Nicole breathes out, slowing her breathing as she lays in bed, looking out the window. She had left the curtains open. When her and Neo returned home, he kind of lectured her somewhat and she didn't get a word in at all. Behave, do as he asks, we don't have alot of money, etc, etc.
She had tuned out in the end and he went for a shower and to do his homework and so did she. Then her and Neo, shared a quiet dinner together where neither party really spoke to eachother before both just going to bed and now? Here she was, just lying awake.
Alot of thoughts were on her mind and she's unable to sleep because of it. She slowly picks up her phone, off her beside table, bringing it to her sight.
CM's Status: Offline
Is what's written so she slowly lowers it, letting it just sit beside her. It's 10:32 at night. He's probably asleep no doubt. She let's out another sigh and pulls her blankets up closer around herself, a feeling of danger present even though there isn't any. Why's Neo telling so many lies?
Doing things that are on the verge of borderline criminal. It's not like he had murdered someone, but where was he getting money from to pay rent, buy groceries and get her anything she actually needs like if she grows too big and her clothes don't fit anymore, he'd do his best to get her more clothes in a bigger size.
Those people at School, he seems to know! Are they his like source or contact, maybe? And other than that... Where did Dad go all these years ago? The memories are blurred of that night , mostly blocked out for being so traumatic as Neo described when she asked why she couldn't remember that night properly. She was his daughter. How could he just leave her? Surely, he loved her. Also, how could that woman leave us too? Mum...?
All she remembered was Neo warning her that people were dangerous and they had to be careful who they trusted from then on and they constantly moved around the country. What were we even running from? They had not done anything illegal to the best of her knowledge.
Nicole cuddles a pillow to her chest, squeezing it in annoyance. Worst of all? Neo is not her Brother. That's one thing she was sure of. Yes, they look alike, but they aren't related so why he going around, telling everyone that they were?
It was simply not true, but if she tried to object to this and state the truth - He- Well, she didn't want to think about it and other than that, he'd just cut her off all the time when they're talking to others. He's so socially manipulative and gets away with any lie he tells.
And then Nicole feels her phone vibrate beside her. She takes a look.
MC's Status: Online
And another notification shows up that he's playing their game. Why he's awake and online so late? Well, she's up late too, but that's because she can't sleep so what's his excuse?
She'll have to ask him in the morning and she lowers her phone again, feeling somewhat sleepy and her vision before her, slowly starts to unfocus.
"Nicole? Ranger! Ranger, come here, now!"
"What's wrong, baby?"
"Look Ranger, she's cooing! Isn't she adorable?"
"She certainly is, Darling and I'm glad that she's healthy and that we could bring her home from the Hospital. Now all we have to do is enjoy the next few years as our little girl grows up and before we know it, she'll be chasing boys."
"Ranger! Over my resurrected body! Never, no boys! Nope, I can tell you that now: No dating!"
"Haha, okay. But Darling, I was only joking with you. So what do you want to do now? We should really leave her to sleep."
"Watch a romantic comedy downstairs?"
"I'd love too!"
"Great, let's go."
"Ranger, how could you?! Were married and after a few years, you're telling me that you're cheating on me with another woman?! And that SHE gave birth to your child around the same time I gave birth to Nicole? You've been running around for years!"
"Darling, I can explain-"
"Don't 'darling' me, Ranger! I gave you a child, I had our child!"
"I'm sorry-"
"It's too late for that. Get out, just leave."
"No, please. We can work through this-"
"No we can't. She's having your baby. I see no future or way forward for us now."
"You're sick and have just proven my point! Get out!"
"I want you to leave!"
"What are you going to do?"
"File for full custody, obviously. You've decided you would rather be the Dad to another baby than ours so I want you to leave."
"Sylvie, please-"
"It's too late for you to say anything more.. Oh? What, no, Nicole, sweetie. Mummy and Daddy are just talking. Everything's okay.
Tuck her back into bed, say your goodbye's and then pack your suitcase and leave. I have a mess to clean up."
"Hey my little princess, let's take you back upstairs, hmm? It's late. Come on, there we go, baby. I'll carry you back up so you don't have to walk."
Nicole sits up in bed in a panic, drenched in sweat. Her bed and nightie is soaked. She felt like air was stuck and that she's unable to breathe as she clutches her chest, suffering a panic attack. Slowly she calms down, but has a splitting headache. The dream was blurry, but... Her Dad. She had dreamed about her Dad.
