Sitting on the roof, I stared up at the sky. Why did they have to destroy it?
I saw the red flashes, like a hundred balloons falling in the air. They screamed as they did, so desperately close to hitting the ground where people lived and smiled. Mama held me tight. She didn't think this would happen. She wanted to go to the roof herself to see if what the news said was real. There were tears coming from her eyes as we embraced.
I frowned. I'd seen fireworks before. I knew they were dangerous. But I didn't know what these were. They didn't explode in the air. Maybe they explode on the ground. I thought.
My eyes were locked on these strange yet destructive fireworks. They passed through the stars and above the clouds. Even above the moon. It was so dazzling that mankind could make it up to the stars once again, even if they were going back down. I considered again why these fireworks would make Mama cry. Sure, they might be deadly, but they weren't landing here. Perhaps I underestimate the size of fireworks.
The cold wind brushed my face. The winter frost stung on my body, but I wore my comfy coat so I was okay.
Mama's hand started to shake. She was crying uncontrollably now, as I saw the fireworks go ever so closer to the far-off city. "I love you." I smiled, happily receiving my mother's warmth on the chilly night. Is this the end? A part of me wondered. I didn't even know how to comprehend that question. I could only answer back to Mama: "I love you too," and watch as the fireworks hit the city.
I felt the Earth tremble. I had never been in an Earthquake before. I almost jumped out of excitement. But then I saw the mother of all fireworks. It was so loud I felt my eardrums burst. I almost screamed, but I stopped myself so that Mama wouldn't worry. A giant plume of red and gray dust touched the air, and I saw a distant ring of debris come ever so closer.
Mama grabbed me tight, pointing me the other way so that I wouldn't have to see the firework anymore. I heard it getting louder and louder, even though my hearing was bad. I wanted to protest, but Mama's fear drove me to sit still. "Close your eyes." I did so, feeling Mama's warmth as she grabbed my whole body.
I would never open them again.