Pregnant? The woman was pregnant? That’s all Lora could think about as she saw blood come out the bullet wound in her head. She killed a pregnant lady? Silence filled the room as Carson sobbed and shook his fiancé. “You know… that wasn’t my fiancé that was my little sister. She posed as my fiancé to try and catch my killer. The one thing she knew was that I was alive. That’s all she cared about her big brother was alive and going to help her take care of the baby, since the father died,” Carson finally said getting up from his sister’s body. “Sister…? Seems we’re even now aren’t we Carson? We both killed one another’s younger sibling,” Lora said turning away to wipe tears. “How can you be so senseless!” Carson yelled at her. “Oh don’t forget you killed my brother too!” Lora yelled, turning to face him. She looked at his seeing the pain in his eyes, remembering that pain as well then shot his leg and walked out the room. Walking back to the staircase she realized she still needed intel. She went back to the office. Looking around she opened a drawer filled with USB drives some labeled and some unlabeled quickly she grabbed them all, putting them in her bag. The computers were open so she sent all the files to a private email address Katy made. She took one good look around the room she once called hers then left. Carson had crawled outside the room she left him. He was facing the stairway. Paying him no mind walking down the stairs until she heard him say something. “I guess I know how it feels to lose someone you love. Is that how it felt when you lost your little brother?” Carson had asked groaning in pain. “Shut up,” Lora replied walking over to him. She ripped a piece of her sleeve off and used it to gag him. Nodding in approval she turned around leaving the bleeding billionaire trying to yell.
“Where have you been?” James asked as Lora walked in. It was already daylight and Lora was exhausted her wound stopped bleeding a bit but with her adrenaline gone it hurt a lot. “Get me some pain meds, and bandages. Also some rubbing alcohol to clean the wound,” Lora said completely ignoring James while turning to Katy. She nodded then ran off. “What happened at that place?” James asked helping Lora to the couch. She just looked at him then gave him the bag full of USB drives. He nods dropping it then went to put the bag in the office. Once Katy got back with the medical supplies Lora quickly started cleaning and bandaging her wound. James and Katy just sat there waiting for an explanation. “I know you guys want to know things. So I’ll say the only important things Carson is alive, his fiancé is actually his sister that is pregnant, and I killed that sister,” Lora said then went back to her wound. The 2 sat there dumbfounded trying to take in this information. Lora laid on the couch on her good side, took a pillow and went to sleep leaving her friends in silence.