I woke up in Doctor Smiley’s workshop. I had no clue how I had arrived there until I saw Toby lying down in his cot beside mine. A bandage was wrapped tightly around his abdomen. He was looking at me, as if waiting for me to wake up. He smiled at me.
“Hey, Little Miss Stalker, how ya feeling?” Toby asked me. I shrugged.
“Like shit. I probably look like shit, too.” I said, sitting up to face him properly.
“True. Anyways, you kinda passed out after we got attacked by one of the newer Rakes. I was kind of afraid you wouldn’t wake up,” Toby said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Wait, I thought we got attacked by Herobrine?!?!” I asked, almost a bit panicked.
“Why would he attack us? He was the one who got us back!” Toby said, raising an eyebrow at me. “Just because you guys broke up doesn’t mean he still can’t care about you.”
My eyes widened. “Was that just a dream then…?” I muttered under my breath.
“What was?” Toby asked. Damn, he heard me.
“Nothing. I guess I just dreamt something really cool and just thought it was real…” I said, wiping away tears while pretending to wipe the sleep away. Great, now my famous tears make an appearance. Just fucking great.
“Well, tell me what happened. I want to try to understand, I mean, I had a really good dream too, and, sadly, it’s never to be…” Toby said, getting up and sitting beside me.
I blushed at this. “Well, I had a dream where I was dating the guy of my dreams…”
I swore Toby looked half saddened and half relieved. “Tell me about him.”
I took a deep breath, “Well, he’s a little bit shorter than me. He has brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, a cute nose, pale skin, he enjoys to annoy a certain person, he does something often that he can’t control, and he enjoys a certain food--”
“YOU LIKE TIM?!?!?!”
I punched Toby in the arm, “Tim has blue eyes, dumbass. And no, I do not like him… I like someone else… Tell me about your dream…”
“Well, I finally grew the balls to ask out the girl of my dreams…” Toby looked at the wall. A tear slid down his cheek. “But I can’t have her…”
“What was she like?” I prodded. Toby shifted.
“Well, she had long, dark brown hair that looked like it had some red in it, hazel eyes, pale skin, an almost emo-scene hairstyle, she likes a certain food… Uh…” Toby bit his lip and leaned closer to me. I don’t think he realized what he was doing until our noses were touching. He blushed when he noticed how close we were.
I bit my lip, before leaning forward and pecking him on the lips. This obviously caught him by surprise. An indignant huff came from the other side of the room.
I pulled away from Toby to see Herobrine storm out of the room, muttering, “All of my hard work to make them forget… All for nothing.”
Toby’s eyes widened, “So that actually happened? I actually grew the balls to ask you out?!?! HOLY SHIT!!!!”
I giggled, “Yep. Why would he do that though? To make us forge--” Then it hit me. “HE FUCKING ATTACKED US, NOT A FUCKING RAKE!!!!” Toby got up before I grabbed him, “Don’t go! It’s not worth it.”
Toby looked at me, before sighing, “If you say so, darling.” We sat there for a few moments, before a loud crash came from, what sounded like, the kitchen.
“TO THE KITCHEN!!” I yelled, running out of the room, down the stairs, and to the kitchen.
“What happened?!?” Toby asked.
Everyone turned to look at us. Izzy shrugged, “Well, Jeff dropped a plate.”
“It was heavy.” Jeff defended. Izzy smiled and kissed him on the cheek.
“It’s okay, love! I make no judgements!” Izzy picked up Derrick, who was about to push Michael into the plate pieces. “No so fast, little guy!” Derrick had blue eyes like his dad while Michael had golden eyes like his mama. Jeff picked up Michael and held him close as he reached up to poke his carved smile.
I rolled my eyes, “Seriously, who thought you guys would ever have kids?”
“Who ever thought that we wouldn’t have, like, twenty already,” Izzy replied, tickling his soft stomach. Derrick giggled, making a mad grab for Izzy’s hair. Izzy quickly handed Derrick to me so she could put up her hair. Once her hair was in a loose bun, she took Derrick back.
