Nicole was hurrying to finish getting ready for school. She had woken up to find Neo just gone from the house. He had not left a note and wasn't answering his cell in the end so she shrugged it off and just got ready for school, ate some breakfast, then left. There wasn't much food left in the house so she did leave Neo a text, mentioning this and praying for a response from him in coming hours before riding off to school on her bike.
When she turned up to school and parked bike, locking it, she noticed that the clouds were looking very dark and a chilly breeze was blowing so she headed inside as quickly as possible, backpack thumping against her back as she ran, a textbook above her head as she had forgotten her umbrella at home. It was lightly raining.
"Nicole, no running in this halls." Tatiana pipes up immediately as she slides infront of Nicole. "Sorry..." Nicole apologizes and Tatiana lets out a gentle laugh, placing a hand on Nicole's shoulder as she gently lowered her textbook. "It's okay. It's just my job as a hall monitor, well Prefect to pull people up for stuff such as, running.
People could trip and hurt themselves and injuries could be even more dangerous if the floor is wet. It's why we encourage people to walk, not run. Do you understand?"
Nicole gives Tatiana a soft nod in response. "Alright, nice. I won't give you a citation for a detention today, but be more aware next time, yeah?"
"Yes, Tatiana"
"Sweet. See you around, Nicole!" Tatiana smiles as she steps aside, allowing Nicole to walk past her. "Wait." Tatiana calls out and Nicole turns around, feeling nervousness bubble inside her stomach. "Are you okay? Is everything okay at home?" Tatiana asked with a eyebrow raised.
"I forgot my umbrella this morning."
"Oh, that is no good. Do try and bring it every time from your home even if you don't need it, okay? I hear were going to be having some stormy weather for the next week or so. Not fun, but the farmers in the surrounding area here do need it I suppose." Tatiana shrugs and then she leaves after that to scold and discipline someone else. Nicole wasn't sure what to do without Neo so she settles for sitting on a cold bench in the hallway with her phone out and her backpack sitting at her feet.
Kitty: CM?
CM is typing...
CM: I'm here, morning.
Kitty: I didn't sleep real well last night and I saw you were online and playing our game.
CM: 'Our game', ayy? ;)
Kitty: Shut up! I don't mean it like that!
CM: Sure, you don't... ;)
Kitty: Ugh, you're such a stupid spud!
CM: Nah, you're a spud, likely a chubby one at that. I'm the prime definition of 'sexy male hotness'! If you opened the dictionary, you'd find a picture of my face.
Kitty: And you look like...? I've never seen a photo of you.
CM: A sword. I'm a sword, my Kitty. Just as my profile pic shows the world.
Kitty: Woah, really?! So you've been lying to me this whole time? You're actually a sword that people use for dueling!
CM: Yep. It's my night job so don't tell anyone, haha!
Kitty: <:)
CM: Okay, I had my fun. I'll be totally real with you now. I was online last night because I couldn't sleep and I figured I might as well do something till I get a little tired as opposed to just sitting in bed awake so I went to my desk and played.
I killed some monsters, went up a few levels, stole some loot from a noob along the way, haha!
Kitty: That's nice.
CM: I actually received some dark pink and purple armour that I think would look good on you. Next time you're on, let me know and I can pop on and give it to you.
Kitty: Aw, thanks! :)
CM: No problem! <3
And then Nicole felt a headache come on and she clutched her stomach also, feeling she was about to be sick and quickly took off the nearest bathroom after throwing her phone in her backpack, leaving CM hanging. Once Nicole was done, she left the stall she was in and made her way to the sink, rinsing her mouth with water and even splashed her face too as she felt awful.
Her hair was limply sticking to her skin and she hated it. Why's she sweaty?
Nicole looked up the mirror for just a second to see a copy of herself in the mirror, there, but her image dissipated as quickly as it had arrived.
Nicole spun around quickly to see the girl who's pretending to me a cat-girl with a taller girl with orange pigtails, beside her. They were the ones calling her name, not 'herself' in the mirror. The wanna cat-girl cupped her hands together and her tail swished from side to side, eyes filled with worry.
