“ Lora? Lora! Are you okay?!” James asks into the ear piece. “I’m fine the bullet went through,” Lora finally replies after a minute. “Who was that other person?” Katy asks keeping her voice calm even though she was panicking. “He wore a mask over his face I don’t know who he is. I did knock him out so I should be fine from here,” Lora replies. “You got shot!!! What do you mean ‘I should be fine from here’ come back! We can help with the wound!” James practically yells into the ear piece. “James I cant they’ll go on high alert,” Lora replies. Lora starts to rip a piece of her clothing off and uses it like a rag. She puts pressure on the wound which hurts a bit, but with the amount of adrenaline she has she can’t feel much pain. “Lora is right, James she has to get the information,” Katy says with a sigh. James walks into Katy’s office and just looks at her and Katy stares back. After a long moment of Lora sneaking through the house while Katy and James have a staring contest? Katy wins the staring contest I think? James nods then walks out the room. Oh I get it now it was a fight for dominance! Alright alright I’m going back to narrating!
Lora is subconsciously walking to her room as she looks around the house, taking in everything that changed. She walked upstairs and looked at where her room once was. The door was placed back on the hinges and the curtain from the front is gone. Opening the door she sees what looks like an office and a bedroom. On the right wall where her posters and bed once were there was a desk that almost touched either wall on the side. On the desk were 5 monitors and one keyboard and mouse. “Ah took you long enough to finally find me,” someone with a man’s voice said touching her shoulder. Lora stood frozen she knew that voice but it couldn’t be he was dead! “Cats got your tongue? Would’ve thought you’d be questioning how I’m alive,” he whispers into her ear. Lora took out her ear piece and put it in her pocket. Katy and James had fallen asleep having their ear pieces out so the ear wouldn’t get hurt. “You’re meant to be dead,” Lora says releasing a shaky breath. “Well you should've tried harder if you wanted to kill me,” the man says before walking around to meet her eyes hand still on her shoulder. Lora gulps and looks away using her hand to go for her pistol. “Not so fast,” he said grabbing the pistol before her. Using the barrel to move her head to look at him. Letting out a frustrated sigh she looks into his eyes. “Hello Carson,” is all she said. “That wasn’t very nice now was it,” he replied using the barrel of the pistol that was still in his hand to press into her gunshot wound. Lora grimaces trying not to show him her pain. “You are so mad over nothing. Now I have one question and you little doll are going to answer truthfully,” Carson says caressing her face with the hand that was on her shoulder. “I’m not going to tell you shit!” Lora yells slapping him. Carson puts a hand to his cheek to then grabs Lora’s wrist with a tight grip. “Yes you will. Now answer my question. Why did you try to kill me?” Carson asks his eyes turned into blades. “Why did you kill my little brother?” Lora asks. There seems to be a bit of shock in his eyes and he hesitates loosening his grip on her wrist. Taking this moment to grab her gun from his hand and point it at his head. “You had a brother?” Carson asks not fazed but the gun pointed at his head. “You killed him and you didn’t even know he was related to me!” Lora says putting the gun on her holster. “The little boy from the diner was your brother,” he says realizing it suddenly. Lora just nods going to the other side of the room to sit on the bed. “Lora… I didn’t know if I knew I wouldn’t have put that stupid bomb in him!” Carson says walking over to her. Lora puts her ear piece in. “It doesn’t matter whether you knew or not! All that matters is that I’m going to kill you again!” Lora yells through her tears grabbing her gun. Her hands shake as she points the pistol at him. “Lora you’re not going to shoot me right? Not again? I can help you! I can bring him back!” Carson pleads with pain in his eyes. Why did Lora want to believe him? Want me to tell you? Alright I’ll tell you. Through everything for some reason Lora fell in love with him that day. She doesn’t know how and she doesn’t know why it didn’t go away the minute he pressed that detonator. “Your right I won’t kill you I’ll kill your beloved fiancé,” Lora says standing up from the bed finally. The color drains from his face and she smirks. “No you can’t! Don’t kill her she doesn’t know anything about the diner!” Carson practically begs. The most wealthiest and successful man ever was begging on his knees. Lora walked out and went to the master bedroom. Just like she thought the woman that was Carson’s fiancé slept peacefully. Lora gulped and she pushed back tears. She pointed gun at her and shot. “Lora she’s pregnant!” Carson yelled as Lora fired the gun.