Taking her phone out of her pocket once she gets into her room she flips through pictures of her family. Lora almost starts to cry until a knock is heard on her door. Wiping her eyes she gets up and opens the door. “Director? What are you doing here?” Lora asks confused. “Lora you shouldn’t have killed him,” the director says blankly. She just stares at him deeply confused. “We needed him ALIVE!” He yells grabbing her neck. Lora, who’s adrenaline was pumping, started kneeing the director’s gut. This made him let go of her neck to clutch his gut. “Sorry old man can’t undo the past,” she replies then kicks his nose breaking it. “Are you sure about that,” he mutters then loses balance and falls. Hitting his head on the hard concrete he goes unconscious.
Quickly grabbing her duffel bag under her bed she starts to leave the room. Then remembers her gun in a side panel of the wardrobe and quickly grabs it. Sidestepping the director’s unconscious body she runs to the reception room. Getting there and startling the receptionist she pants. “Where is James’s room, James Darnwick where is it,” she pants out of breath from sprinting across the building. After some typing on the computer the receptionist says, “Room 3B 4th sub-level.” She nods and continues sprinting throughout the building to his room.
“James! Open up!” Lora yells banging on the door. The door opens to show a tired James. “Get you stuff now we have to go,” Lora says out of breath. “What the hell? What do you mean we have to go?” James asked. “I’ll explain later get your stuff now,” Lora says. James says something under his breath then grabs his things. “Great let’s go,” Lora says grabbing his arm. They turn down a corridor to see guards running down.
They turn around and take a different way. Every direction guards were coming. “Hold onto my waist,” Lora says. James looks at her for a second then grabs her waist. Lora grabs a grappling hook from her belt and shoots it at the ceiling. “Lora!!! What the hell are you doing!” James yells concerned. “Just shut up!” Lora yells back. The ceiling was the ceiling of 3 stories meaning it was open with balconies.
Guards start running at them trying to grab them. Lora one handed grabs her pistol and starts shooting the guards while with her other hand holds firmly on the grappling hook as they ascend to the ceiling. James holds firmly onto Lora screaming something along the lines of “Your a psychopath!” Lora swings them onto a floor and they run to the stairs. Quickly running up the flight of stairs they meet 2 guards. Lora tries to shoot them but she’s out of bullets. Cursing under her breath she throws the gun at them as the run to meet them. One trips and falls down the stairs. An audible snap could be heard. “You killed him!” James yells. The other guard runs down the stairs and Lora meets him halfway. They start fighting while James goes for the gun. “Lora! Do you have another round!” James yells over the screams of pain from the guard. “I’m my bag!” Lora yells back punching the guard in the face. James rummages through her bag and reloads her gun. “Catch!” James yells at Lora tossing the gun at her. Lora catch’s it and shoots the guard in the chest.
The two finish running up the rest of stairs till they get to ground level. They burst through the door and run. Running out the double doors of the building they get onto Lora’s motorcycle.