"Lucy, she's sick!!!" She cries. "Hey, are you okay? We saw you run into the bathroom urgently and-" Lucy begins, gently placing her hand on Nicole's shoulder, but this only caused panic to run through Nicole's blood and she shoved the cat-girl away who fell to the floor, but she wasn't too hurt from losing her balance which slightly enraged Lucy who gripped Nicole's hand that had pushed Vanilla, a decision that Lucy quickly regretted as her hand was in Nicole's mouth within seconds and she bit down, sinking her teeth in before letting go instantly and bolting from the bathroom.
Lucy sunk the floor and cried, holding her hand and Vanilla sat up, coming to sit beside her to help her. "Lucy, are you okay?" She questions.
"N-no, s-she bit me! That monster, bit me!"
"She's a wolf. It's what they do, I think we spooked her."
"Yeah. You're probably right, but it doesn't change what she has just done to us, to me. We were being nice and this is what happens!
Should we report this?"
"I don't know... T-the rules state that Humans aren't allowed to hurt or provoke, taunt Wolves and vice versa. The same applies to Meifwa's who have conflict with Wolves or Humans too. I-I think she's a nice person and t-that she didn't want to do that. Please don't get her in trouble, y-you know what they'll do to her if we report this, don't you?"
Lucinda sighs. "Yes, I know. Okay, I won't report this. It's fair, but I need a bandage or something till the afternoon. I have peroxide at home in a first aid-kit. I know first-aid. I don't think any pieces of her teeth are stuck in my hand and my hand is only bleeding lightly.
It doesn't look it or feel it, she only bit me lightly. She maybe not have brought her wolf fangs out and used her normal teeth instead." Lucy spoke as she stood up, rinsing her injury under the water before Vanilla wrapped a hand towel paper around her friend's hand very thickly and slided the sleeve of Lucy's coat all the way down, past her hand to hide the bite, Nicole made and then the girl's headed to class as best they could, like nothing even happened to them.
Vanilla had a few light bruises on her elbows and knees, but she could just tell people that she slipped or something so it was really no big deal. No skin was broken thankfully and all that did remain was some light bruising.
Nicole made her way to class and slips in. It wasn't due to start for around five minutes and everyone was just all over the classroom, sitting on eachother's desk and a casket of her favorite drink sitting in the middle of the desks. There was still a ton left over, but everyone had a can in their hand as they talked and joked. "Hey." Colin spoke up, getting off his desk as he noticed Nicole had entered the room, but then his eyebrows furrowed as Nicole stood there, timid.
"Yo, are you okay? Is something wrong? You look heavily shaken up for some reason." He note.
"I'm fine." Nicole manages and then she heads straight her to desk and sat down, quickly taking her school supplies out.
Collin followed and leaned against her desk. "Are you sure you're okay, silly potato?"
"I-I just feel a little s-sick this morning, i-it's nothing." She stammered.
"The chocolate finally catching up with you, ayy? Told you it was bad, pretty much poisonous to you guys. Please don't tell me, your brother had some? Speaking of, where is he? He should be with you."
"He didn't want any and h-he threw it in the bin when I offered some to him. I was just trying to be n-nice to him and I woke up this morning to find myself alone at home.
I don't know where he is and he isn't answering his phone."
"Oh... Uh-I'm sure he will turn up eventually. Maybe he had something important to do a-and decided to leave you to sleep?
You aren't a little kid. You're perfectly capable of making your own way to school by yourself, yeah?"
"Y-yeah..." Nicole stammered, wiping a tear in her eye, away.
"Here, keep it." Colin offered, holding out a handkerchief which she accepts.
"Why are you being so nice to me this morning? Usually, you don't talk to anyone. You're always on your phone." Nicole sniffles.
"Oh, I was busy before, but I'm not now. I think something came up so I just got off my phone and decided to chill with my classmates aka pack. Jason brought Overload in this morning for everyone to share which was nice of him.
