When we arrived to school , they all gave me a hug and went their separate ways. I didn't try to talk to Avery or Caleb but I'll call Avery later and explain everything.
" Yo , my lady." Johnie came bouncing in my direction.
He's so cheerful , I need to learn from him.
He put his hand around my shoulder and said : " Shall we go to my favorite lesson , madam?"
He bowed his head and I laughed at his stupidity.
" Oh Sir , I would be honored." I said bowing my head as well.
We both started laughing and headed to Woodwork.
Ms.Grey is one of the most beautiful women in the school, she has long beautiful blond hair , which is always pulled back in a ponytail for safety reasons, and beautiful blue eyes. Johnie has had a crush of her since we started school.
"Good evening Ms, Grey." Johnie said with a dashing smile. I couldn't help but laugh.
" Good evening you two." She looked at me and smiled then added :
" Good to have you back Alice."
" Thanks Ms." I said smiling back at her.
We both took our seats and so the lesson started.
The lesson passed so quickly , we laughed at how stupid Johnie was , since he was trying to impress the teacher and failed miserably. We were making a wooden miniature house today , which was very difficult of course but somehow managed to get a B , since it was an assignment I knew nothing about , thanks to Johnie for that.
" Ohh come on I forgot , when it comes to those blue eyes I forget easily." Johnie said , while we were walking outside class.
" Alice, might I have a word please ? " Ms. Grey called from class
I turned to Johnie and said : " See you tomorrow."
Johnie shook his head and said : " I'll wait for you , Bye Ms.G ."
I walked towards her , trying to think why she needs to talk.
" Alice , are you alright coming back to school?" she said with worried eyes.
I blinked at her, didn't expect that , thought it was about the work I lost.
" Yes , thank you for your concern." I said smiling
" Fine then , that's all your dismissed." she said smiling back.
I walked in the empty corridor , wondering where Johnie could be.
Then I saw him , leaning against the schools entry door, his blond hair almost looked like it was dancing with the wind, Johnie is quite handsome for being , well Johnie.
" Hey , you." I said punching him in the arm.
" Wow , immense power." he said shacking his head.
"What did Ms, G want ? " he added
" Ohh nothing important , what are you looking at ? "
" Ohh some dude , in an awesome bike." he said
I looked in the direction he was pointing.
And there was Gaven , leaning on his bike , wearing black jeans and leather jacket. Glasses on like some gangster.
I shook my head , " Come on I know him."
Johnie looked and me and blinked , " You know him?"
" Yeah , why?" I said
He turned his face , " Nothing."
I looked at his face , but he didn't budge so I sighed and started walking towards Gaven.
" Hey." he said smiling at me, removing his glasses and then he looked past me and his smile faded.
What happened , I turned around to see , Johnie was behind me.
Was he jealous ? I couldn't help but smile , yeah Alice keep dreaming girl.
" Gaven , this is Johnie , Johnie, Gaven."
" Pleasure , nice bike dude." Johnie said.
" Yeah." Gaven said.
" Well A , I have to go , want to take that for ya ? " he said pointing at the miniature house.
I nodded , " Yes please , can't fit in the bike."
" Sure , see ya tomorrow." Johnie said , then he leaned and kissed me on the cheek.
I blushed , that's new.
Johnie turned and walked to his car.
That's why I like Johnie , he never ask's questions.
I turned and saw Gaven giving me a stern look.
" What?" I said
" Nothing , put this on." he said pushing the helmet in my hands.
" Gaven , are you jealous ?" I said , joking , while climbing his bike.
" Of what ?" he said.
" Hmm , about Johnie?" I said smiling
He turned to look at me and said : " What , that surfer kid ? I would win any time."
" Win what ?" I said , my heart jumping a little.
He kept looking at me for a while and turned around : " Never mind , hold on."
He started the bike and we were off , well we , I almost fell off.
The ride was silent but I could swear he kept glancing back at me from the review mirror.
When we finally arrived , I got off and removed the helmet. He didn't remove his , only his eyes where showing.
" I have to go do an errand , mind if you stay alone for a while ?" he said.
" Yeah its alright no problem." I said smiling at him and he gave me the key.
When I went to open the door, he was already gone , gone with the wind.
When I opened the door , the smell of muffins entered my nose.
I walked to the kitchen and there was a plate full of muffins and a note.
" These are for you , Sorry to leave you alone.
Don't eat too much , you will get fat.
Gaven. "
Very funny.
I smiled to myself and went to take a quick shower.
" Phew." I said to myself while sitting on the kitchen counter.
I looked at the stuff I had to do , not so much as I thought.
I finished what was most important , took a muffin and went on the couch.
I only have been here a day and I think I'm fitting in quite nicely but I can't get attached.
I took the remote and switched on the Television.
As I surfed the channels , I found a movie that looked interesting.
Then flash news was announced at the first half of the movie ,
" News came just in, A Forest North to the city was in blaze , thankfully the fireman stopped the fire before it spread through the whole forest." The lady said.
While they showed videos of the fire , something caught my eye.
A man leaning on the bike hands folded together, watching the forest on fire.
" Whats Gaven doing there?" I said.