February 2, 2005
This new island is pretty depressing. Everyone in the town wears black for a whole week when one person dies. Too bad they have a rather large population of elderly folks. It seems like they never wear anything else.
I managed to talk my way into getting a room at the inn. The landlord readily gave me free room once he realized I was a travelling merchant for the king of New Mibia. He had smiled widely and ushered me into the biggest suite available, jabbering on about what a beautiful country New Mibia was and how he loved to go there in the spring time.
Knowing that New Mibia didn't exist, I didn't correct him. If he thought he was making a good impression with someone close to royalty, who was I to get in the way? Besides, I really wanted to use these hot baths he kept describing.
The harbor isn't that big; I thought I counted eight or ten boats docked at one time. The seamen lounged around the harbor, more often than not by a bar, as if fishing were more of a pastime than a living. Their eyes took in their surroundings steadily, and I doubt they would ever be surprised about anything.
I landed my small boat on the opposite side of the town-the slums serve as a good cover since no one ever goes there willingly. I was able to hire a young man, too skinny for his own good, to guard the boat. Normally I would worry that someone like that would go back on their word, but when he heard my promise of 500 beli and a good meal when I came back I knew I could trust him.
He reminded me of myself, when I was still on the streets with Kat. I found I couldn't look at him for too long. It hurt too much.
My rucksack has a small hole in it. Right on the bottom. I double checked that all my stuff was there, in case I had accidentally dropped something. Thankfully, nothing was missing. I'll have to get a patch for it somewhere.
My clothes are getting too worn: my shoes are too small now, the jacket has a lot of loose thread on the sleeves, and my shirt isn't as clean as it used to be. I think a visit to a clothing store is in order, and soon.
As I write, four marines are passing me by. I'm hidden in an alley right now. These sunglasses and hat help to conceal my identity too. They didn't see me at all and kept walking. My run-ins with the marines are becoming more frequent-they occupy most of the islands I land on, but thankfully no one's recognized me up to this point.
Last month, the Doctor appeared on a news broadcast yesterday. The town center set up a large screen and projector with large speakers on either side. The mayor ordered that all citizens be in attendance, travellers and tourists included. Once everyone had gathered, the screen lit up with the face of the man I wished so badly to kill.
"Citizens of the Grand Line, this is a precautionary announcement." He said. The crowd started to murmur. "An extremely dangerous criminal has escaped confinement. The Marines are doing everything in their power to recapture this individual, but they cannot do it alone.
"It is the duty of every citizen to his country and the world to aid authority in finding this delinquent as quickly as humanly possible." My picture then appeared on the screen, accompanied by the words 'Last Known Location: Ismara.'
"She is to be considered armed and extremely dangerous. If spotted, please report your location to the nearest Marine officer. Do not, I repeat, do not attempt to interact with her or stop her yourself. Your safety is our top priority."
The screen then went black and the noise from the crowd rose in volume. I remember subtly edging towards the back of the crowd and away from the searching eyes of the people. No one's approached me or asked me any questions so I think I haven't been found out.
Now that the whole town is on edge though, it would probably be best to leave soon.