" Wear it." Gaven said.
"No, I'm not riding on your stupid bike." I said stomping my feet like a 5 year old.
"She didn't mean that baby , don't listen to her." he said stroking Megan.
Yeah , he called his bike Megan , as in Megan Fox.
" You're gonna be late Missy , now wear this and shut up." he said pushing the helmet in my folded hands.
I was gonna argue again , but he started the engine to shut me up.
I rolled my eyes and put the helmet on.
" Just for you're information , I vomit easily, so if you speed up too much you will have vomit all over your Megan."
" Ohh , sounded almost sexy but no, if you knew physics you would understand that if you vomit on high speed it would splash on you're face again." he winked at me.
Smarty pants.
" Well I don't know physics , just to let you know , I'm in design."
" Too bad for you." he said chuckling alone.
I sighed and we were off.
I could see the white building from the distance , it looked like an old classical house with gargoyles and everything. One word , beautiful.
His Harley , well Megan roared while it stopped , everyone who was outside turned to see. I felt conscious and looked down.
" Hey , whats wrong?" Gaven said.
" Nothing, got to go. Thanks for the ride." I said giving him the helmet.
While I walked away , I turned and waved to him.
He smiled softly and roared Megan away.
I laughed to myself , roared Megan away, yeah funny.
Once I was inside the building , I calmed myself down , I smelled the air and could feel my nerves going slowly down. The smell of paint always calmed me down, yeah I know its a weird habit but in school I could calm myself.
I heard a squicking sound from behind me, as I turned around someone hugged me and we almost fell on the floor.
"Hey Char, I can't breath."
"Ohh sorry , A."
She let go , now I could see this cherry faced beauty.
Charlotte , is one of my best friends ever , we went through heaven and hell together and well even if she is a pain in the ass , I love her. She's taller than me , natural beauty , you never see any makeup on her face.
"Where the hell have you been I've been so worried , and so was Lucas and the others." she looks scary when she's pissed.
I blinked , what should I say ? I love them but I can't say the truth. What if they came back for me and they would hurt them ? No definitely not.
" I needed some time alone , sorry." I said lowering my head down.
She said and hugged me again.
" I know I'm sorry but we were going cray cray here." she said giving me one last squeeze.
" Yeah , but now I'm back."
" So let me tell yo-" she was cut off my someone hugging her from behind.
That was Lucas , her boyfriend.
" A, where have you been?" he said and came hugging me as well.
" Its alright now she's back now right ?" she said smiling at me.
I nodded and smiled back.
" Well , shit its time for class , we'll see you later." Charlotte said giving me one last hug before they went.
I was alone again.
I headed to my class , thankfully I was the first one.
But not for long , a tall blonde handsome fellow came in.
"Yo , Alice , how are ya ?" he beamed at me while crashing on the seat before me.
" Hey , Johnie." I said shacking my head.
Johnie was one of the few people who actually talked to me in school , he's a nice guy.
" So , so ,so I've been surfing all weekend , man .... sorry women, and I had a blast , you should join sometime."
Johnie is a surfer and I used to go surf with him, but since my mom got sick , didn't do much blasting at all.
" Yeah I should , teach me to surf like a man." I tried to sound like a surfer , of course failing miserably but made him laugh.
We kept talking for a while until the bell rang.
And on time Mr.Fitzgerarld came in.
When he noticed me he said : " Ms. Greene, I see you came back healthy as a button."
" Yeah." I said nodding.
He was going to say something else but students became to come in and everybody took there places.
Mr.Fitzgerarld teaches 3D design , I love this subject but the teacher leaves you to wonder.
When the class was over Johnie said that the next class is canceled cause Ms.Brandish had an accident. Poor women , I liked her.
I have 4 hours free till my last lesson, so Johnie offered we go get some lunch at the cute restaurant , I loved.
Our usual seat was free so we both sat there and ordered our lunches.
My mobile vibrated , it was a message from an unknown number. Shit.
When I opened it the message said :
" I thought I left you at school , look who's enjoying her date. Already missing school , bad bad girl , have to punish you later."
I turned and then I saw him , looking all handsome , he winked at me and I rolled my eyes.
" How did you get my number pervert ? And I have 4 hours free since one of my poor teachers had an accident , you don't have anything to do with it right ?" I pressed send.
I could here him snort from here , dang.
"I have my resources, and I prefer the term , Handsome girl seeker , if you don't mind."
Now its my turn to snort , his ego is larger then my head.
" Well , well , well , your ego is kind of showing right there , you see , right on your huge forehead."
" That's mean , I can see your huge head from here so you better shut up."
" At least mine looks pretty."
" Yeah sure and mine is hot , by the way your boyfriend has been staring at you for quite some time now. Look who's hanging out with a pervert now."
I looked up Johnie had a smile on his face and I shook my head.
" He's not my boyfriend and it takes a pervert to recognize a pervert."
I put my phone down.
" Sorry about that." I said blushing a little.
" No worries, I haven't seen you smile like that in ages." he winked at me.
Was I really smiling that much ?
No worries, food is here.
I saved his number and put Pervert Gaven as his name.