An alarm clock beeps beside a sleeping girl, tucked up deeply in her bed beneath covers. She groans and pulls the covers over her more while trying her best to block out and ignore the sound of her alarm clock, but it only grows louder and louder the longer she try's to ignore it
"Ugh, fine!" She yells, sitting up in bed promptly and turns her body around, her feet swinging to the floor and her hand curled up into a fist. With a mild amount of force, she hits the top of the alarm clock and it shuts off instantly. She breathes out and let's herself fall back onto her bed, limbs splayed out and her messy mid-length dark brown hair surrounds her body in a semi circle. Her frilly lilac purple nightie she's wearing, overlaps the edges of the mattress. Nicole gazes down at her uncovered feet, having gone to bed without socks and wriggles her toes.
"Nicole, I heard you switch your alarm clock off, I know you're up!" Shouts a voice from outside her bedroom door as the owner pounds on her door. Nicole doesn't respond and let's out a sigh.
"This is a fresh chapter in our life now and the beginning of a school term. Get up and put your uniform on! I'm already dressed and we can't afford to be late on our first day!"
Nicole sits up quickly upon hearing this. "S-school?!" She stammers. "Yes, High-School, we talked about this, Nicole. You knew so don't act so surprised!" The voice yells back.
"B-but I'm not ready for this, Neo! I can't go, I don't want to go!" She cries, tears brimming her eyes and she races for her cupboard, leaping inside, doing a commando roll and promptly pulls the door closed behind her from the inside. Neo who is standing outside her room, hears the sound of her cupboard opening and closing, rolls his eyes while sighing and goes into her room while calling out that he's coming in.
"I'm coming in, Sister!"
He heads straight to the cupboard and knocks against it's doors. "No one's home!" Nicole responds. "I know you're in there. Come out." He tells her, crossing his arms. "Neo, I've been home-schooled most of my life! You don't think the prospect of actually going to a proper school is nerve-wrecking?!" Nicole fires back.
"And as nerve-wrecking as it may or may not be, we all have to conquer our fears one day. You and I have learnt everything that textbooks and home-schooling can teach us. It would be a good idea if we went to face to face school now in order to further our studies. The school were going to is the best in this country for students. It's highly diverse and it has it's own wolf academics learning system too! I asked around and others who went there have gone onto be very succesful in life later on!
They all recommend it and preach that it taught them diligence, self confidence and more." Neo gently explains.
"But I'm not a wolf!" Nicole cries. "That doesn't matter. The school takes other students too. Nicole, just come out of the closet, please. Stop making excuses and I don't mean it like that!" Neo argues back. A cheeky schoolgirl giggle rings out.
Neo shakes his head and slaps his hand against it. "Why can't you have a phobia of the dark?" He asks himself, rhetorically. "Because I'm not afraid of the dark anymore!" Nicole jokes, throwing open the cupboard doors, narrowly missing Neo, skipping out.
"Thank you, it was about time. Any longer and I would have gone and gotten a screwdriver to take the hinges off." Neo grumbles. "Oh, lighten up! You're always so tense." Nicole shoots back, nudging him in his ribs with her elbow
"You need too lighten up! You'll be fine, Nicole. Apply yourself to your studies and I'll be right beside you the whole way over the course of the next few years. Heck, try and make some friends if you have too... Maybe it will make time go faster?" Neo wonders, debating whether this is the best information to give her.
"I don't know..." Nicole responds, shifting nervously on the spot. Neo sighs. "What's on your mind?" He questions.
"J-just thinking about Dad..." She trails off, taking a seat at her study desk. Neo takes a seat on the desk, turning to face her, his hands clasped together.
"I know you do, but you know he loves you right?"
"Yeah... But why did he leave us, Neo? Where's your Mum?"
"...It just wasn't safe for you and me before Nicole. It's why we had to move around alot, alone over the years, hide out, move from town to town and city to city, but the running is over now, okay?" He whispers, taking Nicole's hands in his, but she pulls her hands out of his rather quickly, nervously.
"Why is now different to before? What did ever happen to Dad? It was so long ago, I can't remember... Where's my mum? Who is my mum-"
"She was your Mum!"
"The cherry haired lady?"
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, my Mum too. We're family!"
"We are? But Ranger wasn't your dad, Neo. He was my dad-"
"Don't concentrate on anything too hard, Nicole! The past is the past now, today is supposed to be representing a new chapter in our lives. Come on, up, Nicole. Shower, teeth, hair and put your uniform on. School will be starting soon." Neo prompts, pulling Nicole to her feet and pushing her towards the bathroom gently. She stops short and turns around to face him, the exhaustion amongst boredom showing on her face.
"I'm glad we no longer have to run anymore. It's going to be nice, Neo, but why did we have to run for so long? I don't understand. I get that this school is fancy, but-"
"This school will protect us and laws have changed... I didn't want to come back here to this town, but it's now our only option..."