Toby chuckled, “That’s how many kids Sarah and I will have.”
I rolled my eyes, “Seriously, we’ve been dating for less than a day and you are already planning on how many kids we’ll be having… God damn.”
Tim spat out his cheesecake, which landed all-over Brian’s mask. “YOU GUYS ARE DATING?!?!? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN!!?” Brian wiped his mask off and glared at Tim.
Toby wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, “Uh, the day we got attacked by the newest Rake…”
“So a week or so ago? I think it was about two weeks….” Brian said, finishing cleaning his mask off. I stared at him, wide-eyed.
“So we’ve been a thing for about two weeks?!?! HOT DAMN!!! Okay, you can start planning how my kids we’ll have… Fuck, start planning the wedding!!” I said, jokingly.
Toby laughed, “Already ahead of you, love.” My dad walked into the kitchen, pink apron on.
“WHAT?!?! Since when are you two dating?!? I don’t believe you ever asked permission to date her, Tobias!” He said, crossing his arms.
“Uh, we’ve been dating for about two weeks…” I said.
“I’ll ask permission to marry her, don’t you worry, sir!” Toby said, laughing.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, why is Toby talking about marrying Sarah?” Mom said, walking into the kitchen.
“Yeah, that’s new,” Rogue said, sitting next to Brian, before kissing him on the cheek. “Morning, Hoodie!”
“Um…. Four months….?” Rogue said, rolling her purple eyes, “I thought you knew! You told me to go for it, and lookie who I have now!”
“I thought you were joking.”
“Now that’s rude,” Brian said, wrapping an arm around her.
“You’re like, what, five years older than her?” I asked.
“That’s not that big of an age difference….” Rogue said. “Besides, Toby’s older than you.”
“Uh yeah, but he’s only two years older than me. That’s barely an age difference.”
“Girls, girls, look at me and your father. He’s like what, 150? And I’m what, 36?” Mom said, smirking at the two of us.
“Wow, dad’s a pedo.” I said, “That’s about a one-hundred-fourteen-year age difference.”
A wooden spoon hit the back of my head, “Oh hush up, you!”
Toby wrapped his arms around me, resting his chin on the top of my head. I leaned back, sighing in comfort. I heard a soft flash sound. I turned my head to see Nikki peeking over the counter with her phone.
“Really, Nikki?” I asked. Nikki grinned.
“The OTP is real, yo!” Before disappearing in a poof! Of colorless smoke (if that makes any sense).
“Well then….” Toby and I said in unison.
Toby kissed the top of my head, before standing up and carrying me bridal style.
“Come on, love. It’s time that we went on a date.” Toby said with a grin.
I blushed, before grinning back, “What did you have in mind, Mr. Rogers?”
Toby grinned, “You’ll see~!”
Toby took me upstairs to my room before setting me down. “Okay, go get changed. Wear something nice and fancy, but not too fancy, but not too casual either….”
I chuckled, “Alright, alright, now go so I can get changed!! Unless, you want to get ready with me.” I said, saying the same line Toby did weeks ago.
Toby winked, “Not this time, Sarah. I don’t want your father to kill me and stab a tree branch through me.”
I smirked as Toby walked away to his room. I spun around and got ready.
I put on a pair of black skinny jeans, a black, gray, and white plaid button-up shirt, high tops with black lace instead of the regular coverings, and a black and red striped beanie. I grabbed my black cat purse and headed to the main hallway.
Toby stood there waiting. He was wearing a pair of gray skinny jeans, black hightops, brown plaid shirt, and a dusty blue beanie (similar to his hood). He took one look at my shirt and laughed.
“So I guess we’re that couple?” He smirked.
I smirked back, “I guess we are. Now, where are we going?”
Toby linked elbows with me, “You’ll see, Sarah. You’ll see.”