The Alpha of Wolf class takes a deep breath in, trying to contain his anger, but every member of his Class was swamping him, pestering him. They had questions.
"Alpha, Alpha!"
He gritted his teeth and managed his nicest 'what?' to everyone. "What happened in the corridor?" Questioned Ben. "Who was that lady?" Miranda chimed in with.
"She seemed angry!" Marnie added on.
"I don't know, it's really that simple. For what I did hear though before class started, apparently she lost her a Daughter along time ago and every business, the entire police department and council here knows who she is.
She's never given up hope that her Daughter would come back to her, alive and they all tell her the same thing that they have told her time and time again. Which is, no leads. That crazy woman is convinced one of the Students here is her Daughter, but that's silly.
Anyway, the School escorted her off the grounds and she sent in her Lawyer. If she's going to make such an accusation, she needs proof, but I feel she may have just gone crazy from the stress perhaps." Alpha shrugs. "Now that, that's out of the way, is there any other questions?"
Everyones shakes their head so he orders them to all go back to their seats and so does he and not a moment later, the Teacher comes into the classroom with his hands on Nicole's shoulders and Neo walks with his hands in his coat pockets.
"Hey, class. Sorry that I'm late, we just had a bit of uh- problem, but it's sorted now. Nicole, Neo, please take your seats." The teacher says, letting go of Nicole. Neo locks eyes with her, narrowing them and cocks his head in the direction of their desk. Embarrassed, she takes her seat and hunches up, feeling scared of Neo who's sitting on her left side and the Alpha who is bullying her on the right, it's like she's blocked in more or less.
"Why were you late, silly spud?" The Alpha whispers to Nicole who looks down at her hands in shame and then she snaps, slamming her hands on the desk, standing up furiously which steals the attention of the Teacher who had started to write today's lesson on the chalkboard.
"Will you stop with calling me names?! I hate it!" Nicole cries and then Neo stands up suddenly, squinting his eyes at his 'Alpha', but he doesn't say anything. "Collin, knock it off. Your Father would be ashamed to hear how you're behaving wouldn't he?" The teacher lectures. "Collin?" Nicole questions, blinking. Nicole sighs and rolls his eyes. "Yes, that's my name. Don't wear it out though." He grumbles, glaring at the teacher. Nicole sits down slowly while Neo stays standing.
"Is there a problem, Neo?" The teacher asks, raising an eyebrow. "Neo." Nicole calls out, yanking him down into his seat by his arm. "Actually, you know what? I'm fed up!" Collin says, walking over to stand infront of Neo and Nicole's desk with his hands on his hips and a sly grin. They both gulp.
"I declare you Neo to now be the Omega."
"What?!" Neo yells, standing up and promptly slams a hand on his desk. "You heard me, you're the Omega now." Collin responds, shrugging while still smirking. "What does that mean?" Nicole questions, looking up from where she's siffing as the class starts whispering and laughing at Neo.
"Let's just say that he's now 'the lowest' of the class, silly spud and even you are higher than him. Hear that, Omega? Even your Sister is higher than you!
We can ignore him, we don't have to listen to a word he says and we can even push him around." Collin jokes, punching Neo unexpectedly and lightly in the ribs that causes him to let out a cough and his ears flick in anger while Nicole looks somewhat traumatized. "You have got to be joking! Teacher, please tell me that's he joking!" Neo begs, looking directly straight at the teacher. "I'm afraid not, Neo. The Alpha's word is final. You're now the Omega." The Teacher responds.
Neo lets out a series of ineligible splutters and just sits down at his desk angrily. "Hey, I have an idea!" Collin says, pointing straight at Nicole.
"M-Me?" She chokes out and Collin nods. "Yes, come here." He points beside him so Nicole obliges nervously. "I don't know how much this guy, your brother has taught you, but it doesn't look like much to say the least so I have an idea.
Why don't we teach her something, hey Pack?" Collin calls out, turning to look at the class who all smile and nod. "Fuck." Neo breathes and Colin produces a small rubber ball from his pocket, smirking.
"Cover your eyes, guys." Neo commands and everyone does with the exception of Neo and Nicole. "Come here." Collin says, slipping a tennis ball into Nicole's hand and slowly turns her around, positioning her to face the direction of the door that the Teacher has opened.
"Now, I'm just going to pull back your arm okay gently and slowly, alright?" He says, his hand on-top of Nicole's. "Ready?" He questions. "For?" Nicole responds, confused and Neo's eyes turn to a look of concern. "Don't you dare!" He whimpers.
"Go, get it, Pupper!" Collin calls out as he and Nicole release the ball into the hallway and Neo's eyes light up and he goes racing out the classroom on all fours, yapping.