"Are we in like danger-"
"NO! Just... Just don't worry about it, Nicole. Let me handle everything for you. You trust me, yeah?"
"Do you trust me?!" Neo growls, standing taller a bit, teeth gritted and his ears perk up, tail swishing. "I-I trust you!" Nicole cries out, light tears filling her eyes.
"Good, now get ready for school. Go, I'll pack your backpack for you." Neo instructs as she steps into the bathroom to get ready.
She steps out of the bathroom, cleaned and dressed to see Neo waiting right outside, not having moved an inch. "How do I look?" She asks, doing a twirl. "You look beautiful, Nicole." He responds, a toothy grin showing. "Thank you!" She blushes, her skirt drifting down around her, but then she's silent. "What's wrong?" He asks, coming up to her and placing his hands on both her shoulders which she she tries to squirm from so he let's go, but he doesn't.
"Do... Do you think Dad will come back someday? Track us down? I wish I could see him... I miss him..."
"I know you do, Nicole..."
Nicole sniffles and he wipes a tear away. "Shh, don't worry. I'm a year off being 18 and you're a year off being 17. When were adults, the whole world will open up to us more. When I'm 18, I can look after you properly then. Get a proper job while you study to finish high-school. We won't have to go through dumpsters anymore for food, no more low amounts of cash in hand, odd jobs." He tells her.
"Neo, we don't have much money. How are we affording this house?"
"I have connections, Nicole. They owe me a favour and are helping me out. Is there anything else?" He wonders. Nicole wonders, pushing the thoughts of the shifty stuff he does sometimes to the back of her mind. Anything he's ever done has been to make sure she was clothed, fed, educated and even to get her medical treatment if she reallyyyy needed it.
She points to his hair. "What? Is their something on my face?" He worries.
"No, your hair." She retorts. "My hair?" He responds. "Yes." She states simply.
"What about it?" He questions, raising an eyebrow.
"It's... It's cool, I like it alot! It's fresh and very you!" She tells him. "Oh? Well, thank you!" He smiles, running a hand over his hair and ears, the ends of them dyed a dark blue as plain raven hair was boring.
"I wish my hair was-"
"Why don't I help you?"
"Come on, let's dye your hair too, the same shade. We'll match! Twins, haha!" He laughs. "You can borrow and use my dye."
"Yes, I'm saying you're allowed too so you can. Come on, get a towel and lean into the bath tub. I don't want your uniform getting stained." He explains, helping her. She lies there happily, leaning forward across the bath tub as his hands run through hair, pulling on strands every so often as he rubs and massages in bleach and dye. A visible grin is across her face as she waits happily, anticipating the end result.
After this, they really need to head to school for their first day which won't look too good for them because they will be late so Neo and Nicole throw their backpacks on hurriedly and stuff a piece of toast in their mouths as they hurry outside, jump on their push bikes, riding down the footpath towards where the school is located as Neo scouted out a route at-least a week earlier.
As they ride on, Nicole's phone in her backpack lights up with a text message, but she won't see it till much later for now.
Cheeky Monkey
Cheeky Monkey: Hey Kitty, it's Cheeky Monkey. Good morning! You fell asleep last night halfway through a battle I think - you silly fungi so I went on without a healer because of you.
Oh, and yeah, a monster came at you and you died too so I picked up your inventory for you because I'm a real gentleman! ;)
Just let me know when you want it all back and I'll hop online to meet you. Also it's the beginning of the new school term for this year for most people so... I don't know where you live, but...
Happy schooling, meow!!! ^.^183Please respect copyright.PENANARLL8DZ2K9P
Love your best friend, CM.
P.s. Looking forward to hearing from you later when you can answer <3
Nicole takes a deep breath as she stands beside Neo, desperately clutching his hand. "Shh, it's okay, I'm here." He whispers to her all while rubbing his thumb over her knuckles to calm her down. "Hey, the Principal is ready for you!" A voice calls out. A man is poking his head out of the Principal's office. "Okay, were coming. Let's go, Nicole. Come." Neo gestures for Nicole to follow.
They step into the Principal's office and the man closes the door behind them before heading to lean against the Principal's desk as opposed to the Principal who is sitting behind it with her hands tucked under their chin and then she opens her closed eyes, looking up, standing immediately. "Ah, Neo, Nicole. Happy to have you both here." She speaks.
"My name is Lacey and I shall be your principal."
Lacey holds out her hand which Neo shakes. "Hmm, firm. Nice." Lacey compliments him while Nicole doesn't move a muscle, making no attempt, causing Nicole and the man to raise an eyebrow.
"Thank you." Neo responds. "I have looked over your case and normally we don't accept students without parental consent in this Institution, but I'm willing to make an exception because I understand your circumstances and growing up is never easy so by allowing you both admittance, were giving you both a normal future that you wouldn't be able to have otherwise.
