Rounding up to Katy’s house James jumps off the bike and runs up to the house. He rings the door bell as Lora hides the motorcycle in some thick bushes in the front of the house. Lora takes a good look at the house. The house was brick with a nice brown roof and a good bit of windows. Katy opens the door tired and confused. James and Lora rush inside. “What happened why are you guys at my house at what, 12 a.m.” Katy asks groggily. “The company is trying to kill us because I killed Carson David too soon apparently,” Lora replies. “What? I thought he was your rival or something,” Katy says. “That’s what I’m saying!” James cuts in. “Ok well I guess I should show what I recently uncovered,” Katy says and goes to a room which looks like an office but hacker style. The others follow closely as Katy gets into the office chair and types in something on her computer.
Clicking onto a folder Katy beckons them over. Katy opens a news article that reads ‘Carson David And Mystery Girl Survive A Bombing At The 30’s Diner’ with highlighted sentences and words. Lora gulps and James looks at her. “What does this article has anything to do with finding out why he killed my brother?” Lora asks her voice shaking. “Read the highlighted bits,” Katy answers. Lora and James read the highlighted bits and when they finish James gasps. “So you’re saying that Lora’s little brother was not only killed in the explosion but also had a toxin in his system,” James says. “That’s what it is officially, but in reality in his system was the bomb,” Katy says pulling up another document.
The document was a picture of the 11 year old boy’s body with his stomach blown up so much you could look at where his stomach was and see the other side. Lora about to throw up looks away with tears in her eyes. “Oh my god he’s almost in 2 halves and that gaping hole where his stomach is,” James says horrified. “Carson put the bomb in your little brother Lora,” Katy says looking at Lora whose back was turned from the others. “How? How did that bastard sneak into MY home and put a bomb inside my little brother,” Lora says turning back to them tears running down her cheeks. “That I dont know but what I’ve found out that the bomb was a prototype. It is a type of bomb that gets put in a food and then when someone eats the food it goes through the digestive system and sits in the stomach growing waiting for it to be detonated,” Katy says. “So with a scale like that to blow up a whole diner it would mean that it was in that kid’s stomach for months maybe even a year,” James adds. “9 months 27 days 13 hours and 15 minutes so the exact time your brother ingested the bomb was at 9:30 p.m. on April 15th,” Katy says to Lora. “My birthday dinner…” Lora says. They all go silent. “A waiter came by and refilled his drink I thought I saw him put something into his drink but I didn’t think anything of it. Come to think of it he looked a lot like… Carson,” Lora adds. “The only question is why? Why did he do it?” Katy asks. There’s a silence again the question hanging in the air.