What the hell kind of place is this? These tests, or whatever they want to call them, are sickening. I'm starting to think these guys aren't medical doctors. I don't know much about medicine, but even I know some things shouldn't be done to a human.
They took me to this room without any lights inside and told me to stand in the corner. Then they shut the door and left me alone! I started to panic and looked for the door again but it was so dark I couldn't find it! The walls and floors were so cold.
I started crying out for someone but nobody heard me. Or they heard me and did nothing. I couldn't stop crying after that. I kept thinking I saw things in the darkness but I couldn't really tell if they were real or not. One of them looked like a person with huge claws...I think.
It must have been hours before they came and got me. I was starving and cold and lonely. The Doctor came to get me and told me that they had made progress on my sickness. I kept trying to kick him but the nurses held me back. After that, they kept talking about me like I wasn't even there! They used the word subject a lot.
I told the Doctor to never leave me alone like that again and he said he promised he wouldn't. When I yelled at him to say sorry, he did. But he didn't look like he really meant it. Then they took me back to my room. I'm starting to remember where all the hallways lead, so maybe I can find my own way around one day.
This place is really starting to scare me. I hope I don't have to stay that long.
The Doctor found out about my journal. I thought he was gonna take it from me but he actually told me I was doing a good job. I think he called it...documentation or something. Anyways, he said that it was important to my recovery that I write everything down. He even gave me a new pencil to use since mine was started to get really small. Then he patted my head and left my room.