This is here is, Gavin and he will your homeroom teacher alongside being your werewolf class teacher. I've added you both to his class as I believe it will provide beneficial for you both. Do either of you have any questions?"
"Werewolf Class-" Nicole starts, but Neo cuts her off. "I'm sorry, she gets anxious sometimes. We've been doing homeschooling for well... Forever so I'm not sure how she'll go around other students."
"No worries, I can get you both a desk next to eachother towards the back. Will that help?" Gavin speaks up.
"Yes, thank you. That will be rather nice, won't it, Nicole?" Neo says, turning to face Nicole, but she doesn't respond and he gives her hand a slightly forceful squeeze. "U-uh, yes!" Nicole chokes out.
"Good." Gavin responds.
"Happy to hear it." Lacey adds on. "Oh, and they're a few more things I must inform you both of alongside one additional question I have."
"Sure, what are they?" Neo speaks while Nicole stays silent, unable to pry Neo's fingers off of her hand without kicking up a fuss.
"We have werewolf insurance for the school. Now, I'm not implying you both can't control your urges, but some wolf students have a tendency to... Be destructive. It's okay if you both struggle, but I ask that you try and keep it to a minimum if you can. Property destruction will be something that Gavin will cover in his class amongst other topics."
"Thank you, we understand. You're very understanding, Principal." Neo tells her.
"I'm glad we understand eachother and I hope that neither of you actively fight with other students, Wolf or Human. We have disciplinary measures in place if this occurs. If something is wrong or you 'butt heads' with someone else so to speak - I hope you will ask for help from someone in faculty."
"We will." Neo confirms.
"Good." Lacey responds. "And lastly... How do you both know eachother? It wasn't clear on paper..."
"Were siblings, I'm her brother!"
"Brother..." Nicole whispers under her breath, eyes widening. "Is she okay? You look very pale all of a sudden, Nicole..." Gavin speaks up and Neo turns in her direction, immediately.
"Uh, I'll take her to drink some water!" Neo panics, slipping an arm around her shoulder to lead her outside. "Alright, we'll let you both go then. See you in half an hour's time." Gavin says, leaving the office with Nicole and Neo, but he goes to his class while Lacey turns around, slipping Neo and Nicole's files into her filing cabinet.
"There, is that better?" Neo questions as Nicole stands up from the water fountain. She wipes the water from her face with the back of her hand, a few water droplets lining the floor.
"Better now..."
"That's great."
"Neo... Why did you lie? What exactly did you tell them? I don't understand what's going on-"
"Shut up! We can talk about this at home, not now."
"Good girl, that's my little sister." Neo smiles, ruffling her hair with his hand. "Stop that!" She cries, pushing away his hand.
"Alright." Neo laughs just as a guy comes around the hallway. He fist bumps Neo as he passes. "Who are they?" She questions, seeing a white bandana wrapped around the guys upper arm with a black dragon.'
"Ah, Louis, hi!" Neo calls out. "Say, Nicole, I just have to go speak with him for a second. He's... An old friend of mine. Why don't you explore the school on your own? We have a short while before class begins."
"What?! But-"
"You'll be fine."
And Neo hurries off up to Louis who is standing there, arms crossed, foot tapping, waiting and then they both are gone. Nicole leans against the wall and one scary thought is on her mind... He has criminal connections doesn't he? In the end, she pushes this thought aside and pulls out her phone to see a text. Her face lights up and a smile finds it's way.
Kitty: Thanks, Cheeky Monkey! I appreciate it, I really do. School is off to an interesting start to say the least...
Cheeky Monkey is typing...
Cheeky Monkey: No problem! What are your plans?"
Kitty: My plans?
Cheeky Monkey: Yes!
Kitty: Uh, I don't know. What are you planning to do?
Cheeky Monkey: Don't sweat too hard, silly! You have some time to figure things out. What club you're going to join (If you choose to join one), elective subjects. Stuff like that.
Kitty: And you?
Cheeky Monkey: Oh, uh, well... You remember me saying how this was my first time back in mainstream school this year?
Kitty: Yeah... You were pretty vague on what you meant though, then.
Cheeky Monkey: I went to a Military Training Academy for a few years before.
Kitty: Oh, how was it?
Cheeky Monkey: Strict. I don't want to talk about it...
Kitty: That's okay, I understand.
Cheeky Monkey is typing...
Nicole looks up from her phone in shock. A girl who is slightly taller than her and perhaps even a few years older is standing before her. Her uniform is clearly pressed, not a wrinkle showing in the fabric anywhere and a badge is pinned to it as well. "I'm Tatiana, one of the Prefects here." The girl introduces herself.
"Uh, N-Nicole. My name's, Nicole."
