When I entered the hall of school , it was simply magnificent , there was a huge chandelier , beautiful gold and black ribbons falling from the ceiling. Excellent job to the students who made this up.
There was a long table with black cloth and they made origami of paper towels , which wear gold by the way. I guess they chose two main colors , my dress wasn't one of them but its okay. Ohh I forgot , there is a huge ice sculpture.
Yep huge ice sculpture , you heard me.
" Wow."
" Yepp ginger." Johnie said.
" Ginger , are you referring me as a gingerbread man ?"
" Well women." he winked at me .
" Alice , my dear you look stunning."said Ms, Grey.
" You look beautiful as well."
And of course she did , she wore a long gold dress , her hair was curled and pulled up in a ponytail.
Not a lot of make up just the right amount but simple put beautiful.
Her date had already a mask on but he looked very handsome indeed.
He looked quite familiar , I don't know why but when he nodded his head at me I felt my stomach turn.
" Alice, come and dance." I heard Avery yell at me from the dance floor. Although I couldn't recognize her with the mask.
" Excuse us." I said bowing my head.
I grabbed Johnie's arm and pulled him away.
They gave us our mask and once I was inside they instructed that I should put it on before dancing as at the end of the ball , they are going to have a mix dance up,everybody changes partner but you don't know who it is and at the end you take off your mask to see who you danced with.
My mask was beautiful , it was black and it covered only my eye area. It had black design on it medieval era type , I was enchanted by it. I was officially in love and somehow I have to take it home with me.
We danced and drank till our hearts content , but when I felt shacky I stopped drinking , Johnie didn't drink much either for my safety.
" Beautiful Ladies and Ugly Gentleman, I give you the masked dance."
We all lined up , girls at one point ,guys behind.
" Guys move alone , when I say stop, please grab the girl in front of you and most of all have fun."
" Begin."
I heard the guys footsteps shift behind me , my heart was beating fast , hopefully I would end up with someone I know.
" There there now stop. Girls please turn around."
I heard squiling as some of the girls have already turned around.
I took my time turning around , but I would never have expected him to be my partner.
" Hello." he said
His voice was soft but somehow very harsh.
In front of me was Ms, Grey Date.
Yep , I guess I'm lucky he must be a hunk.
" May I ?" he asked extending his hand
" This is breath easy , Blue."
I let him guide me to the dance floor.
He was weary about putting his hand on my waist.
The song started.
" I love this song" he said.
" Yeah me too , I used to play it all the time."
He smiled and nodded.
His smile , somehow made my heart crush.
Gaven also smiled like that , like they are hurting the world with their smile.
" whats wrong ?"
" Ohh nothing."
He didn't seem convinced.
We kept dancing quietly.
" That's it folks, please remove your masks."
We let go of each other and I started to remove my mask when he stopped me.
" Don't."
" Why not , did I step on your feet?"
I can be the worst dancer alive.
He chuckled.
" I just can't."
He took to fingers and nudged my forehead.
" See you around, pumpkin."
He turned and left.
Pumpkin ?
Somehow all this is like a deja vu.
Couldn't make it out though.
" Alice in wonderland , your car is waiting."
Johnie said from behind me.
" Wait your mask is still on ?"
I shook my head, " Yeah , I like it too much."
I lied to him , but I don't know why I felt like I had to.
He laughed , " Yeah well just for you, I asked and they said you could keep it."
" Really ??"
" Yeah , its yours."
I hugged him , well jumped on him.
" Well , I had a good night."Johnie said when he parked his car in front of the house.
" Yeah me too." I smiled at him.
He got out of the car and opened the door for me.
He took my hand in his and walked me to the door.
" Thank you for coming with me tonight, I tried to find you in the dance but that guy was too fast and took you first."
" Well that wouldn't be fair would it?" I chuckled.
" Yeah." he looked bumped out.
" Its ok , he only stole one dance from you."
" Yeah , but you look so beautiful tonight , I was protective."
I blushed a little.
" Look umm ,"
" What ?"
His face inched closer.
Is he going to kiss me ?
Yep he is.
And I don't know if I should accept it or not.
My back hits the door.
When his nose almost touched mine , the door behind me opened and I fell backwards.
Two hands grabbed me from behind.
" Welcome back." Gaven said.
What is that smell ?
He pulled me inside and closed the door.