She missed him. Who was that woman, he cheated on her? That's not her or Neo's Mum. It didn't make sense and Nicole's starting to cry from it all so she forces it to the back of her mind desperately. Nicole only cries harder and shakes like she's cold despite her bed and clothes being drenched in sweat. Her door opens slightly, a small stream of light coming in. It's Neo.
"Are you awake?" He asks quietly and Nicole didn't respond so he shrugged and gently closed the door, murmuring something about: 'I'm relieved she didn't smell it and wake up.'
When he's gone, Aphmau collects some fresh P.J's and slips into her ensuite to change. Upon finishing changing, she rests on the sink, using her elbows and glances up at the dyed strands of her hair, gently tugging at it. It's appeal has worn off now. If she wanted to get it out, that would be hard. That lady in the store was right, but Neo dyes his hair so of course he'd encourage and support Nicole instantly, regarding it.
She lets out a sigh and turns away from the mirror, heading back towards her bed when a small voice calls out.
She turned around instantly and cups her hands together as she takes a few steps back towards the mirror. "Y-yes?" She choked out and then she saw her or rather herself.
"M-Me again, n-no..." She whimpers, gripping her hair with her fingers as she sink to the floor.
"Nicole, please don't be scared, I'm not here to hurt you. I'm your higher self-"
"I don't want to listen to a word you have to say!" She cries out.
"That's fine, but I'm not going to lie to you, Nicole. The one who's lying to you is the boy that you share a house with-"
"I said, shut up!" She cries harder picks up the small dish tray that a block of hand soap, sitting on it and shatters the mirror with it. Sitting there, her tears lesson even though she's sustained a small cut on her arm. The sound of footsteps come down the hallway, followed by the ensuite bathroom door being thrown open.
It's Neo. He runs up to her immediately and hugs her. "Shit. Your hand, it's bleeding! Allow me."
He carries her to her bed after cleaning and bandaging her arm. He leaves her there so he can clean up the slight mess before returning a few minutes later. "Nicole, what happened? Look at me." He prompts, placing a hand on her shoulder and lifts her face up using his other hand under her chin, them locking eyes.
"I-I don't know, Neo. I'm tired, it's late. I was dreaming for a bit and I-I don't know what happened after that."
"It sounds like you had a nightmare, but you're okay now. You are okay, aren't you?"
"Good. Just... Making sure, Nicole. Here, lie down." He says gently, helping her to lie down and he tucks her in and kisses the top of her temples before climbing off her bed afterwards.
"I don't want you to leave yet..."
"No problem. I'll lie down with you for a bit, okay? Your dreams are over now, you're safe. I'm here for you." He says gently, lying down beside her and pulling her closer.
"Neo." She whispers.
"Anything." He replies.
"I miss my Dad. Why hasn't he come back, why would he leave?"
"Nicole... We've been over this hundreds of times and yet, you persist to ask?"
"I love him."
"And he loves you too, little sis. He really does, but he just can't be here with you, us right now, nor Mum. I know you don't remember that night, years ago, but... Shit just didn't go to plan and we were left alone to fend for ourselves."
"You protected me, you always have."
"That's correct." Neo states, pulling her closer and burrows his nose in a little bit, sniffing, smelling her a little bit. She's delightful, smells sweet.
"Did Mum have dyed dark red hair?"
"Yes... I haven't told you before, have I?"
"It's late, Nicole. If you don't sleep now, you will be tired in the morning and I don't like my chances if I was to ring the school and request a sick day if they'd give it to me.
We'd need a doctor's note and a doctor's visit is anywhere from $65 to $100."
"And it's money we don't have..."
"Exactly! Good girl, you've been listening." He says, shifting a strand of her dyed fringe aside.
"Neo, does this house look familiar to you at all?"
"No... Why?"
"I don't know."
"Do you mean like it gives you a 'deja vu' feeling?"
"No. It's more than that, almost like I've been here before, but I can't recall it."
"I see... Well, you should get some sleep, Nicole, okay? Goodnight. I'm going to go back to my room now. I just have... A bit of homework to finish." He says gently, getting up of the bed and leaving. But before he leaves, he notices Nicole's phone on the bed and moves it to the nightstand, eyebrow raised. "Don't stay up late on your phone from now on, okay? Otherwise I might need to confiscate it so you get some sleep..."
"I won't."
"Okay. I'll take your word for it right now, Nicole. Goodnight."
And then he leaves, pulling the door behind him gently and Nicole's eyes slowly close, sleep catching up with her and she succumbs to it not long after.
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