Chapter Eleven883Please respect copyright.PENANA0BIn75AkOD
“Aaaachooo!” Carlos’ sneeze echoed through the eerie atmosphere of the snow-covered camp. 883Please respect copyright.PENANAQjxZPMvpe4
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I turned to the kid, wide-eyed. We couldn’t afford anyone to get sick. Carly had barely started searching for the plants she needed for the medicine and she haven’t even created a new one. Since all her notes were destroyed by the storm, she was back to square one.883Please respect copyright.PENANAwOWVRkFFpV
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Carlos sneezed again. Carly ran up to him and walked him towards the main cabin where all of us have been staying for the past two days. Annie, who looked like Rudolf with a red nose, followed Carly. 883Please respect copyright.PENANAguwbA7e8ak
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Oh dear, two kids with a cold.883Please respect copyright.PENANAhosubFwqRc
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If Carly wouldn’t be able to do anything fast, the chances of it spreading was huge or, hopefully I’m overreacting, but there’s also the possibility of the cold worsening into something more severe. Carly’s healing abilities never worked on illness. She was limited to healing wounds and that depends on how fatal it was. Since, thankfully, she didn’t had to practice healing deep wounds. But our lack of practice with our abilities, with the exemption of those who uses their abilities every day, would sooner or later get us killed.883Please respect copyright.PENANAqq9JygG3yk
883Please respect copyright.PENANAGrR1Dyh7He
I watched Carly led Annie and Carlos towards the main cabin where Coleen had kept a fire alive all the time. Jack was grumpy since the river had frozen up, he couldn’t control it. Though, he kept muttering about how he’ll tame the ice as soon as he got a free time in his hands. The sisters couldn’t grow a single decent plant because of the snow. So, all of us were focused on trying to build the clinic again.883Please respect copyright.PENANAu9lcCZZ5kl
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Lifting woods and other materials up the roof was easy because Griffin would just use his ability to put it there. Then, Jake would fly Drew and Steven up in the roof one by one so the two could start at it. Zoi had taken care of the small hole in the main cabin. While Tash and I were in charge of cleaning the insides of the clinic, saving anything that could be saved.883Please respect copyright.PENANAj0YO6z6hRc
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The sisters were in charge of making sure the remaining pigs were healthy and well. The chickens were a lost case. James tried to look for them inside the woods but he managed to see a pack of wolves moving through the forest. They had a safe hide-out far from us but the storm may have forced them out of it. And they were the likely suspect for the missing chickens.883Please respect copyright.PENANAgoX2iso3p3
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The next mornings were a torture. The two kids didn’t end with just a cold. We were awoken by whimpering and when Carly checked them, they were burning high with a fever. Worst, Tash and Rose started sneezing the fourth day. Carly haven’t slept properly since; trying to create a cold remedy was hard especially with snow blanketing everything she needed.883Please respect copyright.PENANA6OWA9zn5QJ
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She would always roam the woods to look for the plants she needed. But with the wolves running around, we couldn’t risk her or anyone else. So, two people would always be on guard just a few paces around the camp. Then, one would come with Carly in the woods to provide protection as she look beneath thick snow. With them spread out, rebuilding took longer. 883Please respect copyright.PENANABQisaLXLAQ
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On the fifth day, Carly returned with a grim expression. All the plants that they marked before the season changed, had died during the storm; leaving her with nothing to work at. She tried many times to heal them but it never worked. The kids’ temperature, despite the cold weather, climbed to 42 degrees. 883Please respect copyright.PENANAorATOoRNDs
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We tried everything to lower their temperature. Carly said that if their temperature reached 45 degrees it would be too late save them without proper medical attention, especially with our lack of vitamins due to limited supplies.883Please respect copyright.PENANAfcVrhseTcT
By the next morning, Rose and Tash had fallen to a fever. And we started to become desperate. Carly made a list of medicine and supplies she needed to make sure the ill would get better. Zoi and I would make the run. Actually, I would run. Zoi would stay in the truck and speed away as soon as I sat down. Drew and Steven didn’t argue because they were needed in the camp. The wolves had started to watch over us and we didn’t liked it. 883Please respect copyright.PENANAG0JOS41HQi
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“Are you ready?” Zoi asked me as he parked the truck hidden from the town.883Please respect copyright.PENANAcAEFNmeOep
I nodded my head, “I’ll be gone five minutes max. This list is damn long. If I’m not back by then, leave.”883Please respect copyright.PENANA07jBvRbI8H
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Zoi turned grim but he nodded anyway. I picked the backpack from the back seat and slung it on my shoulder and with a deep breath, I opened my door and sped away from the truck towards the town. I had the whole town memorized from all the runs I’ve made before so I wasn’t worried of getting lost. And thankfully, due to the cold and strong wind that winter brought with it, the wind that my run makes would likely go unnoticed.883Please respect copyright.PENANAUtYt6qYJRM
