shook her as gently as I could. She opened her eyes slowly.
“Fack that’s bright….” She mumbled, weakly lifting a bloody hand to shield her eyes from the darkness.
“What. The. Fuck. HAPPENED?!!?” I demanded, helping her sit up. I noticed her sleeves were slightly rolled up. She noticed me staring and rolled them back down.
“It’s getting a wee bit nippy….” She blinked, twitching a bit, “That or I’m getting a wee bit light headed….”
“Why did you roll your sleeves down?” I responded, not twitching at all.
“I said it was getting a little chilly and I don’t have a fucking spoon, you nitwit.” Sarah responded, trying to get up. I pushed her back down.
“Sarah, it is practically 80 degrees out. Tell me the fucking truth. You didn’t start again, did you? I mean, you obviously punched the shit out of the tree.” I said, grabbing her arms.
“Toby, let go of me if you’re not going to help me up!!” Sarah said, kneeing me in the gut before getting up and brushing herself off. I fell to the ground. I looked up at her. She never would hurt me without a good reason. I wiped the blood from my mouth.
“What is on your arms?” I asked again, still not twitching.
“Nothing. Don’t worry about it,” Sarah said, before moving past me. I stopped her, before slamming her into a nearby tree.
“Bull. Shit. What is on your arms? If nothing was on your arms you wouldn’t be covering them. Show me what the fuck is on your arms.” I demanded. Sarah avoided my gaze. I felt my stomach drop. “You didn’t…. Sarah please tell me you didn’t start again….” I looked back down at Sarah’s hands. I then noticed that blood was was trickling from under her sleeves. “Oh God…. Sarah…” I looked back up at her as she fell onto me. She passed out, I realized. Shit. I picked Sarah up bridal style.
“Hey! What’s going on over there?!?” Demanded a familiar voice. I turned around and saw Tim standing nearby. Tim noticed Sarah passed out in my arms, “What happened??”
“She passed out! We need to take her back to the Mansion and to Doctor Smiley and Nurse Ann!!” I exclaimed at him, tears spilling from my eyes. Tim noticed the blood trickling from Sarah’s arms and nodded.
“What are you waiting for then, Rogers?!? She’s probably beginning to bleed out! Move! Move!” Tim shouted at me, helping me back to the Mansion. Minutes seemed to melt away as the forest, normally a calm a serene place, turned into a dark and cruel blur. Sarah’s blood had stained my hoodie.
We reached the Mansion and immediately headed to Doctor Smiley and Nurse Ann’s room. “Nurse Ann! Doctor Smiley! We need your help!”
Doctor Smiley and Nurse Ann show up, and Tim explains to them what has happened. They quickly shoo us out so they could get to work. I just sat outside the door, knees to my chest. I sobbed quietly. I was terrified of losing her. I loved her.
~~~Timeskip cuz LET’S DO THE TIMEWARP AGAAAAAIN!!!!!~~~
Hours had passed before Doctor Smiley and Nurse Ann let me back in. Sarah was asleep on the cot for patients. I walked over to Sarah and sat down on the stool next to her.
“She won’t awake for some time, Toby,” Doctor Smiley said to me, cleaning his instruments.
“I know,” I said, looking back over to Sarah, “I want to be by her side when she wakes up. So she knows she isn’t alone.”
Doctor Smiley nodded, “Yes, I can respect that.”
“You’re such a sweet boy, Toby,” Nurse Ann said, rearranging medicines in the cabinet near the sink, where Doctor Smiley was. “Sarah’s lucky to have such a sweet boy like you.” I blushed.
“Uh… Sarah and I a-aren’t dating…” I bit my lip, and whispered, “At least not yet…”
Nurse Ann and Doctor Smiley laughed, “Toby, it’s obvious to everyone that you like her. We’ll go ahead and leave you alone…”
I blushed a deep shade of red. I was that obvious, huh? I thought, But not to Sarah. She probably wouldn’t have done it if she knew… I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I wiped it away. I looked around to find that they had already left. I was thankful for that. I smiled, and laid back against the wall. I eventually fell asleep.
