Chapter Thirteen
“Kat!” I heard Zoi’s voice called as I saw black dots danced in my eyes.
My dad pushed me off of him and I fell in the snow. The coldness numbed the pain in my side and the black dots vanished. He had managed to take the gun from me and he had it pointed directly at my chest. Holding my wound, I slowly crawled away from him ‘til I back into a tree.
His lips turned up as he poised to pull the trigger. But even with my wound, I was definitely faster. I managed to take the gun back and we stumbled down again, leaving a trail of red stain on the pure white snow.
He kicked at me but I managed to avoid each one. Then I head-butted him and he groaned as his hands flew to his head. Black dots danced in my eyes again but I shook my head, which was a wrong move. Blackness covered my eyesight, leaving me blind.
Depending only on my hearing, I raised my hand to the left and fired. I heard someone fell. Then, the blackness slowly faded and I brought the end of the gun to dad’s head and rolled away from him towards the soldier I had shot and took his gun.
I can’t let dad get all my attention. I needed to help my friend. I kicked him once more and he fell to the ground. Then, I stepped over him so that he’ll stay on the ground. He squirmed under my feet but I kicked him behind his head.
I can’t kill him. Yet. I needed my answers. So, for now, he better stay unconscious. I raised my hands and pointed the gun to two of the soldiers chasing Coleen. Two gun shots rang. The two soldiers fell. Coleen turned to me and nodded before she turned towards a group running towards the cabin but spikes of ice suddenly appeared out of nowhere and stabbed them.
I turned towards the cabin door and saw Jack controlling the ice, making a spiked-fence around it. While Griffin was behind him, giving all his focus to protecting the whole cabin. At seeing Jack finally gotten a hold of his ability, his brothers left the cabin and joined in the ruckus.
I turned towards my left and saw Drew running towards one of the truck with Steven trying to blind everyone around his way. But one soldier had his aim at Drew. I took a deep breath and shot the soldier. Then, when Drew reached the truck, a soldier in front aimed his gun on him and he stayed in place. I carefully aimed the soldier through the glasses of the truck and shoot. Drew turned my way and nodded at me before he vanished inside the truck, pushing the dead driver out of it.
Dad turned around and I lost my balanced. My back hit a rock that somehow appeared out of the snow. I clenched my teeth in pain. He straddled me and hit me in the head with a rock. Pain assailed me as blood gushed out from my left temple. I tried to stand up but everything around me started to spin.
Dad laughed at me as he aimed the two guns on my head. I stared at him, daring him to shoot me. His hands wavered and I took my chance. I jumped up and gave him a spinning kick even before my surrounding spin.
The guns flew away from us as he fell to the ground again. I wavered on my feet before I jumped towards the guns the same moment he did. Thankfully, I had the speed of light in my side. Though, probably, I was slower than I really am. I managed to reach it before he did.
Still sprawled on the snowy ground, I saw a soldier behind Zoi while he was busy taking down another two that was in front of him. I aimed my gun to the soldier but dad pushed my hands before I could pull the trigger. Everything was in slow motion before my eyes as I saw the soldier pulled the trigger. I tried to push dad off of me but he was holding tight. The bullet raced through the air and hit Zoi.
“No!” I cried as I kicked dad and his gripped loosen enough that I was able to break free.
I jumped up and kicked him one more time before I ran towards Zoi who stood frozen as blood dripped to the white snow, painting it red. I rushed to him and I was able to reach him even before he could fall to the ground.
I held Zoi as he fell to the ground. My hand that was supporting his back came out bloodied. My breathing hitched and I held Zoi’s cheek. He smiled at me as he held my hand.
“I’m fine,” he whispered.
I shook my head as tears dropped down my cheeks. “No, you’re not.”
“I am,” he pressed, “You’ll see. I have self-healing. I just need time.”
A laughed escaped my throat as I punched him softly for worrying me. Then, I asked James to take Zoi inside the cabin for him to heal. Zoi wanted to stay outside but he reluctantly agreed.
James picked Zoi up without a problem and started to run towards the cabin. I covered his back. I took the guns from the dead soldiers around me and rained bullets at everyone in a camouflage. Several dropped dead at once because of the speed I was firing.
I heard Coleen screamed in pain and I spun toward her. I managed to catch her before she fell down the snow and ran her towards the cabin and had Zoi, who was in the middle of healing, take her inside. Drew had long since finished destroying any source of communication and was now helping Steven take down some of the soldiers that surrounded them.
But then, a soldier came out with a launcher in hand and fired it even before checking its trajectory. But as I followed it, I saw that it was directly coming towards the cabin. Wide-eyed, we watched the scene unfolded in front of our eyes. The rocket hit the roof of the cabin and exploded.
“No!” We all screamed.
Smokes filled the air, blinding us for a few seconds before the wind took it with it. When the smokes cleared, we saw that the cabin was whole and safe. But Griffin was kneeling down in exhaustion. Though, we were all proud of him for succeeding at protecting everyone inside the cabin.
A gun shoot ran out and I felt a piercing pain in my left shoulder. My hand automatically flew to it and blood covered it. Clenching my teeth in anger, I turned around to see who it was and saw a lone soldier behind me. When he saw me looking at him, his eyes budged in fear and started to run away. But when he turned around, he found me in front of him.
He was shaking as he slowly retreated from me. I was about to just left him be but he made the mistake of raising his gun again and aiming it at me. But before he could fire, another shoot went out and he dropped to the ground. I looked around and saw Steven with a gun. I gave him a nod before a shadow flew above me.
Frowning, I looked up and saw Jake carrying a lone soldier and dropped him to a tree where he hanged by his shirt. Jake laughed and left him there. Then, he waved at me before he passed by. I couldn’t help but shake my head, some people really do find fun things in everything.
Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw my dad stood up and limped his way towards one of the truck. There were only a handful of soldiers left but they were persistent. I ran towards dad and pulled him away from the truck before throwing him to a tree where he hit his back. I slowly made my way towards him.
“Katra!” They all called frantically.
I turned around just in time for something to explode. Heat surrounded me and I felt something stabbed me at different places before I was sent flying away from the camp and in the woods where I hit the trunk of a tree. Even before my body met the ground, blackness ruled my consciousness.