Nicole rolls over in her bed, curling up, but she's unable to sleep, haunted by flashes of a bright light and Neo screaming at her that 'they need to leave.' It's all jumbled up in her mind and then there is a voice. "Nicole, Nicole, wake up." She calls.
Nicole sits up in bed in a panic, gasping for air. Her blanket falls to the floor and she quickly stands up, heading to the window and flings the curtains aside, open. She pushes the window up and takes a deep breath in, feeling herself relax and calm down. She turns around and heads to her beside table, picking up her phone which illuminates the room.
She checks the time. 1:03 a.m. It's been a few hours since Quinlain's party. She checks her social media contact list. It's a very small list, comprising of only a few numbers.
CM, Neo and Weston.
CM & Weston are offline. Nicole gently lowers her phone, letting it drop onto her bed. She brings her hands to her face, letting silent tears fall. Oh, how she wished she had more phone numbers in her phone, friends.
And then Nicole catches a whiff of something odd. She gently creeps outside her room, leaving her door open just ajar so she can make it back into her room in a hurry. She makes her way to Neo's room and gently bends down, lowering herself to the floor to look underneath Neo's door.
Her eyes widen, seeing Neo walk around the room and can only partially see beakers of an unknown, murky blue liquid on his study desk. Notes and books are everywhere. The chemical smell is very strong now, causing her to sniffle and then sneeze. Neo's ears flinch and he turns around, ticked off. His tail is swishing and he makes a straight beeline for his bedroom door, yanking it open so before he does, Nicole covers her nose and slips back into her bedroom and into her bed, pulling the covers over herself tightly.
A second later, Nicole's door is opened and Neo pokes his head in, eyes narrowing. "I don't know what you're doing up so late, but I DON'T ever want to hear or see you, sneaking around the halls after dark again, understood?
Otherwise... Well, you know what I'll do to you, Nicole. Consider this your warning now. Goodnight, 'Sis.'" He says angrily as he bears his fangs before slamming her door shut. She shakes beneath her covers, trying to calm down her breathing as she just sweats nervously.
Nicole stays silent as she walks beside Neo down the school corridor. They've not spoken a word to eachother at breakfast, rode their bikes to school in silence and are now walking down the hall in silence. They still had some time before class. Neo walked along, slumped over with his hands in the pockets of his jumper while Nicole shivers as she didn't have any protection from the cold when Neo's secret friend gives him a small wave from down the hall, his lackeys standing behind him. Neo halts and turns to look to Nicole, eyes narrowed and glaring.
"I'm going to go and talk to my friend for a bit. Don't you move from this spot, understood?" He says before walking away briskly down a darkened corridor with... A friend. Nicole slowly walks over to a bench to sit down when she notices some friends in the corner of her vision. It's Quinlain with Lucy and Vanilla. They're whispering to eachother and stop when they notice that Aphmau has seen them. They gently wave at her and urge her silently to go with them before dissapearing into the nearest girl bathroom.
Nicole looks around nervously, seeing that Neo has left the area completley. He's gone so she stands up, following the girls into the bathroom. When she comes in, Quinlain is standing right there infront of everyone else and quickly takes Nicole's hands in hers.
"Nicole, is it? I'm so, so, so sorry for my behaviour last night. I was way out of line and I need to control my temper better when I'm upset. I'm sorry, I just lost my mum when I was younger, she died in a car accident and losing her... Well, I feel that she understood me better than my Dad ever has which is typical between mothers and fathers with their sons or daughters I guess.
My Dad gets on great with my little brother, his name is, Joshie and when I lost my Mum, seeing her face in photos and knowing my life would never be the same again, I did everything I could to save myself from pain. Cut her out of photos, hide them in a box, kick off, stay out late, anything that I could do to hurt my Dad's feelings... Well, he and Joshie are pretty used to it.
I know it doesn't make up for my behaviour last-night, but-
Nicole halts Quinlain in the middle of speaking. "You don't need to explain. I don't know what it's like to have parents around or... Not in this case, but our circumstances are different, but what I can be is sympathetic to your pain. I accept your apology and I shouldn't have 'barked' at you, I know better.
"No, no, you're a wolf student, your behaviour was understandable!" Quinlain responds, panicked.
"And what if I told you a secret such as that I'm not a Wolf..." Nicole says dryly, straight faced, testing the air. Giggles run around out between Quinlain, Vanilla and Lucy.
"Haha, nice one!" Quinlain laughs, smiling. "Haha, yeah..." Nicole responds, disheartened, but hiding the look of disappointment on her face. "Hey, is something wrong?" Vanilla speaks up, noticing Nicole's weird expression.
Lucy pulls out her phone. "Tell us your number, Nicole. We'll add your number to our contact list and add you to our group chat. We... Want to be your friend, it's hard being a new student and even if were all Human and you, a Wolf... It doesn't matter.
Wes, Austin and Levi are in it the group chat also."