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Fingers crossed, I entered the town. There were a few people outside. And those that are were covered in thick, fluffy coats. I went straight to the pharmacy and opened the door; cold strong air followed me as I did, blowing some papers all over the floor. I read through the bunch of medicines and took everything I needed and I was out the door before the pharmacist even had the chance to close it. And they were none the wiser about my stealing. That is- until they started cleaning up the mess I made.883Please respect copyright.PENANASf2aGxZmxB
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Next, I ran towards the nearest clinic and did the same thing I did back at the pharmacy. Only this time, I had to be careful not to bump into anyway to not alert them of my presence. Seemed like luck was on my side today because I managed to get out of the town without anyone spotting me.883Please respect copyright.PENANARget89rNN8
883Please respect copyright.PENANAGaO3EtuvlA
I opened the door of the passenger side and slid inside. I had the door closed before Zoi noticed that I was inside. I grinned at him like a mad-woman because I got everything on the list. Rose, Tash, Carlos, and Annie would get well soon. 883Please respect copyright.PENANA6x3HGvE2Uo
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Zoi stepped on the gas and made our way towards the camp. I would take care of the tracks later after we deliver the supplies and made sure that they would be okay. When we left this afternoon, Tash had already ran a fever of 39 degrees. 883Please respect copyright.PENANATZa7o2TaFr
883Please respect copyright.PENANAlh6GzwGQNe
We didn’t parked the truck to its space, instead we stopped in front of the main cabin and Carly came out to meet us. She hurried us inside because Carlos had started to convulse. Coleen and Lily held him still to avoid hurting himself. The triplets braved the cold and stood guard outside the cabin. At the woods entrance, we’ve heard the wolves continuous howling like they were regrouping. And when we reached the camp, the howling grew louder. And we all knew what they were watching. 883Please respect copyright.PENANAtFKvoxlUND
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The cabin walls did nothing to silence the howling. Griffin nodded to us before he and Zoi went out to replace the triplets outside. Even with the medicines we gathered, we couldn’t afford to have anyone sick. Carly knelt beside Carlos and opened the bag. She looked for the one she needed and injected it to Carlos. Within minutes, Carlos stopped convulsing.883Please respect copyright.PENANA38VmM84iZf
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“It’ll only calm him down. His fever haven’t gone down yet. I need to focus on him because cold clearly isn’t his only problem,”883Please respect copyright.PENANA4WENIfHIeC
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“What about the others? Their fevers are climbing as we speak!” Coleen asked, tiredness and worried clearly heard in her voice.883Please respect copyright.PENANAxf0uX8Zxxf
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“Carlos is the one in immediate danger,” then she rummaged through the bag and gave me a bottle of medicine. “Those doesn’t need to be injected so it won’t be a problem. Give them each a spoon of that. It will lower their fever until I can treat them,”883Please respect copyright.PENANABWnpIzNV5m
883Please respect copyright.PENANA56zNHxzijD
Nodding, Coleen and I went to work. She would gently raise each head and I would make them drink the medicine. At first, they coughed it out but then I made them take it drop by drop. It was a hell lot of longer but it worked.883Please respect copyright.PENANAfYOCFdrV4i
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The triplets offered their assistant but they were clearly cold themselves so Coleen ordered them to stay by the fire and drink the hot chocolate she made. Reluctantly, the three followed. 883Please respect copyright.PENANARxwL9Zeqfd
883Please respect copyright.PENANAlxJ2QmD5Se
As soon as Coleen and I finished with our task, she went to the sink and took two half-full buckets of water and gave one to me. Then, she took two cloth from the stacked we had and threw the other to me. I nodded at her before I went to Tash and she went to Annie. Lily was already on her way to her sister.883Please respect copyright.PENANAfxbEbeXWFI
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I wet the cloth and started to wash Tash. She groaned and smiled weakly at me. I smiled at her and told her that she was going to be okay. After all, she was a stubborn one. A movement from my right took my attention and I saw James, who just finished his drink was making his way towards us. He took Tash’s hands and held it. Tash gave him a weak smile but I could see the love in it.883Please respect copyright.PENANAjiMkazeJKp
883Please respect copyright.PENANA35BjBwH2BQ
We continued on this routine. Carly had asked for assistance so, I left Tash with James and I made my way towards her. Carlos wasn’t looking any better. I sucked in a deep breath when I stared at the sleeping figure of the little boy that was always full of life. 883Please respect copyright.PENANAlHRCX5Vg5y
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The skin around his eyes were dark. But he was as pale as the moon. He was shivering and he definitely didn’t look better than he was earlier. If anything, he looked worst. Carly did everything she could. But without any real medical support, there were few she could do. 883Please respect copyright.PENANASCUVHfG6JK
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Suddenly, the howling stopped.883Please respect copyright.PENANA6TdR2Ivlgr
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Brows knitted together, I looked up at the door and I felt the others did too. Griffin barged into the door with a frantic look in his eyes.883Please respect copyright.PENANADiO1SYIv0B
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“They found us!” Griffin shouted as we heard a soft buzzing and humming.883Please respect copyright.PENANADjvSCGwxKq
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And it definitely didn’t sounded like the wolves.883Please respect copyright.PENANA1sJhxHjfxw