~~~End of Le Flashyback~~~
“Toby? Toby….? Toby! TOBY!!!” Sarah said, snapping her fingers in front of my face.
I blinked, before shaking my head, “Huh? What? Oh, hey Sarah. Um… Oh yeah, I was wondering if you would care to--” I was interrupted by Tim and Brian.
“Toby, Sarah, there’s a Proxy meeting in a couple of minutes. Head to the Proxy Meeting room ASAP,” Brian said, his voice soft and delicate as always.
“By ASAP, we mean right now. AIS before the clock strikes 15 after.” Tim said, a sly smile on his face.
“I will chop those sideburns off!” Sarah said, grabbing her pickaxes, “We were just having a very serious and super top secret conversation, you old farts!”
Brian suppressed a laugh, before Tim glared at Sarah, “Old farts? We’re not old farts! We are not that much older than you are, Sarah! I’m 25 and Brian is 23! You are 18, Sarah, and you are 20, Toby! Welcome to adulthood, kiddoes! It feels like hell, doesn’t it?” Tim was barely keeping a straight face. Pretty weird since Tim is normally such a stoic and calm person. He was kind of acting like a watered down Laughing Jack.
Brian fell over with laughter. “Wow, I can’t believe you just said that, Tim! It’s so unlike you!”
Tim rolled his eyes at Brian, “It’s so unlike you to not be quiet and stutter!”
I looked at Tim, “Tim, you almost showed a sign of joy. What is wrong with you?”
“Oh nothing, I just felt like it, you know? Besides, we’ve all been under a bit of stress lately. On another note, walk with us to the Proxy Meeting room. It’s not a suggestion. Hop to it.” Tim said, grabbing me and Sarah by our hoods.
I fake wheezed, “Let me goo!!! I can’t breathe!!!”
Tim rolled his eyes, “We both know that I am not holding on that tightly. Now come on! We have a meeting!”
Sarah chuckled, “Nice try, Toby. I know how much you want to go make out with your imaginary girlfriend under the bleachers, but you can’t right now, okay?”
I blushed a deep red as Tim chuckled, “Sarah, you should stop being mean to your little secret ad--” I lift my head up and bite Tim’s hand, not hard enough to rip the flesh, but enough to make him stop. “YOW!!!!! Toby!!! What the hell was that for?!?!”
“Well, for starters you’re pulling me by my hood. I would so appreciate it if you would stop.” I said, rolling away from Tim before getting up LIKE A BOSS.
Tim let go of Sarah’s hood to take off his glove. A bite mark was beginning to bruise. “Damn… Oh well, I guess that means I found yet another boundary between us, Rogers.”
“Will you both stop acting like it’s a damn game?” Sarah growled, before grabbing my hand. “Come on, Toby. Let’s beat them to the meeting. Like the bosses we are!”
I grinned, “LIKE A BOSS!!!!” Sarah and I reached the Proxy-Only room way before Tim and Brian did. Sarah threw open the door, finding Ash, John, and Kaitlyn already chilling in their chairs with bored expressions on their faces.
“The fuck…?” Ash said, looking at us with a confused look on his face.
“Aww!! The lovebirds are here!!!” Kaitlyn said, grinning. “Let me guess, were you guys about to f--”
“SHUT UP!!!” Sarah snapped, blush all over her face. “No, we were not about to fuck!! We’re not even a fucking couple!!”
“I didn’t say you had to be a fucking couple. You could be a non-fucking couple, too,” Kaitlyn said, grinning like a cheshire cat.
Sarah’s eye twitched. “I. Will. Kill. You!!”
Kaitlyn grinned before Sarah began chasing her around. “NAH NAH NAH NAH!! YOU CAN’T CATCH ME!!”
Sarah growled, “I BET I FUCKING CAN!!!!!!!”
Tim and Brian rolled into the room, “What the hell is happening?”
I looked over at Tim and shrugged, “Nothing unusual.”
Tim sighed, before rolling his eyes, “Yeah. Nothing out of the ordinary... Happy Friday.“