Lunch was delicious , Johnie said he had an errand to run so left me at the restaurant alone. I had some catching up to do with school work so I put my headphones on and started checking all the stuff I have to do from Johnie's notes. My phone vibrated and thought it was Gaven but it was Charlotte saying that Avery is gonna kill me.
" Cover for me , I don't wanna die so young." I sent
" Yeah , jokes on you dear she's already heading to the restaurant , Johnie gave up after a second."
Shit, this is gonna get ugly.
Avery is one of my best friends , she is an amazing person but beware if shes pissed run for your life, Charlotte and Avery should make it in the Suicidal Squad seriously , well they are not evil at all but when anger hits, I'm dead , dead meat , kaput , adios.
I packed and went out of the restaurant , I'll wait for her outside. I saw her , she's petite and cute but she's more feminine than I will ever be. She walked fast and tripped but saved herself just in time, well that always happens. She stopped in front of me but didn't look at me , I'm scared. But she just hugged me , she rarely hugs like this , which means she was really scared.
I sighed : " I'm sorry Avery."
She let go and slapped my face.
" Now we are even , but its good to see you." she said
" Yeah." I said.
" Come on there is someone else who wants to see you."
Me and Avery have been friends for a very long time and we can somehow understand each other with just few words and I'm sure she want's to calm herself down for now so I stay quite.
We walked the parking lot and I could see her long black hair from here , Morgana.
Morgana was the smallest of us all, small but radiant.
When she turned and saw me she started running towards me and literally jumped on me.
" Hey Mor." I said while hugging her back.
She let go and composed herself then shoved my shoulder friendly.
" Missed you , Al."
I nodded , " Yeah missed you too, all of you , I had a tough situation I hope you can forgive me , both."
They looked silently and nodded. Then we hugged again.
Before I could cry , I let go and said : " So how are you're boys?" They both had boyfriends.
They both sighed at the same time.
" Don't ask , sometimes I wonder what I see in that guy." Avery said but smiled.
"Yeah , they went shopping in there." Morgana said while pointing at a near shop.
Lingerie For Mature Women.
I kept staring at the shop , Avery and Morgana started to laugh. Then two boys dashed out of the shop and came running to us.
They stopped in front of us panting and they both fell on the floor.
We all stared at each other for a second then we all bursted out laughing ,
One of them was Caleb , dark haired , handsome , that was Avery's guy. She kneeled down beside him and patted his back.
The other one was Emerys , also dark haired and equally handsome , he was Morgana's guy.
I couldn't say more about my girls, boys , but I always said they were both handsome and I'm sure they love my girls very much so I gave them my blessing.
When we all calmed down, they both looked at me and smiled , Emerys held out his fist and I fist pumped , and Caleb just smiled at me. I don't know Caleb that much but the most important thing is that I've never seen Avery so happy so that's enough for me. Emerys is a outgoing guy so he talked normally to me from the first time we meet and also makes my girl Morgana happy.
I heard a motor engine from behind me roar and I knew who it was. The others looked at the stranger on the bike with caution. Then he removed his helmet , and there he was.
"Hey." said Gaven.
"Hey , whats up? Wait what time is it ?" I said panicking.
He chuckled, "Its ok its early , you still have your last lesson right ? I just came to give you this , you forgot it in the restaurant." he handed me my jacket , must have forgot it while I went out.
Then my mind clicked , the others.
"Ohh Gaven , these are my friends , Avery , Morgana, Emerys and Caleb. Guys this is Gaven." I said.
They took each others hands , when it was time for Caleb , he hesitated and I could see his face became pale, but he took Gaven's hand.
" Well I'm off have some errands to run , I'll fetch you after school." He said while putting his helmet on.
I nodded and he was off.
Avery and Morgana turned their heads slowly at me.
" Explain. Now." they said in unison.
I sighed , " He's just a friend who offered me to stay at his house for sometime until I can fend for myself."
Morgana squealed and Avery just laughed.
"Yeah just a friend." said Morgana and winked at me.
I just shock my head.
" Ohh well , lets head back to school , shall we? " Emerys said and we all nodded.
Emerys grabbed Morgana's hand and started walking.
Avery stood there and said : " You could have come to me , you know?" she said looking at me and started walking, she sounded hurt and for a reason.
" Alice." Caleb said.
" What?" I said jumping not noticing Caleb behind me.
" Beware of that guy." he said and walked away.
Why did he say that ? Did he know him?
He was already near Avery , holding her in his arms.
I sighed , I'll have to talk to both later.
I couldn't tell her why I couldn't stay with her.
Its better off this way.
I hope she'll understand it someday.
And I started walking behind them all.