“Lora, wake up! The company found us!” James yells shaking Lora awake. It’s been days since they broke in but of course Lora had no idea. Why? One might ask. Lora has been asleep ever since regaining her energy it’s almost as if her body knew it needed a lot of energy for the days to come. She had awoken her hair had fallen out of her ponytail but was for some reason without knots. Lora started to quickly move and went to grab the gun on the coffee table. She checked it was loaded then retied her hair. “Who from the company is outside!” Lora yells at James who is now at the window. “Some guys from your division!” James yelled back. She thought for a moment remembering the men from her division and their weaknesses. Chuckling slightly she unzipped a bit of the front of her jumpsuit. They had a knack for putting their eyes at unneeded spots on women’s bodies. Now for the girls it would be a bit harder but Lora knew just the thing. “James do you have a 6 or an 8 pack and strong muscles arms?” Lora asked walking up to him. James nodded and Lora smiled then gestured for him to take his shirt off. He stood there for a second then did so. Indeed he has muscled arms and an 8 pack. Lora nods and opens the door. “Hello boys hello girls,” Lora said as the men looked at the unzipped portion of her jumpsuit. She saw the girls aiming at her so she quickly grabbed James and brought him outside. The girls started to gawk at him. Lora quickly shot them all. “I can’t believe they were actually in my division they get distracted so easily,” Lora says zipping up her jumpsuit. She handed James his shirt and he put it on. “How is the bullet wound?” James asked as they walked inside. Lora looked down and unraveled the bandages. It looked pretty well but obviously it wasn’t all that healed. “We need to move,” Lora said wrapping up the wound. James nods and goes to get Katy who was hiding somewhere. Lora starts packing up what little of things she brought with her then went to change. “Let’s get going!” Lora says walking out of the bathroom. The others nod and they go in Katy’s car. “Where exactly are we going?” James asks. Lora grabs her phone and throws is out the window as well as James’. “Hey! What was that for!” James yells. “They can track us dipshit,” Lora replies. “I know a place it’s engraved in my mind so don’t worry about it,” Lora says stepping out the passenger’s seat. She walks to the drivers and waits for Katy to get out. Katy nods giving the keys to her and stepping out the driver’s seat. Lora got in and turned on the car. Katy quickly sat in the passenger’s seat. “Seatbelts everyone!” Lora yells as she pulls out the driveway. Everyone buckled their seatbelts and sat there. Katy and James wondered how long this drive will be. Lora on the other hand prepared herself for 24 hours of non-stop driving.
“Lora you’ve been driving for 10 hours how much longer of this?” James asks groaning in the backseat. Lora rolls her eyes and continues driving. James sighs and takes Katy’s idea of going to sleep.
“Lora you’ve been driving for 20 hours can we please take a pit stop!” James yells. Lora sighs and continues driving. James keeps yelling about discomfort as Katy turns up the radio to drown him out.
“We’re here!” Lora yells as she pulls into a secluded tiny house in the middle of a forest. The rode was dirt and it didn’t have a garage. “What is this place?” Katy asks. “Welcome to my family owned cottage, it’s been in the family for 415 years,” Lora says turning off the car and stepping out. “It has been through a bit of maintenance like plumbing and electricity but most of what you see is how my ancestors built it!” Lora says spinning around taking in the scents. Katy and James look around taking in the scenery. Lora grabs her things then walks inside. The others soon followed and found a small living room with a kitchen connected. “There is only one bedroom and bathroom but the couch is a pullout!” Lora says. Someone walks out of a room and walks up right next to Lora. “Oh! Yes! Meet my fiancé Jeremiah!” Lora says excitedly which is totally out of character for her. “Hi, I’m Jeremiah Conley and I am 27,” Jeremiah says sticking his hand out. Jeremiah has hazel eyes, deep brown hair, tan skin and slightly pink lips. “I’m James, and this is Katy Lora never told us about a fiancé or anyone in fact,” James says shaking his hand. “Hard to tell you anything when we’re running from the company and trying to figure out why someone killed my little brother,” Lora says awkwardly. Once the introductions were done Lora went into one of the rooms to sleep. Though once she went inside the others heard a scream.