"What? But-"
"No but's!" Quinlain intervenes, taking Nicole's phone from her, inputting all their numbers into her phone and getting her number to add to their phones. After this, the bell goes and everyone leaves to go to class. Quinlain tells her that they will see her around and if she wants to hang, she can find them while Lucy tells her to be safe and look out if she can.
Nicole heads to class and when she walks in, Neo is at his desk, looking very angry. He ultimately says nothing though and keeps his mouth shut, just giving Nicole death glares the whole time that class is on till the teacher takes them outside to get some exercise which doesn't go too well. Nicole is slower than everyone and many other Wolf students are laughing at her. When everyone's exhausted and done, the teacher dismissed them and the class seperates, heading to their appropriate change room, swapping from their sports clothes, back into their uniforms.
Miranda walks up to Nicole, catching her by surprise, giving her a small squeezes on her shoulder on the way out, a small smile and nothing said between them before she leaves the room to re-unite and catch up with her friends. Nicole leaves too shortly after and is suprised to see Colin hanging around the entrance way to the girl's change room which causes her to raise an eyebrow and make a joking comment.
"Trying to catch sight of some wolf-gurl curves complete with tails and ears are we? Because if you are, you won't be seeing mine anytime soon, pervert."
"As true as they me be, Potato, at-least I still get your curves." He jokes darkly in response. "Rightttttt..." She trails off, heading to leave, pushing her way past, Colin, telling him that she needs to meet up with Neo when he grips her arm, stopping her.
"Wait!" He calls out panicked. "What?!" She snaps.
"You haven't seemed like yourself all day, is something wrong? I know Quinn's party was difficult for you which doesn't surprise me, but-"
"I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?!"
"You don't seem fine... You've been shivering all day, Nicole, I'm concerned you'll get sick. Your brother has a coat, but you don't. Do you need one?
Because I have an older sister, she has tons of clothes, designer ones that. They're really fluffy. Too many for her to keep track of also, I could take one of her coats for you and I doubt she'll even notice and if she does, she'll just think she outgrew it, passed it on to charity or whatever."
"You don't have to do that for me, Colin..."
"But I want too, it's the least I can do to welcome you to this school and city here, even. Let me get you one, please."
"No, no, don't argue with me, you're Alpha."
She shuts up and he bows, taking his leave. Nicole sighs and goes to proceed when Neo slides into her path now that Colin is gone.
"You're alone now, Nic. No one to save you, come to your rescue so come here." He growls, eyes glaring as he backs Nicole back into a corner of the girl's change room. She starts to shriek, but he cups her mouth to silence her and he pulls on her wrist, squeezing before throwing her hand hard against a locker door that she falls to the floor in pain and he presses his foot down hard on her hand and arm.
He steps back, removing his foot a moment later and she starts to cry, unable to suppress tears any longer. "There, that'll teach you to behave and respect me. I think you'll think next time now before disrespecting me again amongst other stuff." He shrugs before walking away with his hands in his warm coat pockets. Nicole whimpers as she slowly climbs to her feet, clutching her hand that's hurting, slight pain beginning to sear up her wrist also as she makes her way outside.
As she walks down the hall, her hand and arm hurts more and more till the point she can barely feel her hand and wrist anymore, they're stiff. Is it broken? Or if not broken, at the very least, sprained?
Neo won't take her to a doctor for it, there's no money too and he did this to pull her into line so he wouldn't be about to let her tell anyone even if she promised to keep quiet in exchange for medical treatment and then it hits her, an idea, a plan.
Levi and Austin are up ahead, at their lockers. What if she... Should she even? She bites her lip, debating as she'll be getting an innocent boy in trouble, but she can't go on without medical treatment and just looking at Levi with his dyed hair, spray-painted locker and the fact his blatant disregard for uniform rules, it's clear he's a bad-boy or a delinquent at the very least. Slowly walking up, she decides that she should go through with it. They're lockers aren't open yet and Levi is about to open his. Just as he does, Nicole slides her hand in, behind the door, un-noticed to them and drops the floor, screaming at the top of her voice in pain, the slightest touch causing her pain even though Levi's locker door barely even touched the wall, but no one will know that, nor believe him.
Within seconds, students have started to come up to her, crowding and asking her if she's okay. "Hey, what's going on?" Tatiana snaps, coming up to the crowd, pushing her way through. When she sees Nicole, she drops to the floor beside her. "Nicole, your hand! What happened?" She asks worried, trying to calm a crying Nicole. "M-my hand..." She sniffles, tears falling. "Little bro, you should be more careful!" Austin says, pushing his brother against his locker, gripping his shirt collar. "I'm not your brother, I and Noah aren't even real members of your perfect , rich family, honestly what were your parents even thinking?! Oh, let's foster to delinquent boys so we'll look charitable and we can brag and show them off to all our friends!" Levi hisses at him. Austin starts to tear up and he drops Levi to the floor, starting to back away, covering his face with his hands.
