A week has passed since the almost kiss. Gaven looked normal , like nothing happened.
He takes me to school and comes for me, then he goes out, to his errands.
That's all.
Today , its a girls day out. We're going shopping for the schools prom, seems that the time I was out ,they invented a prom.
I was not really eager to go , I don't have a date, but they said that they would definitely kill me if I didn't go.
I was in the kitchen fixing something to eat , Gaven came home late yesterday and was still sleeping.
My phone rang , it was Charlotte.
" Hey Char."
" Hey Al , so Avery just picked me up, we will go for Morgana and come for you."
" Fine by me."
" See ya girl."
" See ya."
She hung up.
" You're going out ?" Gaven said from behind me.
He only had pants on , he rubbed his sleepy eyes.
" Yeah going shopping for prom , and by the way do you own a shirt?"
" Yes I do , but I think you like to see me naked , so I leave the shirt upstairs."
" And how are you so sure about that?"
He came in front of me.
" I can see you drool."
I rolled my eyes and punched him in the stomach.
" Ouch , that woke me up."
" Good for you."
Show off.
" So prom huh ?" he said
" Yep , prom , so excited . Yay." I said faking excitement.
He smiled.
" You should buy a pink dress , with pink shoes and pink bag."
" Ohh wow , I would look so cute."I snorted at him.
He laughed , shacking his head.
" Who's the unlucky guy?" it was his turn to snort at me.
" No one , going solo."
" Really ?" he said
" Yeah."
He stayed quite for a while rubbing his chin.
" Then how about-"
There was a loud horn sound from outside.
" Damn she's loud , sorry , what where you saying?"
He shook his head, " Nothing."
I nodded , " There is some breakfast in the fridge if you want."
I smiled at him and walked away.
I heard him sigh.
Was he going to ask me to prom ?
I tried to calm myself down.
I took a deep breath and went out in the sunshine.
" What's up girl?" Morgana said.
" 'sup." I said.
And sank in the back seat of the car.
We made our way to the central shopping mall.
After half an hour to find parking , we were able to get in.
Lots of people where going around the mall , all of the girls pointed to there favorite shop , so we started one by one.
First was Morgana's.
" I like this one." she said
It was a tall beautiful black dress ,but Avery and Charlotte suggested she changed color.
I walked around the shop in search for something , and then something caught my eye.
A long midnight blue dress , it was plain but simply beautiful.
" Hey M , how about you try this one?" I said handing her the dress.
She nodded and went to change.
" How is it ?" I said.
She opened the curtain , the dress was beautiful on the stand but somehow it was even more beautiful on Morgana.
" Buy it , now." both Avery and Charlotte said at the same time.
She looked at me and I nodded.
That dress was for her.
She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled happily.
After she payed we went to the shop Charlotte pointed too.
She also found a maxi dress , beautiful as well , purple in color , it had a few beads on the lower part of the dress , they looked like diamonds.
We all nodded when she tried it on, it went perfect on her. Lucas is gonna faint when he sees her.
Then we went in the shop Avery wanted.
We searched but found nothing , Avery was disappointed, she almost gave up.
Then I saw this dress , usually its not her style but still,
It was a cocktail dress , black , and stones covering the chest part , it was sleeveless.
" That's not my style at all." Avery pointed out when I showed it to her.
" Yeah I know but try it on."
She hesitated but in the end she gave up and tried it on.
As I expected it looked good , it was a beautiful dress.
It took almost half an hour for her to decide to buy it.
But in the end she gave in and bought it.
I was left , I didn't find anything to my liking.
" Lets go home, I'm tired." I said.
" Not until you find something."Charlotte said.
I was looking around , my feet ached from all the walking.
Then something caught my eye , it was the most beautiful dress I have ever saw , obviously to me at least ,it was a green dress , olive green, my favorite color.
It was a maxi dress , with a cut on one leg , it didn't have stones or it wasn't satin but still it was beautiful.
" Try it out." they said.
I wasn't sure I should , but I didn't have anything to loose.
It fit me perfectly.
I wasn't thin , I have curves , which sometimes its really hard to find clothes that fit.
But this dress , it made my look and feel really good.
I had to buy it.
When I checked the label, I almost swallowed my tongue.
" Shit." I said.
It was really pricey.
" I can't afford it." I told the girls.
I closed the curtain and took the dress off.
I really , really liked this dress, but I'll buy something else.
When I came out , the girls weren't there.
" Guys." I said.
No reply , so I gave the shopkeeper the dress and went to search outside.
I looked in the bathroom but no sign.
So I went back to the shop , maybe they were still inside.
" A." I heard them shout.
I looked in their direction , they held a bag to my direction.
" Where have you guys been?" I asked , really tired now.
" We bought you something." Avery said.
I looked inside the bag , there was the dress I just tried on.
" Ohh no , girls this is too pricey."
" Well , we don't care , just accept it." Charlotte said.
" I can't."
" Think of it as a welcome back present." Avery said.
" Still , its too much."
Morgana put her hand on my shoulder and said :
" Its less than you deserve."
I looked at them , I was so lucky to have them in my life.
" Thank you, I'll pay you back."
They shook their head.
I had my dress and 3 best friends that I couldn't live without.
I guess prom wont be so bad.
My cellphone rang.
It was Johnie.
" Johnie , everything ok ?"
" Yeah girl don't worry. I was going to ask you something."
" Fire away,"
" Would y-you like to g-go to prom with me ? Just as friends I mean. Its ok if you don't want to."
I laughed , he could be so cute sometimes.
" I would love to."
" Really ? Score. Well see ya Monday girl."
" See ya."
He hung up.
" Girls , looks like I have a date to prom after all." I said .
Although , I hoped someone would have asked me before.
I sighed , well Johnie is a great guy ,I'll have a blast.