"Ha, nice one, not bad. Wolves like toys." Collin instructs, walking away to his desk and starts to pack his books into his bag, slinging it over his shoulder. "Welp, I'm out. Cya, Teach! Cya Pack and see YOU tomorrow, silly spud!" Collin says, walking out of the classroom and the Teacher loosely throws the chalk onto his desk, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
"Well, that was eventful." He says. "Alright, class is dismissed."
Everyone starts filing out, laughing and Nicole is left behind, alone. "Nicole?" The Teacher questions, walking up to her. "Are you okay?"
"About earlier..." She trails off. "Yeah? Go on, I'm listening." He says, folding his arms and leans against a desk.
"Would you have hurt me?"
"No, not unless you were truly out of control. Do you know why we have a Wolf class?"
"The reason we have one and the reason I suspect your brother has brought you here alongside himself is so you both can better learn to control your emotions, recognize signs before things become out of control. My job is teach you all that in addition to learning anything you don't know such as the fact that chocolate is bad for Wolves.
I saw you eat it yesterday. I don't like my students saying that they aren't Wolves. Don't be so quick to reject that part of yourself, but also don't be so quick perhaps to be a Wolf either. It's important to find a middle-ground if you can. Can you do that for me? I know settling into a mainstream school after being home-schooled for the longest time is hard, but it's important that you at-least try.
Lacey says you have a month, it's basically a probation period. You can work towards sorting and solving your problems, but you need to at-least settle down somewhat. This school has rules. If you ever want to talk, my door is open, there is the Nurse and Lacey's is open too, alright? Now, I wish you a good afternoon, Nicole.
Take it easy, do something relaxing or fun. You and Neo can even do it together if you don't become sick of eachother fast, haha. Remember though, no matter how much you both feel sick of eachother, you're family and family stick together. Eachother is all you have considering the circustances you both told this School when you implored us to allow you both to enrol."
And then the Teacher leaves the classroom so Nicole packs up her stuff and leaves shortly after, walking out as she hears the bell go, signalling the end of the day. She makes her way out to her and Neo's bike. Neo's leaning against them and chewing a rubber ball in his mouth and quickly takes it out, pocketing it when he notices Nicole.
"I hate you both for that so much right now, but that actually felt so good afterwards. My jaw was tense and that helped to relieve it." He says, eyes no longer narrowed and instead wide and bright as if he's high. "Come on, get on your bike. Let's go home, I want to talk. But I'll fix us a snack first."
"Okay." Nicole responds, getting onto her bike as Neo climbs onto his. "We can't eat out?"
"Sorry, no. If I could take you out, I would Nic, but I just can't. Money's tight enough as it is. Rent, groceries. The money that I have just covers that and then there is not much left over. If I save every penny that's left over, then maybe by the time we finish School, hopefully one of us can go to University at least."
"That's thoughtful."
"What would you want to study?"
"I don't know..."
"That's okay, you have time to think about it."
And then Neo and Nicole are gone down the street, together.
In the nearest city centre, Weston draws in a deep breath as he stands infront of a sign marked: 'Social Services' and then he goes in, hoping the courage will come to him. He goes right up to the desk.
"Hello, how can I help you?" The lady at the counter smiles, turning around. He struggles to find his words.
"How about we start with your name first, sweetie?"
"W-Weston Byrant."
"And how can I help you, Weston?"
"I-I don't know."
"Are you alright? Safe at home, enough food to eat, access to healthcare, clothes, heating, shelter? A bed?"
"Who do you live with?"
"M-my Dad."
"And your mum?"
Weston shrugs, saying nothing.
"What can I help you with today, Weston?"
"M-my friend."
"Your friend? Can you tell me more?"
"S-she, well... Her brother seems... Off. I'm not saying his abusive, hurting her, but... He's a little uh- Controlling?"
"Here, write down everything you think we need to know and I'll file it and when we get to her name, I and the others here will discuss it." The lady says gently, handing Weston a form that he fills out and then gives it back to her. She reads it over and then her face falls. "If they're Wolf siblings, I cannot help you. We can not help you, this is the Human department of Family Services, Weston.
If you wish to raise a concern, you will need to take this form to our twin branch on the other side of the City."
"But I can't get there on my own and public transport scares me!"
"Again, we cannot help you. Maybe ask around and see if a Friend can drive you there? Or you can phone them if you wish. This is their number." The lady says, writing down a number on a card.
"I wish you a good afternoon, Weston. Try and make it home before it's dark, yeah?"
"I will, thank you."
"Goodbye, Weston. Best of luck to you!"
And he walks away from the desk, feeling dejected and his stomach in knots.
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