"Well, hi, Nicole! I heard that we had two new students who arrived a little later in the day than the other new students so I thought I would check up on them and here we are! Do you know where the other one is?"
"N-Neo?" Nicole chokes out, holding her phone close. "Yes. Now that you have said that, it sounds familiar. So, you're his sister, huh? Anyway, I'm here to show you around the place quickly and just go over the rules generally. Is that okay?"
But Tatiana wasn't really letting Nicole get a word in edgewise, but she was nice enough.
"He's not really my brother, Tatiana... More just a half brother...?"
But Tatiana didn't hear Nicole say this because she's whispering it so the tour continued till it was class time and Tatiana and Nicole farewelled eachother at the door of Nicole's werewolf class as Tatiana has escorted her there due to the school building being very large and confusing on one's first day before she departs, abandoning Nicole.
Nicole slumps in a chair, close towards the back of the classroom, trying to ignore the gazes of every other student, wolf students at that who are all in a circle in the corner, whispering. Her eyes flicked to the clock on the wall and then to the door, hoping that Neo or the teacher would come soon. Nicole fidgets, getting stationary out of her bag and lining it up on her desk, neatly for something to do in order to pass the time.
Not long after, Nicole was bored again and her eyes flickered to her right where there was a guy. He had his phone out and was just staring at it, not typing anything, but he was partially turned anyway so it was impossible to see what he was looking at on the screen. Nicole shrugs and leans back in her chair, arms crossed and then the guy slams his phone down, turning it off and bangs his fist against the desk several times after. Nicole flinches after this and turns away more from him.
Great, so she was sitting next to a psycho... She didn't hear him grumble under his breath about 'her not texting him back' And not long enough, she hears a sound of foil being crumpled. She looks up and sees the guy holding a chocolate bar.
"I thought Werewolves couldn't eat chocolate... I'm not an expert on them and I don't know much, but-" Nicole starts.
"Shut up. If you shut up and listen in class, you'll learn something. It's not my problem that you're a wolf who was raised in the city." The guy sneers, scoffing down the chocolate bar. "You'll learn more about yourself eventually.
Most in this class are here for that exact reason. Before, they were born and grew up in the wild before being given the choice to see the human world for them self, but deforestation because of humans forcing them to move towards towns and cities and here we are."
"And you're eating Chocolate..."
"Oh, so I am. What's it to you, chubby spud?"
"I am not a chubby potato! And 2nd: Chocolate-"
"Makes us sick, yeah. And I'm human for your information! Notice the lack of my ears? I'm here simply... Because I'm interested in Wolves and want to learn more about them! What's it to you? Where's your ears, hmm?"
"Oh, I see how it is. You don't want to be a Wolf." The guy says, scratching the start of what looks like a beard. "You smell like a human, I hate it. You're over-killing it. Your perfume is so strong, why do girl's splash it on so strong? Not even Miranda goes that far in this class, but I guess that's because she is a Wolf despite being a girl." The guy scoffs.
"Stop it!" Nicole whimpers. "You're being a bully."
"Whatever, here then." The guy says, sliding a chocolate bar over to her. "Let's see you eat it. Once you know what it feels like to get sick, you will have learned something more about being and acting like a Wolf."
Nicole raises an eyebrow. She breaks it in half, pocketing the rest to save for later. She eats the rest and the guy leans back in his chair, arms behind his head, feet on the desk and he let's out a sigh, resting his eyes, phone clutched in his hand also.
And then she hears the sound of growling and glances over to see two to three wolf students are starting to fight. They aren't drawing blood, but they're scratched to billy.
"Oh, just let them sort it out between themselves. They just want to prove who's better, but neither of them will be ever be me. I'm the Alpha of this class. If they really start to injure themselves then I'll intervene." The guy says, not bothered as he's still leaned back and resting.
"Hey, Omega! You're not going to do anything?" A wolf girl cries out. The guy stiffens, sitting up and looks over and her friends, fighting. He grunts slightly at having just embarrassed himself infront of the girl wolf next to him? Tarnishing the reputation that he just created for himself.
"No. They can sort it out, they're not bleeding and the Teacher will be here soon so that will surely mark the end of it then." The guy responds. "Now if you will excuse me..."
He stands up, heading towards the door which opens, the Teacher and Neo coming inside which is the cause of the fight ceasing immediately. Nicole feels her breathing increase rapidly. She blinks back tears and rushes out of the class, crying something along the lines of: 'I don't belong in this class!'
Neo steps back, bumping into the teacher in shock who catches him while everyone in the class is glancing at the door that Nicole just ran out of.
"Uh, I'll go and see if she's okay..." Neo trails off, leaving. Him and the guy who insulted, taunted Nicole share a quick glare at eachother for just a second while the teacher is dialing through to the office on the classroom phone on his desk and the guy just shrugs, leaving a moment later after Neo, really in need of the bathroom...
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