"Hey, what is going on out here?" The principals demands, coming out of her office. "Levi's locker crushed Nicole's hand as she was walking past I think. I-I didn't see it happen!" Tatiana panics. "I-I had earphones in my ears..."
"Okay, okay, umm..." Principal Lacey trails off, pacing in a circle just as Quinlain, Lucy and Vanilla with Weston show up. "Nic, what happened?" Lucy wonders, looking to Levi's who glaring, sitting against his locker and Austin who's wiping his face repeatedly with his sleeves.
Not long after, every other Wolf and Meifwa student join the crowd of Humans students with their respective teachers, filing out of classroom. "Nicole?" Colin speaks up, calling out, worried.
"What happened?" Neo asks with a raised eyebrow. "Her hand got injured by a locker door." Lacey tells him.
"Oh, dear! My poor baby sister, oh, but we don't have medical insurance-" Neo doesn't get to finish his sentence as she cuts him off. "That doesn't matter, the school has public insurance and an injury like this occurring on school premises means were responsible.
Just like how we have additional insurance for you Wolf and Meifwa students... As you guys can be... I'm not meaning to stereotype, but be bolder or friskier than Human students... Okay, Nicole, we can call an Ambulance and take you to the emergency room. They can take a look at your hand and treat it accordingly." Lacey tells her.
"Oh, Nic, you poor thing. It doesn't hurt alot does it?" Neo worries, bending down to sit beside Nicole, playing the sympathy card, but all she does is cry harder and she hears a student or two whisper, 'what a caring brother she has, I wish I had one that caring.'
The school calls an ambulance and Nicole is transported to the local ER. Neo is asked to wait outside why a doctor see's Nicole. "Good afternoon, Nicole." Smiles a Doctor who's a Wolf as he comes into a consultation room, holding a thin package and manila folder in his hands.
"Hi, Doctor..." She responds, giving as brave a smile as she can. He smiles back, warmly. "I had a look at the scan we did. Your hand isn't broken, but uh, I'd advise you take it easy though with your hand for a bit if you can." He tells her.
"Thank you." She responds, standing up to leave with her hand that is bandaged and taped "Wait1" The doctor calls. "Uh, yes?" She answers, worried.
"Why'd you see me? I treat Wolf patients, your Human..." He tells her. "There are Human Doctors here, Meifwa ones too... It says your a Wolf on your paperwork? Why's that?"
"Oh, that... Paperwork error, I keep telling them, but it hasn't been fixed I guess." She lies.
"Oh, I see." Says the doctor as he adjusts his glasses. "Well, have it fixed when you can. Good luck, Nicole, take it easy and please enjoy the rest of your day, you're free to leave." Smiles the Doctor as he shows her out into the waiting room. She walks into the waiting room to see Neo waiting there with Lacey.
"How'd it go?" Lacey questions, standing up. "Fine, not broken." Nicole tells her, clutching a thin package in her other hand that the Doctor gave her. Neo takes it from her hastily, slipping it, into his back-pack before Lacey asks questions about Nicole's X-ray. "That's good, anyway, it's the end of school now. I can drop you both home?" She offers warmly as she gestures for them to follow her out the door of the ER to her car as she clutches a cream coloured purse.
"I'm so glad your hand is okay, not broken, I was worried little Sis." Neo states, walking up to Nicole and slides an arm around her shoulder, leading her outside.
"You take care of her, okay?" Lacey says to him. "Of course!" Neo smiles as they head to Lacey's car.
Nicole leans back against her bed, doing nothing in particular on her phone when she gets an alert. It's the chat group her friends have, some people are online. Vanilla and one number she doesn't know.
Kitty: Hey?
Vanilla-Bean: Hi! :)
??????: Hello? Who is this?
Kitty: Nicole
??????: Oh! It's Austin! Here, add my number. Here's Levi and Noah's number too.
Nicole adds them to her phone.
Austin: Added?
Kitty: Yeah.
Vanilla-Bean: Coolies! So, how's your hand and wrist?
Austin: Yeah! I'm sorry my stupid brother wasn't aware of his stupid surroundings...
Kitty: It's okay.
Austin: You sure? Actually, hey, I'm actually in the area. Do you want me to swing by and pick you and Vanilla up?
Vanilla-Bean: I'd love that, I'm sick of being surrounded by my family right now, but Nicole's brother might not like you picking her up...
Kitty: He isn't home, he went to work.
Austin: What? And just left you home, alone while you're semi-injured?
Kitty: It's just a hand...
Austin: That's no excuse!
Vanilla-Bean: Austin, shut it...
Austin: Do you and Vanilla want to come over? I WILL pick you up <3
Vanilla-Bean: Yeah, okay, fine.. Just come pick both of us up, I won't push the envelope.
Austin: Thank you.
Kitty: Might as well :/
I have nothing happening, just chilling at home in my room right now, doing stuff, one-handed.
Austin: Cool, see you both soon. I know where Vanilla lives, but can you text me your address in a private message directly? Just don't want it to be on display for the whole group chat to see, ya know?
Kitty: Yeah...
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