I think I'm going to need about a thousand baths before this fish smells goes away. I will not recommend laying in a box full of fish for a full day any time soon. Even if I do get free, no one in a one mile radius will even get close to me if this keeps up.
Just from looking outside of the box through the tiny hole makes it obvious that it's really hot outside. Being inside a box gives me shade and the fish are kept pretty cool, I think there's ice on the bottom or something, so I guess it's not all bad.
Every once in a while one of the crew will walk close by, and those are the times I really hold my breath. I don't even want to know what would happen if I got caught. Maybe they'll kill me, maybe they'll bring me back to the Doctor. To be honest, I much prefer death at the moment.
I try to ration out the food and water I stole back in the kitchen storage. I only take small sips every now and then, really only when I'm especially thirsty. When my stomach starts to growl louder than is comfortable, I eat one or two crackers. There's still plenty to eat, and I guess I could eat the fish raw if I really have to, but better safe than sorry.
I'm crazy for thinking this, but there is one thing I miss about the lab. I really have this craving for playing that piano, and I wish I could just play one song. Maybe there will be a church somewhere on the island we're going to that has one.
I just thought of something. After I escape, what am I gonna do next? I guess I have to run away for a little while, just to make sure Viper and the Doctor don't find me, but what about after? Can I actually find somewhere I could call home? Will I make friends? Will I have a family again?
Even though it's been so long, I still miss Madeline. I remember when she helped teach me to read and write. She was the nicest sister I could ever ask for, even if I didn't get to be with her that long. Every day it gets a little harder to picture her face, and that scares me.
When I get to the island, the first thing I'm going to do is clean myself up and look for some better clothes. That probably means I'll have to steal again, but I have to do what I have to to survive. I don't have Kitten or Stick or Madeline or anybody to help me anymore.
I'm all alone.
It's really hard to tell time in this box. I keep thinking it's morning or the afternoon, and then it will suddenly get dark! I think the first thing on the agenda will be taking a proper nap somewhere safe. I keep dozing off for a little while and then waking back up, so my sleep schedule is all messed up.
I can kinda hear the men on the ship through the box. Sometimes I can pick up on conversations when the voices get close enough. So far, I've been able to learn that the crew calls the ship Ol' Betsy. Eddie has a penchant for chewing tobacco, Walter can't whistle in tune to save his life, and whoever the captain is never comes down to the main deck. The crew swear a lot. And I mean a lot! I've learned a lot of new words and phrases in case I ever need to use them.
I also learned that the boat should be landing on the island in about two or three days. That's good, since I don't know how long I could last stuck in a box full of fish. I'm bored all the time.
Luckily, I still have plenty of food and water, so I won't die of starvation. That would be just great, to die in a box of fish.