Chapter Twenty Two
Appearing as a normal human was something not easy as it sounded. Especially if you had eyes hat kept on swirling like it was nobodies business. I didn’t knew where the military base was so its not like I could just run ‘til I find it. So, I checked the store on my far right. It was an accessory store. They probably have sunglasses there. But it has been a whole hour and no one was coming in or out. The door wasn’t opening.
Tough luck.
I was drowned by the difference in surrounding the moment I reached the city. Gone were the cabins I grew accustomed too nor the small mansion we last lived in. Even the welcoming presence of the town we used to visit; people not included.
Instead of two story houses that usually fill the small towns, the city was full of sky scrappers. I once believed that they really reached the sky. And if you were to look up to them from the street, it would seem like it. Most of the buildings were windowless. In their place were floor-to-ceiling monitors that would show anything you pleases. Flying cars would soar here and there as they evaded the traffic on the road made by people and the remaining models of non-flying cars. I lived here a year ago, but everything now felt new and alien to me.
Like I wasn’t even here before.
But then, a movement from the road caught my attention. A group of soldiers. Laughing and singing like everything was normal. Like they didn’t just killed an innocent kid. My blood boiled at the scene. My breathing hitched as I felt the air around me swirled in tune with my heart beat.
But I let go of the anger.
At least for a moment.
I needed to find their base and these soldiers would take me to it without alerting the base’s defense. All I need to do is quietly follow them. Though, I knew it in myself that it was going to be hard. I wasn’t sure I’ll be able to do so without killing one or two of them in disgust and desperation.
The store door opened when two teenagers entered and I dashed behind them and quickly grabbed the first sunglasses my hand touched and ran towards the clothes rack and made sure to pick a couple of pairs so that I’ll be able to pick one right my size. Then, I was out the door before it even closed fully and I had to squeezed myself out of it.
I then turned into a small alleyway that looked like no one would even enter. Not if they were in their right mind. It screamed of ‘danger’ since it was narrow and dark. It looked like a mugger or a killer would appear out of the dark.
But thankfully, no one did.
I stripped of my dirty and bloodied clothes. Thankfully, my undergarments were still wearable and I didn’t had to worry about that. Besides, I forgot to stole one. I looked at my bandaged body and sigh. With a shake of my head, I knelt to the ground where I dropped my stolen clothes and looked for something that would fit me.
I settled on a black jean shorts that had some ripped part in the sides. I gawked at it. The shorts was really shorts and they still managed to put some rip in it? But then I remembered from my history class that people in 2016 wore much more revealing clothes than what was in my hands. With a sigh, I wore it and I threw on a black t-shirt that fit me perfectly. I didn’t changed my shoes since they were hardly noticeable. Then, I left the rest on the dirty ground.
Before I emerged out of the alleyway, I wore the sunglasses and I hoped that it hid my eyes perfectly. The crowd didn’t seemed to noticed me as I blended in. I followed the group of soldiers, who at close distance, were obviously drunk. I rolled my eyes at them. It was the middle of the day.
They slurped. They laughed. They sung. And they could barely walk straight. I rubbed my head in frustration. What if these soldiers don’t return to the base ‘til they’re sober? And with how they smell and act, I’d say it wouldn’t be anytime soon.
They slumped down on one of the open cafe and ordered coffees and hangover pills. I took a seat a few tables away from them but close enough that I’ll notice if they leave without an effort. A waitress rushed towards me. She had red bob hair and bright green eyes. She looked like a high school student. Probably working to support her studies.
“May I take your order?” She chirped at me and I smiled at her. She looked kind enough for me.
“A chocolate chip parfait,”
“Coming right up,” then, she clicked something on her wrist and my order appeared in front of me.
I smiled at it. Now, this was one of the few advance tech the world had discovered. It took the word fast food a little too serious. It was accidentally discovered by a scientist that was trying to build a time machine. Long story short, he never had to stand up again to get his food. Though, he never finished his time machine. But, thankfully, he created more of the fast food machine and sold them in public because it was one heck of a useful tech and I wouldn’t mind having one myself. I thanked her and she left me with a smile.
I rubbed my hands together. It has been forever since I had my favorite dessert. Well, a year and six months to be exact. But that’s like an eternity for me. Revenge or not, food comes first. It was hard to be a hungry teenager, yah know? Eating everything you could yet not fully satisfied. Like all teens, I had the curse of the endless pit for a stomach. And since I worked out, I had to consume twice the amount I used too.
I was on my third parfait when the soldiers stood up. I took some cash from the wallet I stole from the crowd and left it in the table to pay for my food. I didn’t want to get the waitress in trouble if I left unpaid. Then, I followed the soldiers who seemed sober now that they had coffee and some hangover pills.
Then, the group started to move to a road away from the crowd and my heat stopped a beat when I realized they were walking back towards their base. I was so close to my revenge that I could almost taste blood. But I was also nervous at the thought of confronting my dad.
But my greatest fear was- the possibility of seeing my mom. With the stories Saori told us of the tortures Reins experience inside, I was afraid to see my mom inside. But then- I could trust Saori little after she betrayed us. She betrayed her own brother.
The soldier turned to an alley and I jogged towards it. But when I turned, it was empty. The small, dead-end alleyway was empty. Devoid of five noisy soldiers I was following. I’ve lost them. I didn’t even noticed that they noticed me. I kicked a stone hard and my eyes grew in shock when it vanished.
It can’t be. . .
I looked around and saw a small rock behind me. I knelt down to pick it up and I threw it low in front of me. And it vanished again. I took in a deep breath and took slow steps towards it. Then, I raised my hand and saw it vanished. Though I could still feel it. I could move it.
Then, I pulled away and my hand was whole again.
Damn. . . They managed to create an invisibility shield.