He kept a strong pull on me.
" Well , I guess see you at school."I heard Johnie say.
I was so pissed off and relieved at the same time.
"What the hell was that for ?" I asked Gaven , when he loosened his grip and I shoved him off.
" Well , he was about to kiss you , I saved your ass." He said smiling.
I moved in front of him.
" Are you drunk?"
" Yep , totally , shitty drunk." he said laughing.
I couldn't help but laugh , he's an idiot when he's drunk , point taken.
" Yeah well , lets get you to bed shall we."
" Yeah , lets get us to bed."
" There is no us."
" Of course there is , you feel it too."
He's pissed drunk but I couldn't help feel my heart jump.
" Yeah , sure."
" I'm serious , I'm drunk but not that drunk."
I shook my head , took off my shoes and grabbed his hand and put it around me.
" Lets go."
He kept blabbing all the way upstairs and he's flippin heavy.
I opened his bedroom door , well I think it was his I never actually asked which one was his.
" There you go."
I helped him on the bed.
" Your so nice."
" When you are sober , I'll kick your ass."
" I just said you were nice , and also your beautiful." he smile cheekily
I sighed.
" Goodnight Gaven." I said
" No." he said grabbing me hand and pulling me , making me fall on the bed.
He was on top of me in a second.
" You are staying with me tonight."
" Dream on , move." I pushed him.
" Not gonna happen." he smiled.
I sighed.
" Wanna know something ?"
" Yeah sure." what is he gonna say now ?
" I always liked you from the very start."
My heart and stomach knotted together ,I don't know how but it felt like that.
" Stop joking around , Gav , its not funny." I kept trying to push him off.
" I'm dead serious and I'm gonna show you."
" Ye-"
He crashed his lips onto mine , he tasted off scotch.
His kiss felt like electricity , he bit my lower lip.
I moaned without realizing.
He liked it , cause he crashed onto me more.
His tongue entered my mouth and started dancing with mine.
When we were both breathless , he gave me a quick peck and crashed onto me.
"Gav , you are heavy."
No response.
Don't tell me.
" Are you serious right now?"
He feel asleep and I'm 100% sure I won't be able to wake him up.
" Gaven."
I was finally able to push him and got up.
" I'm so gonna kick your ass."
He just gave me an amazing kiss and he fell asleep.
I shook my head and went into my room,took off my make up and put the dress back safely on the chair.
I crashed in the bed and tried to sleep, but obviously couldn't.
Gaven was the main reason but something else also bothered me.
I opened my eyes , adjusting to the sudden light.
I noticed it was already morning and I fell asleep.
I woke up slowly , touching me head.
It was thumping.
" Ouch."
I sighed and I got up.
I showered and got on sweatpants and a jersey.
I checked on Gaven , he was still asleep exactly the same position I left him.
I slowly closed the door behind me and went downstairs to make some breakfast.
There was nothing in the fridge , he needed to go to the groceries.
I sighed.
There was only the usual pancake ingredients , not that I'm complaining.
I started cooking.
I hummed to Breath Easy , I remembered of yesterday,
Really wanted to know who that guy was.
" Hey."
I turned around , there he was , he looked hanged over as hell.
" You look like shit." I said laughing.
" I'll take that as complement." he said taking a seat on the bench.
He didn't mention anything about yesterday , well he was drunk.
Don't get hurt so easily stupid girl,
" I remember about yesterday."
" What about yesterday?"
I couldn't turn around.
" That you are a lousy kisser."
I opened my mouth and turned around to protest but his lips where on mine faster then saying Hooha.
" Yeah , I was right." he smiled.
" About what ? That you think my kissing is lousy?"
" Ohh on the contrary , that you taste amazing."
" So I'm a lousy kisser , but I taste amazing , hmm , you need to get your head fixed mate."
" Just shut up."
He leaned in , slowly at first but when his lips meet mine , he kissed me with such force.
We kept kissing until I was breathless.
" Wow." I said
" Get used to it, I'm gonna kiss you every second I can."
" Ohh really ?"
" Yeah."
He leaned in but stopped.
" Pancakes."
" What ?"
" Your pancakes are burning."
" Ohh."
" Wait , shit."
I turned around and turned off the cooker.
" Phew."
I turned and his lips were on mine again.
I'm getting used to this.
Although I don't know how this happened.