Tomorrow is an English 9 week exam, Wednesday is a Physical science 9 week exam, math and history I don’t know yet. I just hope that my history grade won’t be too bad. Oh, this Wednesday my school has homecoming parade, Thursday has a big football game, Friday I have a meeting. So busy.
History class’s time we have a suicidal lecture, the lecture said that New York’s proportion of suicides is lower than Alabama. It surprised me. I thought city’s suicide people should be greater than country’s.
The lecture mainly said what sign show you or people want suicide, what should you do if you find you or people want suicide, what made people wanna suicide. “Don’t shame them.” “You don't need to do that alone.” “ If you feel that way, it’s not normal.”
That’s right, but I think the most difficult thing is if somebody wants to suicide, we can’t understand each other’s mind. I hope everyone can live a happy life, but it’s a little hard. I wanna help, but sometimes I don’t know how to treat them the best.
Basically I am a happy person, I can imagine their thoughts, but I unlike them are deeply involved in the emotion. I think making them not involved the upset anymore is best, but most people I know mainly because of their childhood, I can’t change that, just powerless.
I finally finished my baking work, and my history work is almost done. Baking and history classwork absolutely is the hardest, I always need to spend my home time doing that. For history work I just wanna say:” You don't need to make it perfect, or you will be in pain.”
Sometimes I still waste time with entertainment that I don't need. It's really difficult to become a self-disciplined person…
明天是英語 9 週考試,週三是物理科學 9 週考試,數學和歷史我還不知道。我只希望我的歷史成績不會太差。哦,這個星期三我學校有返校遊行,星期四有一場大型足球賽,星期五我有一個會議。太忙了。
講座主要講述了哪些跡象表明你或人們想自殺,如果你發現你或人們想自殺,你應該怎麼做,是什麼讓人們想自殺。 “不要羞辱他們。” “你不需要一個人做這件事。” “如果你有這種感覺,那就不正常了。”