Honestly, I think we could all do with the caffeine this morning. Everyone seems a bit run down, flat this morning. Even you. I heard it's a full moon soon, a blue one at that so that probably explains it."
"And why are you tired? You said you're Human."
"Oh... Uh, I had a mega big argument with both my parents and my older sister last night so I didn't sleep well... Any other questions?"
"Okay, good." Colin responds just as their teacher, Gavin walks in, calling for everyone to take their assigned seats and for the sugary drink to go sugary away.
"Teacher! It's just soft drink." Dennis pipes up. "Yeah, he's right!" Miranda adds on.
"I don't care what it is, but I do know it has Caffeine it. That's nearly just as bad as alcohol so everyone put it away." The Teacher orders.
"But Sir, we all feel tired this morning!" Jason whines. "And if you all still feel that way in half an hour and struggle to concentrate, I'll take you all outside onto the oval and you can do some jogging, okay?"
The class groans at this and put the drink goes away as the Teacher starts to write today's lesson on the board.
"I love Overload." Nicole whispers. "But I never get to have it. Neo never buys it because we can't afford it."
A look of guilt and sadness washes over Collin's face. "Wait!" He calls out, heart becoming sympathetic and the Teacher turns out, putting his hands on his hips.
"Yes?" He responds grumpily.
"Nicole hasn't had any Overload and she's feeling just as run and tired as everyone else. She's a member of this class and pack. Even though, were putting it away now, can she please have one can now? It might perk her up a bit otherwise, I fear that today's lesson might go in one ear and straight out the other, plus she won't feel like one of the pack, we'll be unintentionally excluding her."
"Oh, alright, fine. Just don't make any slurping noises." The Teacher begs, turning back around to face the board and write. "Here you go." Collin smiles, holding out a mixed fruit Overload to Nicole which she accepts, drinking it quietly and slowly as she and everyone start to work, writing down what the Teacher was dictating while Colin fell asleep in his chair, on the desk as he was really tired, unable to keep his eyes open, but his phone was also clutched in his hand tightly out of an irrational fear of losing it or someone trying to take it while he sleeps.
That's how much it meant to him, his phone. Time passed on and after hours, it was nearly recess time and Nicole turned her head, mouth dropping open to see and hear that Colin was asleep. She quietly rolled up her worksheet into a cone and placed the other end next to Colin's ear and gently whispered 'someone's transformed into a spud, namely you' into his ear which caused him to sit up, fully awake now in shock, but it doesn't mean he wasn't angry at Nicole, but he said nothing other than glaring.
"Nice of you to re-join to the lesson, Colin." The Teacher speak up from the front, not even bothering to turn and look at him. He just kept writing, back to the class and then the door to the classroom opened hastily, to reveal a tired looking Neo, hair and uniform a mess, school bag on his back though. He was holding a box of pocky in his hand as he panted. The Teacher dropped his chalk instantly, turning his head to look at Neo and the entire class looks up in wonder. The Teacher frowns. "You have been marked as truanting. I've already notified Lacey that you never turned up this morning. Were already 3 hours into our lesson and you only just turn up now?
I sure do hope you have a good excuse for her because I can't wait to hear it personally." The Teacher grumbles, guiding Neo out of the classroom and to the Principal's office, pulling the door shut behind them, leaving the class to eachother and everyone starts gossiping, moving desks around and out came Overload again for the mean-time. Colin gently reached a hand over and gave Nicole's hand a gentle squeeze, noticing that she looked upset, in distress. Worry was in his eyes as she sat there at her desk, staring at the floor.
His heart thumped a bit, noticing her hair was sticking to her skin. She was in the polo-shirt with short sleeves and wearing a skirt so she couldn't be hot, surely. Was she sick thus why she's perhaps running a fever?
He went and got her a cup of water from the Prefect's water cooler outside before returning to her which she accepted, no words exchanged between them which only made his heart kick up more in concern for his classmate.
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