I'm really hungry, and it's starting to get cold.
The people act really nice to each other, but they are always rude to the kids on the street. Sometimes they kick us aside and curse us out.
The weather is getting cold, and I don't have a jacket. I hope I can find one in the trash somewhere. If I don't, I'll have to steal one.
I don't wanna steal. My stomach grumbles and it makes me do bad things. Joshua says hunger makes you smarter and better at surviving. He helps the poor kids on the street, and he's really good at stealing. One time, he stole the belt from around a man's waist while he was talking to him.
I'm not good at stealing. If I get caught, they beat me. My face still hurts from when the woman hit me. I'm getting better, I can steal from food stands sometimes.
My shoes are breaking, they don't fit anymore. I still have to wear them, and my feet hurt. But the ground is cold. It hurts to walk on the cold ground too.
I miss Madeline. She would know what to do.