“Lora!” James yelled immediately going into the room. There was a dead body on the floor her head was chopped off and set on the dresser. The body itself I was half covered in a blanket while what you could presume to be her clothes were in the corner. “What the hell did he do,” Lora said enraged leaving the room shouting curses left and right. James just stood there his eyes wandering to the head of this poor woman. Only to recognize the face. It was Katy’s eldest sister. “How did this happen?” James asked himself as he covered the body and wrapped the head in her clothes. He stepped out of the room to find Lora beating her fiancé up. Katy stood there in shock not knowing what happened. “Katy he beheaded your eldest sister,” James said his voice without feeling as his eyes just watched the fight. Katy burst into tears and fell to the floor. “Lora, I think you killed him,” James said putting his hand on her shoulder. “He murdered her when he told me would never ever kill someone again. He said once I killed Carson we would finally be rid of everything that we could get married,” Lora said crying. It was unusual for Lora to cry for someone as insignificant as Jeremiah but she was hurt. Nobody but Lora and Jeremiah knew that the 2 had met in foster care. They had bonded but then they got a job at the company. Becoming the best of the best. Jeremiah fell in love with Lora, she didn’t feel the same but she pretended she did. They were meant to be the best but Jeremiah left the company for a normal life and promised to never kill. Lora wanted revenge so he waited till she got it. He must’ve gotten bored waiting then. “Lora, the woman was Katy’s eldest sister,” James said walking over to Katy. She had fallen asleep so James picked her up and laid her on the couch. James then picked Lora up and set her on the recliner. He looked at Jeremiah’s body, his face almost unrecognizable. While the 2 women slept James started to cram the bodies and the cottage.
Finished with house cleaning James went to make himself some dinner. Until he heard a knock on the door. Naturally he grabbed the gun off the side table and cautiously went to the door. He opened it gun behind his back. To find a man most likely somewhere in his twenties. “I’m here to talk to my sister where is she,” the mystery man said. Katy didn’t have any brothers James had thought. Unless it was…
A/N: That’s a finished short story! Tell me if you want a second book!