“James finally it took you forever to get here…” she says as she turns around. Lora stands there pointing a gun at this girls head. The 2 of them are in a small office with only 1 window with a desk facing that window. The girl is wearing a black leather jacket with a crop top saying ‘I always win’ and short jean shorts. The girl’s hair was black with a bob cut. “Who are you?” The girl asks Lora holding her hands up. “James! Are you sure this is her!” Lora yells. James walks in and has a surprised face. “Lora… put the gun down this is my friend,” James says and puts his hand in the gun pointing it down. Lora puts her gun in her waistband. The girl puts her hands down. Lora sticks her hand out and says, “Lora Croft.” The girl hesitatingly shakes Lora’s hand and says, “Karly Laffe.” Lora chuckles and says, “As in laugh?” Karly glares at Lora. “Anyway let’s talk somewhere more private,” James says.
“That’s absolutely absurd!! You want me to hack into police records!” Karly yells at James. They are currently in an alleyway with the cameras shot out. The ally looks abandoned per usual. “Yes now do you accept or not,” Lora says annoyed. “I guess I mean it’ll take a bit but I’ll do it,” Karly says fidgeting with her jacket. “Great you start now call me if you need anything,” Lora says putting her helmet on and rides away on her motorcycle.