Chapter Sixteen
“How is she?” Steven asked as soon as Carly exited the clinic.
Carly smiled at him, “She’s going to be fine. But she needs a lot of rest,”
Relieved, Steven slung back into the floor and he put his head on his knees. We all looked at each other in question. We didn’t know how to comfort him; especially when we didn’t know what was troubling him. Carly knelt beside him and put a hand on his shoulder.
“You can see her if you want,” she whispered.
Steven shook his head. And I saw sadness, regret, relief, and other emotions swirling in his blue eyes that was nothing calming at the moment. He stood up and ran away from us.
“Steven!” Coleen cried but he didn’t stopped. Then she turned to us, “Maybe it’s best if we give him time,”
We all nodded. But there was nothing I wanted than to run after him. He looked so lost. Like he didn’t know what to do or feel anymore. I wanted to help him, to remind him that he wasn’t alone in his problem. A problem of one is a problem of everyone in this family. Because all we have is one another.
Coleen ushered us towards the kitchen to have something to eat. The sun had already shine and we haven’t eaten a thing yet. She and Tash had busied themselves to prepare something to eat with the few of the ingredients we had. Since the garden was just starting, there were a few plants that grew.
We made small talks as we ate. Carly said that the woman, who Steven called Sao, was badly injured but she’ll definitely heal. She had two broken ribs, a wound on the head, a sprained ankle, and definitely in much need of rest. From her looks, it seemed like she had been traveling on foot for a while.
We concluded that she was a Rein because Steven would have said it if she wasn’t. But I highly suspected that she’ll be a danger if she wasn’t. Carly made sure there was nothing in her or with her that might give our locations. So, we’re safe at the moment.
After brunch, everybody went to work. Carly returned to the clinic to keep a close eye on her patient. Lily and Rose started growing their plants. Zoi and I continued to plow manually through the ground for them to use. Tash and James were doing their rounds around the traps to set them up again if they were triggered last night. Jack and Jake were scouting by the highway to see if people passed by or stopped by near us. Griffin and Drew was fixing something inside. And Annie and Carlos were in charge of giving drinks and snacks around to everyone.
Nighttime came and Steven still haven’t returned. Everyone was already heading back to their room when Coleen called lights out. But I couldn’t sleep. Steven’s expression earlier kept coming back to my mind every time I tried to close my eyes.
Careful as to not wake the ladies with me, I wore my boots and left the room. I knocked softly on the clinic room and Carly opened the door and ushered me inside. She looked tired and sleepless.
“Why don’t you sleep? I’ll watch over her,” I said as I put a hand on her shoulder.
She yawned. “Are you sure you can take care of her?”
I nodded, “I’ve been doing a lot of reading from your remaining books. Besides, if something came up and I can’t take care of it, I’ll be in your room fast.”
She laughed at me and told me she’ll take me up on my offer and after one last check on her patient, she said good night and left the room. I waited ‘til I was sure she was already on her room. Then, I stood up from the chair and walked silently towards the bed.
Now that she was cleaned, I could see that she was very beautiful. She had silky blond hair and a fair skin that received tanning from her possibly long expedition that brought her here. Her body was naturally petite but she also had the look of someone who haven’t had a decent meal for long. And as I stared at her, I saw the face of someone I know.
Now I understood why he looked like that. When we escaped one year ago, we didn’t bother to return to the city we’ve came from to look for any family members. We’ve accepted the fact that any Reins on the city would have been dead from the attacks. And we were too afraid to even near the city where our peaceful life ended.
I heard someone walking in the hallway. Someone who seemed to be dragging their feet just to arrive at their wanted destination. My gosh, why does everything reminds of the undead?
I shook my head of the thought and waited for the door to open. When it did, it revealed Steven looking worse for the wear. He looked shocked that it was me he found in the room but then he shook his head and slumped down on the couch. Then, he put his head on his hands.
I slowly walked toward him and knelt in front of him as I put a hand on his shoulder but he didn’t lifted his head even when I squeezed his shoulder gently. “You can tell me anything, you know,”
He lifted his head and looked at me. My breath was caught in my lungs when I saw his eyes. Guilt and shame was eating him up. And it didn’t looked like he was winning. I gave him a soft smile as I encouraged him to speak to me.
My heart broke for him.
“I’ve-I’ve left her, back- back when. . .” he whispered. His voice breaking.
“Hey, hey,” I hushed him gently, “There was nothing you could have done,”
He shook under my hand as he cried. “No, it was my- my fault. I didn’t- I didn’t- came back for her,”
“You wouldn’t have known she survived.”
“I should have known!” He said his voice rising a tone before he caught himself.
I pulled him toward me and hugged him tight with all my might. He cried on my shoulder as a way of letting his pain go. I didn’t speak as I tried to comfort him as best as I could. I could feel him tightening his hold on me as if I was the only one holding him to reality.
He continued to cry for I didn’t knew how long before he leaned away from me and leaned on the couch. But he didn’t let go of my hand. He looked more at lost than before. His guilt was taking control of him and I didn’t know what he’ll do if it continues.
“Steven,” I gently called him and didn’t continue ‘til he looked up me. “Tell me, what do you see on that bed?”
With tears in his eyes, he looked over the bed and his tears started to stream down his face again, “My sister, broken.”
“In pain, maybe. But she’s not broken.”
Steven looked at me befuddled. His brows forming a straight line. I raised my free hand to smooth-en the lines between his brows before I looked at his sister, “You see, people are a mystery. We can be hurt physically but be fine on the inside. Or vise-versa,”
“Then she’s-“
“Let me finish,” I gently cut him off. “Your sister is very hurt physically right now. But those will heal in time. Emotionally? Only she knows how hurt she is inside. She’s in pain inside, no doubt.”
“You’re not helping,” Steven groaned.
“Because I’m not yet finished,” I said as I put a finger on his mouth to silence him. “A person will never be broken. Especially if she has someone to lean into. You’re here. We’re here. We’ll help her heal.”
“But what if she’s mad at me for leaving her?” He asked like a child afraid of getting scolded.
I gave him a soft smile, “Mad, she will be.” His eyes widened in shock and I patted his hand that was holding mine. “But it won’t be you she’s mad at. It will be the world. And she’s going to need your help,”